
Curricula for Music-Related Graduate Degrees

Master of Arts and Master of Library Science; Master of Music and Master of Library Science

This program permits the student to coordinate a degree in music theory or music history and literature with a Master of Library Science. Specialized training in music library science is provided by the professional librarians of the Jacobs School of Music. Students who already have a master’s degree in music or who do not desire a master’s in music from Indiana University may wish to contact the Admissions Office of the Department of Information and Library Science ( for information concerning the Music Librarianship Specialization within the Master of Library Science degree only.


Bachelor’s degree in music.


Students must apply for admission simultaneously to the Jacobs School of Music for the M.M. or M.A. and the Department of Information and Library Science for the M.L.S.

Course Requirements

The student must satisfy all the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in musicology or a Master of Music degree in music theory (listed in this bulletin) and for a Master of Library Science degree (listed in the bulletin of the School of Informatics and Computing at

The outside area for the Master of Arts or Master of Music degree is fulfilled by 6 credit hours in library science, which count towards both degrees.

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

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Previous Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.