IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » nursing » Graduate » Degree Programs » PhD in Nursing » Pre and Postdoctoral Study

PhD in Nursing Science

Postdoctoral Study

Several training opportunities exist to provide you a continuum of education:

  • Behavioral Cooperative Oncology Group (BCOG), Center for Symptom Management Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
  • Training in Research for Behavioral Oncology and Cancer Control Program - R-25 Fellowship
  • Training in Behavioral Nursing Research (T32) Fellowships

These fellowships provide you with opportunities to conduct research alongside mentors in your chosen area of focus. Our goal is to help you reach your career goals in the healthcare profession and prepare you to meet the lifelong challenges and possibilities you will face as nurse researchers. More information is available at the IU School of Nursing Pre-and-Postdoctoral Training web page.

Last updated March 2022