IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » liberal-arts » Courses » Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)


Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)
  • NAIS-N 101 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies (3 cr.) Introduction to NAIS is an exploratory course that is an interdisciplinary approach to understanding contemporary Indigenous experiences. Strongly rooted in social justice education and scholarship, this course provides an introduction to the historic and contemporary perspectives on the social, political, economic, and cultural issues of Indigenous peoples
  • NAIS-N 207 Introduction to Native American History (3 cr.) This introductory course surveys the history of Native peoples of North America from the earliest times to the present. It seeks to provide students with a broad understanding of Native American history, prepare students for more advanced course work in Native studies, and enhance students' understanding of colonialism and American history. 
  • NAIS-N 209 Native American Culture and Communication (3 cr.) This course is designed to provide students with the tools for understanding Native American culture and communication in a variety of contexts. Through readings, lectures, discussion, assignments and reflection, students will be exposed to the fundamental definitions, concepts and theories used in the intellectual approach for analysis and reflection of Native American rhetoric and communication processes. A primary objective of this course is to empower students as they work to understand the extent to which cultural differences influence the interpretation and expression of events, ideas, and experiences. A primary goal for students this term is to learn as much as possible about the contributions of Native American cultures and communication in order to achieve a greater sense of awareness of how attitude and behavior can affect situational outcomes. 
  • NAIS-N 300 Topics in NAIS (1-3 cr.) Specialized topics in Native American and Indigenous Studies with a multidisciplinary emphasis.
  • NAIS-N 320 Indians of North America (3 cr.) The intent of this course is to introduce you to the academic study of American Indians and Native peoples. The emphasis is on "introduce" because the subject is extremely complex, and in one semester you really will only receive some basics. The perspective to be taken here is one of scholarship, not an approach that is personal or political, though certainly these approaches will enter into lectures, readings, videos and discussions. You'll be looking at the way in which academic disciplines have examined American Indian and Native cultures, traditions and histories. The viewpoints primarily will be from anthropology, but perspectives also will come from museum studies, literature, history, law, political science, and a range of other disciplines. 
  • NAIS-N 325 Indigenous Perspectives of Gender (3 cr.) Indigenous Perceptions of Gender critically examines gender and sex from Indigenous perspectives and seeks to create understanding on specific construction and concepts of gender identity, the impact of colonization on gender and sex of Indigenous people, historic tribal gender roles, and finally modern activism and contemporary Native American gender diversity.
  • NAIS-N 356 American Indian Philosophies (3 cr.) An examination of the philosophical views, themes, and implications of North American Indian traditions, with applications to a variety of cross-cultural and philosophical issues. 
  • NAIS-N 364 NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE (3 cr.) A survey of traditional and modern literature by American Indians, especially of the high plains and southwest culture areas, with particular attention to the image of the Indian in both native and white literature. 
  • NAIS-N 396 American Indian Philosophies (3 cr.) The experiential seminar is designed to demonstrate your accumulated training in Native American Studies in a single original project of your choice, subject to the instructor's approval and under the additional supervision of a faculty mentor. Although the most common way of completing this course is the writing of a research thesis of approximately 8000 words, alternate projects can be explored in consultation with the instructor of the course and the Native American Studies Director. The completed thesis or project should synthesize your learning throughout your Native Studies courses as well as an intentional and designed experience working with or for a specific Native population. The Capstone necessitates multiple drafts of your research that are subjected to heightened peer review and regular feedback from your instructor, your peers and your mentor. 
  • NAIS-N 398 Women in American Indian Religions (3 cr.) Women in American Indian Religions is a course designed to examine the roles of women in America, Indian religions and practice, and the expression the feminine aspects in their world views. 
  • NAIS-N 399 Studies in NAIS (3 cr.) Specialized and intensive studies in Native American and Indigenous Studies with an interdisciplinary emphasis. 
  • NAIS-N 480 Comparative Native American History (3 cr.) Course examines history of Native peoples in North American during both the colonial and republican periods through a comparative perspective of the Spanish/French/British empires and then the post-colonial periods of U. S. and Mexican history.