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2007-2009 School of Music Bloomington Campus Bulletin: Table of Contents



Jacobs School of Music
Academic Bulletin

Office of Admissions 
Jacobs School of Music 
Indiana University 
1201 East 3rd St-MU101 
Bloomington, IN 47405 
Local (812) 855-7998 
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General Information
Undergraduate Music Performance Study
Graduate Music Performance Study
Performance and Composition Masterclass
Instruction in Performance
Academic Courses

General Information

Not all courses are offered every year. The number of credit hours given for a course is indicated in parentheses following the course title. The abbreviation ‘‘P’’ refers to the course prerequisite or prerequisites, and the abbreviation ‘‘C’’ refers to the course corequisite or corequisites. Courses exempt from the Incomplete rule (see ‘‘Academic Regulations’’) are marked by the sign *.Letter prefixes indicate subject fields as follows:

A Recording Arts
B Brass
C Church Music
D Percussion
E Music Education and Pedagogy
F Techniques
G Conducting
H Harp
I Recitals
J Ballet
K Composition
L Guitar
M Music History and Literature
N Honors, Music Technology, Music Information Technology
O Jazz
P Piano
Q Organ
R Opera
S Strings
T Music Theory
U Unclassified Courses
V Voice
W Woodwinds
X Ensembles
Y Early Music
Z Nonmajor

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Undergraduate Music Performance Study

Undergraduate music performance study courses include private lessons and recitals.

Private Lessons

(2 cr.)
(2-6 cr.)
  Horn B110 B410
  Trumpet B120 B420
  Trombone B130 B430
  Euphonium B140 B440
  Tuba B150 B450
Early Music
  Early Instruments and
  Early Voice
Y110 Y410
Guitar L100 L400
Harp H100 H400
Organ Q100 Q400
Percussion D100 D400
Piano P100 P400
  Violin S110 S410
  Viola S120 S420
  Violoncello S130 S430
  Double Bass S140 S440
Voice V100 V400
  Flute W110 W410
  Oboe W120 W420
  Clarinet W130 W430
  Bassoon W140 W440
  Saxophone W150 W450

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Graduate Music Performance Study

Graduate music performance study courses include private lessons and recitals.

Private Lessons

Graduate Elective Graduate Minor Graduate Major
  Horn B710 B810 B910
  Trumpet B720 B820 B920
  Trombone B730 B830 B930
  Euphonium B740 B840 B940
  Tuba B750 B850 B950
Early Music Y710 Y810 Y910
  Voice Y750 Y850 Y950
Guitar L700 L800 L900
Harp H700 H800 H900
Organ Q700 Q800 Q900
Percussion D700 D800 D900
Piano P700 P800 P900
  Violin S710 S810 S910
  Viola S720 S820 S920
  Violoncello S730 S830 S930
S740 S840 S940
Voice V700 V800 V900
  Flute W710 W810 W910
  Oboe W720 W820 W920
  Clarinet W730 W830 W930
  Bassoon W740 W840 W940
  Saxophone W750 W850 W950

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Undergraduate Recitals
Master's, Diploma, and Doctoral Chamber Recitals
Doctoral Recitals

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Undergraduate Recitals

I311 B.S./B.M.E./B.M. Jazz Senior Recital (0cr.)

I411 B.M. Junior Recital (0 cr.)

I412 B.M. Senior Recital (0 cr.)

K402 Senior Recital in Composition (0 cr.)

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Master's, Diploma, and Doctoral Chamber Recitals

G603 Master’s Instrumental Conducting Performance (0 cr.)

G604 Master’s Choral Conducting Performance (0 cr.)

G605 Master’s Wind Conducting Performance (0 cr.)

I611 Performer Diploma Recital (0 cr.)

I711 Master’s Recital (0 cr.)

I821 Doctoral Chamber Music Recital (1 cr.) I911 Artist Diploma Recital (0 cr.)

I921 Artist Diploma Chamber Music Recital (0 cr.)

R600 Opera Roles (0 cr.)

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Doctoral Recitals

(Consult department chairperson for repertoire requirements.)

B601 Doctoral Brass Recital (1 cr.)

B602 Doctoral Brass Chamber Recital (1 cr.) D601-D602-D603-D604
    Doctoral Percussion
Recital I-II-III-IV (1-1-1-1 cr.)

G801 Doctoral Instrumental Conducting Performance (2 cr.)

G802 Doctoral Wind Conducting Performance (3 cr.)

G810-G811 Doctoral Choral Conducting Performance I-II (2-2 cr.) H601-
    H602-H603-H604 Doctoral Harp Recital I-II-III-IV (1-1-2-2 cr.)

K701 Doctoral Composition Chamber Recital (1 cr.)

L661 Doctoral Guitar Recital (1-1-1 cr.) P601-P602 Doctoral Piano Recital I-II (1-1 cr.)

P603 Doctoral Piano Lecture/Recital (1 cr.)

P604 Doctoral Piano Recital—Final (1 cr.) P605-P606 Doctoral Piano
    Concerto I-II (1-1 cr.) Q601 Doctoral Organ Recital (1 cr.)

Q608 Doctoral Organ/Choir Practicum (1 cr.) S611-S612 Doctoral Violin Recital I-II (1-1 cr.)

S613 Doctoral Violin Concerto (1 cr.)

S614 Doctoral Viola Concerto (1 cr.) S621-S622 Doctoral Viola Recital I-II
    (1-1 cr.)
S631-S632 Doctoral Violoncello Recital I-II (1-1 cr.)

S633 Doctoral Violoncello Concerto (1 cr.) S650 Concertmaster or
    Section Leader
(Doctoral) (1 cr.)

S651-S652 Doctoral Double Bass Recital I-II (1-1 cr.)

V601-V602-V603 Doctoral Voice Recitals (1-1- 1 cr.)

W611-W612 Doctoral Woodwind Recitals (1-1 cr.)

W613 Doctoral Woodwind Chamber Music Recital (1 cr.)

Y701 Doctoral Early Music Recital (1 cr.)

Y702 Doctoral Early Music Ensemble Recital (1 cr.)

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Performance and Composition Masterclass

I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass (0 cr.)

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Instruction in Performance

L101 Beginning Guitar Class (2 cr.)
P: Permission of instructor. Class guitar instruction for non–music majors.

L102 Intermediate Guitar Class (2 cr.)
P: Permission of instructor. Class guitar instruction for non–music majors.

L103 Advanced Guitar Class (2 cr.)
P: Permission of instructor. Class advanced guitar instruction for non–music majors.

L111 Beginning Bass Guitar Class (2 cr.)
P: Permission of instructor. Class bass guitar instruction for non–music majors.

L112 Intermediate Bass Guitar Class (2 cr.)
P: Permission of instructor. Class intermediate classical bass guitar instruction for non–music majors.

L113 Advanced Bass Guitar Class (2 cr.)
P: Permission of instructor. Class bass guitar instruction for non–music majors.

P100 Piano Elective/Secondary (2 cr.)
P: A passing grade in P141, or the successful completion of the keyboard proficiency, or permission of instructor.

P110 Beginning Piano Class 1, Non–Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano for beginning piano students.

P111 Piano Class 1, Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano for beginning piano students.

P120 Beginning Piano Class 2, Non–Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano (second-semester level).

P121 Piano Class 2, Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano (second-semester level).

P130 Beginning Piano Class 3, Non–Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano (third-semester level).

P131 Piano Class 3, Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano (third-semester level, accelerated). P141 Piano Class 4, Music Majors (2 cr.) Class piano (fourth-semester level).

P201 Jazz Piano Class 1 (2 cr.) P: P121 Piano Class 2, Music Majors. Development of basic jazz keyboard skills and techniques for the non-piano jazz major, non-jazz piano major and non-music major. Basic voicings for common harmonic formulae used in jazz; chord/scale relationships; simple rhythmic comping patterns.

P202 Jazz Piano Class 2 (2 cr.) P: P201 Jazz Piano Class 1. More advanced voicings; substitutions; comping patterns.

V101 Voice Class (cr. arr.) Instruct beginners in introductory aspects of voice, vocal techniques, and sight reading.

V410 Vocal Coaching (Undergraduate Voice Majors) (1-2 cr.)

V910 Vocal Coaching (Graduate Voice Majors) (1-2 cr.)

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Major Ensembles
Other Ensembles

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Major Ensembles

X002 Piano Accompanying (2 cr.) For BM piano majors who have passed the upper-division examination and for MM, AD, and PD piano majors. Other qualified students may enroll with approval of the choral department. Assignment to studio accompanying in lieu of ensemble participation.

X030 Ballet Ensemble (2 cr.) Required of all ballet students; elective for students outside the Jacobs School of Music with consent of instructor. Rehearsals for ballet and opera production.

X040 Instrumental Ensembles (2 cr.)

Bands There are three concert bands (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band,
and Concert Band), Marching Hundred, and Basketball Pep Band. The Pep
Band is organized following the football season from members of the
Marching Hundred.

Orchestras There are four symphony orchestras (Philharmonic, Concert,
Symphony, and University), a chamber orchestra, a baroque/classical
(period instrument) orchestra, and the New Music Ensemble.

Jazz Bands There are four jazz bands.

X050 Marching Hundred for Non–Music Majors (2 cr.) Open to all enrolled students on the Bloomington campus.

X060 Early Music Ensembles (2 cr.) Concentus, a mixed instrumental/vocal ensemble constituted differently to fit the repertoire of each concert, is required of all early music majors.

X070 Choral Ensembles (2 cr.) Choral ensembles include the University Singers, University Chorale, Contemporary Vocal Ensemble, Pro Arte, Singing Hoosiers, International Vocal Ensemble, Opera Chorus (2), Women’s Chorus, Symphonic Choir, Motet Choir, and Morning Choral Ensembles (4).

X080 Opera Technical Crew (2 cr.)

X090 Audio Technical Crew (2 cr.) Required of all recording arts majors.

X091 String Repair Technical Crew (2 cr.) Required of all string instrument technology majors. Supervised execution of repair and maintenance techniques for string instruments.

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Other Ensembles

See also F449 and F549 for Harp Ensemble and F450 and F550 for Chamber Music. These courses may not be counted for required ensemble credit.

X420 Small Ensembles (1 cr.) Specialized instrumental and vocal ensembles.

X490 Percussion Ensemble (1 cr.)

X414 Latin American Ensemble (2 cr.) Emphasis on musical practice, arranging, and performance of Latin American popular music genres for solo, chamber, and band ensembles. Open to music majors and non-majors with performing skills. Audition required.

X001 All-Campus Ensemble (1-2 cr.) Open to students outside the Jacobs School of Music. Does not fulfill the major ensemble requirement for music majors. Men’s chorus, women’s chorus, mixed chorus, band, string orchestra, and other ensembles.

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Academic Courses

Recording Arts and Audio Technology
Church Music
Music Education and Pedagogy Courses
Music Education Master Class
School of Education Courses
Accompanying, Chamber Music, Coaching, and Techniques
Musicology and Music History
Music Literature
Music Information Technology
Music Theory
Unclassified Courses
Nonmajor Academic and Performance Courses

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Office of Creative Services
Von Lee 319
517 East Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408-4060

Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 02 01

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