IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Graduate » Degree Programs » Music and Arts Technology » Music & Arts Technology (MAT)



Graduate Program in Music Technology 
The Master of Science in Music Technology (M.S.M.T.) program provides professional education in areas of computer-based music technology, multimedia and interactive design, and multimedia production techniques.  The primary focus is on the development of research-related competencies and integration of research findings into the development and use of music technology with specialties in 1) recording, manipulation, and live sounds; 2) the creative production of electronic music and live electronics; and 3) music technology in education and pedagogy.  The program, offered online or on campus, is conferred by Indiana University and accredited by the National Association for Schools of Music. 


The Doctor of Philosophy in Music Technology extends the research emphasis of the M.S.M.T. and is designed for students with backgrounds in music technology, music, computer science, engineering, informatics, human computer interaction, and other related fields.  The principal objective of the Ph.D. is to train graduates who will conduct research and develop transformative new technologies in music and the arts; examine the practices of designing, making, and managing music technology, and apply music technology in education and industry.  The Ph.D. in Music Technology is offered on campus only.


Graduate Program in Music Therapy
The Master of Science in Music Therapy (M.S.M.Th.) program is designed to provide board-certified music therapists with advanced research and clinical practice competencies.  The M.S.M.Th. degree is unique, providing music therapists with the opportunity to infuse advanced music technology concepts and skills throughout the curriculum.  The M.S. in Music Therapy leverages close collaborations with the IU Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, providing rich resources for inter-professional collaboration and learning.  The program is accredited through the National Association of Schools of Music and approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).  The degree, conferred by Indiana University, is offered online or on campus.


The Doctor of Philosophy in Music Therapy is a research-oriented degree.  The degree is designed to prepare board-certified music therapists for independent academic/research careers enabling them to explore the bast ways music influences health and well-being.  The principal objectives of this doctoral program are to train music therapists who will conduct research examining current music therapy practice and pedagogy; explore opportunities to optimize music therapy practice and pedagory; and apply new understanding to clinical practice and education the overarching goals and learning outcomes of the PhD in Music Therapy are guided by the American Music Therapy Association advanced professional competencies.  The program is available on campus and online.

A total of 90 credit hours is required for the degree, of which up to 30 credit hours may be transferred from a student's post-baccalaureate degree of study, as approved by the graduate advisory committee.

The 90 credit hours for the Ph.D. are distributed among the following 6 content areas:

  • Advanced music therapy competencies - 18 credit hours
  • Other Studies in Music - 9 credit hours
  • Declared minor area - 12 credit hours
  • Life Sciences - 6 credit hours
  • Electives - 12 credit hours
  • Research Credits/Dissertation - 33 credit hours
