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Honors Student Organizations

Honors College Student Council

The Honors College Student Council is the student voice for all honors scholars. It connects and supports the development of IU Indianapolis Honors College student organizations to develop a collaborative community of students in the IU Indianapolis Honors College. Executive officer positions, class representatives, and honors student organization representatives comprise the general assembly and working body of the student council.

Honors Tower Council

The Honors Tower Council provides opportunities for first-year students living in the honors residential community at University Tower to practice leadership skills among their peers. The Honors Tower Council designs and promotes community building and educational events and helps connect residential students to the IU Indianapolis Honors College community and the campus community at large.

Honors Housing Council

The Honors Housing Council provides leadership opportunities and serves students living in the honors section of the Riverwalk Apartments. The Honors Housing Council facilitates community building and educational and social events for students living in the honors apartments. The IU Indianapolis Honors College maintains an on-site office for resident assistants to provide support for honors residents.

Honors Adventure Club

The Honors Adventure Club (HAC) takes students out of the classroom to explore exciting activities around Indianapolis. The HAC is a student-run organization designed to provide honors students opportunities to participate in low-cost and free events such as skating, hiking, the Escape Room, SkyZone, Climb Time Indy, and much more!

Honors Arts and Culture Society

The Honors Arts and Culture Society coordinates adventures to explore the diverse cultural experiences Indianapolis has to offer. Museum visits, international cuisine, symphony performances, and cultural festivals are some of the activities offered by the society. This group is open to all students.

Academics for Civic Engagement

The mission of Academics for Civic Engagement (ACE) is to provide leadership and to inspire action in the area of volunteerism for the IU Indianapolis Honors College. ACE partners with organizations in the Indianapolis community to plan monthly service opportunities. Participation in ACE is open to all honors scholars, and leadership opportunities are available.