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2007-2009 School of Music Bloomington Campus Bulletin: Table of Contents



Jacobs School of Music
Academic Bulletin

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Academic Courses—Composition and Musicology and Music History

Musicology and Music History


K100 Composition Undergraduate Elective/ Secondary (3 cr.) P: T109 Rudiments of Music I or equivalent. Individual lessons in composition. Concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass is required.

K133 Notation and Calligraphy (1 cr.) P: For music majors, T109 Rudiments of Music I; for non–music majors, permission of instructor. Notation and organization of music manuscripts.

K214 Instrumentation I(2 cr.) P: T109 Rudiments of Music I. Ranges, tonal possibilities, technical limitations, and necessary transpositions for all orchestral and band instruments.

K215 Instrumentation II(2 cr.) P: K214 Instrumentation I. Continuation of K214 including writing for combinations of instruments.

K231 Free Counterpoint I(2 cr.) Development of contrapuntal skills and techniques in two-, three-, and four-part textures.

K232 Free Counterpoint II(2 cr.) P: T132 Musical Skills Iand K231 Free Counterpoint I. Continuation of K231.

K361 Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music (3 cr.) P: Modest working knowledge of personal computers. Basics of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface system, its software, and the instruments commonly used with desktop MIDI workstations (synthesizers, digital samplers). MIDI sequencing, digital audio editing, and principles of digital syntheses. The course is intended for those with little prior technical training.

K400 Composition Major (3 cr.)* Individual lessons in composition. Concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass is required.

K403 Electronic Studio Resources I(3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. An introduction to the computer music studio, techniques of digital recording and editing, analog and FM synthesis, MIDI sequencing, and a comprehensive study of the literature and styles of the classic tape studios.

K404 Electronic Studio Resources II(3 cr.) P: K403 Electronic Studio Resources I. Study of advanced synthesis techniques, digital sampling, video synchronization, and multimedia applications.

K406 Projects in Electronic Music (cr. arr.) P: K403 Electronic Studio Resources Iand K404 Electronic Studio Resources II. Compositional projects in electronic music. Course may be repeated.

K451-K452 Advanced Orchestration I-II (2-2 cr.) P: K214-K215 Instrumentation I-II. Practical orchestration in all its applications.

K503 Electronic Studio Resources I(3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. An introduction to the computer music studio, techniques of digital recording and editing, analog and FM synthesis, MIDI sequencing, and a comprehensive study of the literature and styles of the classic tape studios.

K504 Electronic Studio Resources II(3 cr.) P:K503 Electronic Studio Resources I. Study of advanced synthesis techniques, digital sampling, video synchronization, and multimedia applications.

K506 Projects in Electronic Music (2-3 cr.) P: K503-K504 Electronic Studio Resources I-II. Advanced projects in electroacoustic composition. Course may be repeated.

K509 Seminar in Computer Music (3 cr.) P:K504 Electronic Studio Resources II or permission of instructor. Study of advanced topics in computer music, including direct digital synthesis, acoustic research, and interactive composition.

K512 Jazz Composition (3 cr.) P: Permission of departmental chairperson. High-level study of problems of composition in the jazz idiom, including the Third Stream.

K554 Advanced Orchestral Arranging for Graduate Students (3 cr.) P: K214-K215 Instrumentation I-II or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Practical orchestration in all its applications.

K600 Thesis in Composition (1-5 cr.)*

K700 Dissertation in Composition (1-5 cr.)* Complete work for major ensemble (score and parts ready for performance). Procedures for final submission are available from the major advisor. Program annotation addressed to the general public for the student’s dissertation (500 words minimum).

K701 Doctoral Composition Chamber Recital (1 cr.)* Presentation of a recital (at least 45 minutes of music) of compositions for different media written during residency, with the student participating as performer or conductor. Program annotations addressed to the general public for the student’s Doctoral Composition Chamber Recital (500 words minimum).

K702 Doctoral Composition Document I(0 cr.)* Movement of chamber music written during a week-long examination period.

K703 Doctoral Composition Document II(0 cr.)* Setting of a given text during a 24-hour period.

K710 Composition Graduate Elective (2-4 cr.) Individual lessons in composition. Concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass is required.

K810 Composition Graduate Minor (2-4 cr.) Individual lessons in composition. Concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass is required.

K910 Composition Graduate Major (2-6 cr.) Individual lessons in composition. Concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass is required.

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Musicology and Music History

M400 Undergraduate Readings in Musicology (cr. arr.)*

M401-M402 History and Literature of Music I­II(4-4 cr.) Style analysis, visual and aural, of representative compositions, and relationship of music to sociocultural background of each epoch. I. P: T252 Music Theory and Literature IV or equivalent. History of music from beginnings of Western civilization to 1750.II. P: T252 Music Theory and Literature IV or equivalent. History of music from 1750 to the present.

M410 Composer or Genre (3 cr.) P: M401- M402 History and Literature of Music I-II. Life and works of representative composers in historical context or survey of a major musical genre and its historical evolution. Emphasis on stylistic development in the music literature studied.

M502 Composers: Variable Topics (3 cr.) P: T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, and M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I or M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II as appropriate, or equivalents. Life and works of representative composers in the cultural and historical context of their eras; emphasis on the development of individual style through analysis of characteristic works. May be repeated for different composers only.

M510 Topics in Music Literature (3 cr.) Inquiry into selected aspects of music literature and history related to specific repertories, genres, styles, performance practices/traditions, historiography, or criticism. Research project required. May be repeated for different topics only.

M525 Survey of Operatic Literature (3 cr.) P: T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students Iand M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II, or equivalents. Emphasis on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

M527 Symphonic Literature (3 cr.) P: T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I, and M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II, or equivalents. Orchestral music of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

M528 Chamber Music Literature (3 cr.) P: T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students Iand M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II, or equivalents. Emphasis on eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

M539 Introduction to Music Bibliography (2- 3 cr.) Music reference and research tools in all areas of music, use of library resources and networks, and bibliographic style and technique. Formal paper required.

M541-M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students I-II (3-3 cr.) Designed to satisfy deficiencies indicated by the graduate entrance examination in music history and literature. I. Before 1750.II. After 1750. Removal of deficiency requires a grade of C or higher.

M551 Introduction to Historical Musicology (3 cr.) Survey of bibliography and problems and methods of historical research.

M556 Research in the History and Literature of Music (1-3 cr.)* P: Consent of instructor. For advanced students in music literature or musicology desiring to do research in non-course areas of music literature.

M601 Topics in Music Research (3 cr.) P: T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, and M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I or M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II, or equivalents. Inquiry into selected questions, issues, and problems in music history and literature. Research project required. May be repeated for different topics only.

M602 Seminar in Musicology: Variable Topics (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. For advanced students in musicology and music theory. Formal research paper required. May be taken more than once for credit toward Ph.D.

M603 Methods of Musical Scholarship: Variable Topics (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. For advanced students in musicology and music theory. May be taken more than once for credit toward the Ph.D.

M650 Music in the United States (3 cr.) A musical and cultural history emphasizing the coexistence and intersections of a variety of imported and indigenous, written and oral, traditions, including concert music, opera, Native American music, popular song, jazz, blues, musical theater and film, Tin Pan Alley, rock, spirituals and other religious idioms.

M651 Medieval Music (3 cr.) P: M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I and T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, or equivalents.

M652 Renaissance Music (3 cr.) P: M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I and T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, or equivalents.

M653 Baroque Music (3 cr.) P: M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I and T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, or equivalents.

M654 Classic Music (3 cr.) P: M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I, M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II and T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, or equivalents.

M655 Romantic Music (3 cr.) P: M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I, M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II and T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, or equivalents.

M656 Music Since 1900 (3 cr.) P: M541 Music History Review for Graduate Students I, M542 Music History Review for Graduate Students II and T508 Written Music Theory Review for Graduate Students, or equivalents.

M698 Individual Seminar in Musicology (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. For advanced students in musicology and music theory. Formal research paper required. May be taken more than once for credit toward the Ph.D.

M699 Public Lecture (1 cr.)

M700 Dissertation in Musicology (cr. arr.)*

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