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Journalism (JOUR)


  • JOUR-J 150 An Introduction to Sports Journalism (3 cr.) This course will explore the state and practice of sports journalism through a variety of avenues including case studies, prominent sports journalists, executives and athletes. The course will provide an opportunity for students to learn the craft of sports media by examining some of the most controversial sports stories of this decade. And, to ask the questions about fairness in coverage, economics behind story, societal issues, and portraying characters as real people.
  • JOUR-J 345 Sports Writing (3 cr.) P: J150, J200, J210. This class will offer an overview of sports writing from its origins to its current status in the twenty-first century. The course will teach students fundamentals of the sports-writing process from information gathering and interviewing to writing and editing copy. Students will gain requisite skills for working in today's sports departments and will write and publish stories on IUPUI athletics and area professional teams and events.
  • JOUR-J 361 Issues in Sports Journalism (3 cr.) P: J150. This course will study sports journalism's key policies, trends and issues. It will examine sociological, political, legal, ethical and technological issues in college and professional sports. It will focus on current events and controversies in the world of sports journalism. This course will discuss the symbiotic relationship between sport media and race, gender, doping, steroids, sexuality and homophobia, politics and nationalism, sports fans, loyalty, violence, disability in sport, and other provocative issues.
  • JOUR-J 501 Public Affairs Reporting (3 cr.)

    This course includes lectures and roundtable discussion of problems in covering public affairs issues at the national, state, and local levels. Emphasis is on reporting on government, social welfare agencies, elections, political parties, special interest groups and other areas of general public interest.

  • JOUR-J 510 Media and Society Seminar (3 cr.)

    Probing examination of structure and functions of mass media, stressing interaction among communication agencies and other social institutions. Critical analysis of media performance and policies in light of current economic, political, social, and intellectual thought. Comparative case studies of U.S. media with other national press systems.

  • JOUR-J 540 Business of Sports Media (3 cr.)

    This course will provide a history of how sports media have evolved from radio, network television and magazines into the multi-dimensional world of regional and national cable, the Internet, the networks and other entities. Students will also explore how decisions get made and the financial implications of those decisions.

  • JOUR-J 541 Digital Sports Journalism (3 cr.)

    Students will learn how to adapt their skills in traditional journalistic platforms to the new multimedia environment, including websites and mobile devices. The course will teach students the fundamentals of writing, editing, shooting video and recording audio content for a sports website.

  • JOUR-J 542 Sports Journalism and Society (3 cr.)

    This course provides a broad understanding of how social issues impact sports and how sports impacts society. Included will be a historical overview of sports, athletes’ rights, race and gender in sports, the Olympics and international sports, youth sports, the commercialization of sports and the influence of the media on sports.

  • JOUR-J 543 Sports Law (3 cr.)

    Students will develop a basic understanding of the relationship between sports and the law and of the basic concepts of major legal issues—antitrust, labor, contract and intellectual property—in sports today, while translating that knowledge into analytical reporting on those subjects.


  • JOUR-J 545 Sports Writing (3 cr.)

    This course is an intensive, in-depth and practical instruction on reporting and writing for print, magazines and the Web. This course will include a broad range of sports writing, from long-form narrative for magazines to twittering on the Web. It also will explore the essentials of beat reporting, with experiential learning at live press conferences and events.


  • JOUR-J 546 Sports Journalism Research (3 cr.)

    This course is all about learning the reporting techniques necessary to conduct effective research, and then distilling, evaluating and interpreting information to provide an accurate public service to readers.  The topic is sports, but these reporting, research and advanced analytical skills are necessary for any journalist aspiring to excellence.  The research results and database will be published by the end of the semester.

  • JOUR-J 547 Sports Broadcast Journalism (3 cr.)

    Sports Broadcasting has been an essential part of traditional media, but its skills are now transitioning into new forms of an on-line reporting through video and audio reports and features.  This class will examine the best practices of television and radio reporting, and analyze how those skills can be effectively translated to digital mediums.  It will focus on the differences between writing for audio and video broadcasts, examining how to use word pictures to develop imagery in radio, and developing narratives to complement video, not duplicate it.

  • JOUR-J 620 Media Coverage of Sports (3 cr.)

    This course will study sport policies, trends and issues.  From March Madness to the BCS, to Coach Crean, Coach Calipari, Mark Ingram and Brittney Griner, this course will examine athletes, coaches, events and sports media coverage.  It will focus on current events and controversies such as amateurism, competitive balance, debate over school mascots, gambling and problems in recruiting and the ensuing media coverage.