
Logic & Mathematics Foundations of Informatics

Logic & Mathematics Foundations of Informatics track of the Ph.D. in Informatics
Ph.D. Requirements

The logic and mathematical foundations track of the Ph.D. in Informatics is research-based and interdisciplinary, requiring courses and research rotations in other areas of informatics and computing. Math-oriented and broad in its requirements, it yields collaborations and student projects that span the field of informatics.

Download the current Ph.D. in Informatics handbook (PDF). We also recommend consulting the informatics section (PDF) of the University Graduate School Academic Bulletin for more detailed information about these requirements.


A total of 90 credit hours is required for this degree. No more than 30 of those hours will be counted from a master’s degree taken at Indiana University or a graduate program at another university. An additional 6 hours of master’s thesis or capstone project may be counted toward the Ph.D. at the discretion of the student’s advisory committee, assuming the thesis or capstone project is of high research quality.


Required Informatics Courses (27 cr.)

  • INFO I501 Introduction to Informatics (3 cr.)
  • Three Ph.D. core/breadth courses outside logic and mathematical foundations (3 cr. each)
  • Two advanced research seminars in logic and mathematical foundations (3 cr. each)
  • INFO I600 Professionalism/Pedagogy (3 cr.)
  • Two research rotations with student-selected faculty (3 cr. each)

Theory, Methodology, and Elective Courses (33–42 cr.)

Specific course work, including research-oriented independent study, will be determined by the student’s advisory committee.

Dissertation Work (21–30 cr.)


All students are required to have an appropriate minor inside or outside the school. Minors will be selected with the advisor’s recommendation. Some of the courses included in the minor may also count towards the student’s methodology or other requirements.


The qualifying exams consist of a written exam with depth and breadth components and an oral exam. The exams are offered twice a year, in August and in January. Students must complete the required informatics courses before taking these exams.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

Click here for the PDF version.