IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » liberal-arts » Courses » Global and International Studies (INTL)


Global and International Studies (INTL)
  • INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies (3 cr.) This introductory, interdisciplinary course exposes students to the various academic approaches essential to international studies and to the various concentrations that comprise the major. 
  • INTL-I 300 Topics in International Studies (3 cr.) This course focuses on the intensive study and analysis of selected international problems and issues within an interdisciplinary format. Topics will vary but will cut across fields, regions, and periods. 
  • INTL-I 400 International Studies Capstone Seminar (3 cr.) This required seminar is designed for senior majors who have completed all of the International Studies degree requirements to consolidate their studies. Students complete a project that addresses an issue appropriate to their concentration. 
  • INTL-I 415 Individual Readings in International Studies (3 cr.) Students conduct individual research projects on an international issue under the direction of a faculty member. Student and faculty member should develop a project and submit a "contract" to the department for approval.