IU Indianapolis Bulletin » Graduate/Professional » IU Graduate School Indianapolis » IU Graduate School Indianapolis

IU Graduate School Indianapolis

At IU Indianapolis more than 8,000 students pursue one of over 300+ graduate-level certificates and degrees. The IU Graduate School Indianapolis serves the campus community by advocating for all aspects of graduate education. We provide leadership and administrative structure by:

  • Supporting and promoting the success of students as they journey to, into, and through graduate/professional school at IU Indianapolis;
  • Providing all students access to quality educational experiences in an inclusive and supportive environment; and
  • Keeping students at the center of everything we do.

IU Graduate School Indianapolis engages with students at several key points during their educational career on campus. Responsibilities of office staff include monitoring electronic applications, admitting applicants based upon academic policies and the recommendations of graduate programs, and ensuring that the student’s electronic record is accurate within the IU student system. The Graduate School team also monitors progression to degree completion and confirms degree requirements are met for all Graduate School programs. Graduate School staff review the format of submitted dissertations and theses for compliance with institutional policies. The Graduate School also monitors the progress of non-native English-speaking graduate students in meeting requirements for English for Academic Purposes (EAP).

The Indiana University Graduate School Indianapolis also administers the Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC), the Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee, the Graduate Fellowship Subcommittee, and the Graduate Recruitment Council.

The Graduate School provides leadership for and sponsors the Underrepresented Professional and Graduate Student Organization (UPnGO), counsels postbaccalaureate students in the IPREP program and prospective students, offers programs, workshops and events for graduate and prospective students, and recruits students locally, regionally, and nationally for graduate and professional programs at IU Indianapolis. The Graduate Mentoring Center based within the Graduate School, provides year-round programming to students, faculty and staff through workshops, seminars and discussion groups. Topics include best practices in collaboration and team development, skillsets for leadership and resiliency, and inclusive mentoring. The Graduate School also connects IU Indianapolis to a wider graduate community through organizations such as the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS), and The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). Perhaps most importantly, the IU Graduate School Indianapolis is the answer center for a wide range of questions pertaining to graduate study, graduate programs, and graduate student life.

Last Updated: April 2024