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2007-2009 School of Music Bloomington Campus Bulletin: Table of Contents



Jacobs School of Music
Academic Bulletin

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Academic Courses—Unclassified Courses and Nonmajor Academic and Performance Courses M

Unclassified Courses
Nonmajor Academic and Performance Courses

Unclassified Courses

U200 Special Projects in Technology (1-8 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. May be repeated for additional credit.

U201-U202 Piano Technology I-II (2-2 cr.) U201 is a prerequisite for U202. Recommended for piano majors. Introduction to science of tuning in equal temperament, structure of piano, and mechanism of piano’s action.

U210 Reed Making (1 cr.) Principles of double-reed making with development of individual skill and application.

U233 Applied French Diction for Singers (1 cr.) P or C: FRIT F100. Drill on phonetics and application to song and opera.

U243 Applied German Diction for Singers (1 cr.) P or C: GER G100. Drill on phonetics and application to song and opera.

U253 Applied Italian Diction for Singers (1 cr.) P or C: FRIT M100. Drill on phonetics and application to song and opera.

U263 Pronunciation of Historical Languages (3 cr.) A survey of the changes in the pronunciation of Romance and Germanic languages from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century.

U274-U275 History of Violin Making I-II (3-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Seminar in the history and literature of string instrument technology. Study of the manufacture and repair of string instruments from the earliest time to the present, with emphasis on the work of the master luthiers. Outside readings. Three hours of class per week.

U305 String Instrument Repair (1 cr.) String instrument maintenance and repair. For music education students.

U350 Individualized Music Cognate Area Readings and Research (1-6 cr.) Open only to students accepted for an individualized cognate area.

U361 English Diction for Singers (1 cr.) Drill on phonetics with application to singing. May be taken for undergraduate and graduate credit.

U400 Unassigned Undergraduate Performance Major (cr. arr.) P: Permission of director of undergraduate studies or dean of Jacobs School of Music. Temporary section during registration process.

U404 Harp Technology (2 cr.) A study of the principles, problems, repair, and general mechanics of the harp action and of all aspects of design from both the historical and practical points of view. The course covers all basic routines of repairs, tuning adjustments, maintenance, and intricate regulation of various instruments.

U406 Introduction to Piano Technology (2-3 cr.) Aspects of upright and grand piano technology, including building/rebuilding pianos, action regulation, voicing and tone, theory of tuning, basic tuning techniques, and discussion of sales and pricing. Recommended for piano majors.

U411 Performing Art Center Management (3 cr.) On national and local levels. Mechanics of management, booking of concert artists and attractions, organized-audience plan, local concert series, and symphony management.

U412 Opera Management (3 cr.) Problems of management in operas; organizational structure, business aspects, public relations and support, repertoire selection, casting, coaching, directing, and rehearsing; design and execution of scenery, costumes, properties, and lighting; and technical production.

U440 Practicum I-II-III-IV (2-2-2-2 cr.) Supervised execution of the technology of construction, repair, and operation of scenic elements and theatrical equipment. Ten hours per week each semester.

U450 Individualized Music Cognate Area Final Project (0 cr.) Open only to students accepted for an individualized music cognate area.

U453 Italian Operatic Diction (1 cr.) P: U253 Applied Italian Diction for Singers and consent of instructor. Coaching in Italian diction involving the standard Italian repertoire.

U470 Violin Repair I-II-III-IV (6-6-6-6 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. I-II. Study and practice of string instrument technology, including general repairs done from outside the instrument, bow refurbishing, and use of hand and power tools. III-IV. Advanced study and practice of string instrument technology, including general and major repair done after an instrument has been opened, instrument acoustics, and related topics. Fifteen hours instruction and laboratory per week.

U471 Topics in Piano Technology (2-3 cr.) Practical hands-on work in various areas of piano technology, including upright and grand piano regulation and tuning. May be repeated for different topics only.

U480 Internship in Technology (cr. arr.) P: Consent of instructor. Internship in music-related technology. Practical application of related skills in a professional setting on or off campus for one semester.

U500 Workshop in Music: Variable Topics (0- 6 cr.)

U501 Introduction to Piano Technology (2-3 cr.) Aspects of upright and grand piano technology, including building/rebuilding pianos, action regulation, voicing, and tone, theory of tuning, basic tuning techniques, and discussion of sales and pricing. Recommended for piano majors.

U502 Topics in Piano Technology (2-3 cr.) Practical hands-on work in various areas in piano technology, including upright and grand piano regulation and tuning. May be repeated for different topics only.

U506 Historical Brass Instrument Design and Construction (3 cr.) The course will consist of a three-hour laboratory session each week, supplemented by independent research projects that will demand additional time appropriate to a 3-credit course. The laboratory portion of the course will consist of the construction of a reproduction of a historical brass instrument, using methods and tools consistent with those used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

U510 Advanced Reed Making (1 cr.) P: U210 Reed Making or permission of instructor. Principles of double-reed making with focus on advanced skill and understanding in reed finishing.

U511 Performing Art Center Management (3 cr.) On national and local levels. Mechanics of management, booking of concert artists and attractions, organized-audience plan, local concert series, and symphony management.

U800 Unassigned Graduate Performance Minor (cr. arr.) P: Permission of director of graduate studies or dean of Jacobs School of Music. Temporary section during registration process.

U900 Unassigned Graduate Performance Major (cr. arr.) P: Permission of director of graduate studies or dean of Jacobs School of Music. Temporary section during registration process.

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Nonmajor Academic and Performance Courses

Z100 The Live Musical Performance (1-2 cr.) An introduction to music listening through weekly in-class performances. Students have an opportunity to interact with instrumentalists, singers, dancers, choreographers, conductors, and composers. Musical styles include classical, rock, jazz, and world music.

Z101 Music for the Listener (3 cr.) An introductory music appreciation course that explores European and American classical music and other musical repertoire.

Z103 Special Topics in Music for Nonmajors (3 cr.)

Z110 Non-Music Major Performance Elective (2 cr.) For undergraduate students.

Z111 Introduction to Music Theory (3 cr.) A study of fundamentals of the language and notation of music: listening, music reading and writing, and the elements of music as used in a variety of genres and historical periods. Open to non–music majors and students in the Jacobs School of Music interested in a general background in music.

Z112 Introduction to Musical Skills (1 cr.) Introduction to sight singing and dictation. Rhythmic and melodic materials. Previous or concurrent registration in Z111 Introduction to Music Theory is recommended.

Z161 Steel Drumming (2 cr.) Techniques of execution and musical interpretation of music for the steel drums.

Z162 Hand Drumming (2 cr.) Techniques of execution and idiomatic rhythms of international styles of hand drumming.

Z171-Z172 Opera Theater Series I-II (3-3 cr.) Discussion and analysis of works to be performed during the current Opera Theater series. Designed to acquaint opera patrons (and non–music majors) with the libretti and music.

Z201-Z202 History of Rock ‘n’ Roll Music I-II (3-3 cr.) I. Roots of Rock to the British Invasion. II. The Sixties. Survey of the major trends, styles, and genres of rock music, focusing on artists and groups with the most enduring significance and on the major social issues of their times. Z201 is not a prerequisite for Z202.

Z211 Music Theory II(3 cr.) P: Z111 Introduction to Music Theory or consent of instructor. Overview of part writing, musical form, harmonic analysis, and modulation.

Z212 Musical Skills II(1 cr.) P: Z112 Introduction to Musical Skills or consent of instructor. Continuation of sight singing and dictation skills. Rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials. Previous or concurrent registration in Z211 Music Theory II is recommended.

Z301 Rock Music in the ‘70s and ‘80s (3 cr.) A lecture-oriented course that covers the history of rock ‘n’ roll in the 1970s and 1980s. The post–Sgt. Pepper “splintering” of rock and ensuing style changes are highlighted.

Z311 Music Theory III (3 cr.) P: Z111 Introduction to Music Theory and Z211 Music Theory II or consent of instructor. Overview of modulation and chromatic harmony.

Z312 Musical Skills III (1 cr.) P: Z112 Introduction to Musical Skills and Z212 Musical Skills II or consent of instructor. Advanced sight singing and dictation skills. Rhythmic and melodic materials in one and two parts; harmonic materials including chromaticism. Previous or concurrent registration in Z311 Music Theory III is recommended.

Z315 Music for Film (3 cr.) P: CMLT C190 Introduction to Film. A stylistic and analytic survey of music for moving pictures, concentrating on American and English narrative films.

Z317 Computer Music Composition I(3 cr.) Basic MIDI tools are applied to electronic music composition techniques and the production of computer music. The course is project-based and requires a performance of student compositions and arrangements as a final project. Intermediate knowledge of sequencing and notation software is recommended preparation.

Z318 Computer Music Composition II(3 cr.) P: Z317 Computer Music Composition I or consent of instructor. Students with introductory music composition techniques in electronic and computer music advance to sampling and looping technologies, synchronizing digital music to video and film. The course is project-based and requires a performance of student compositions and arrangements as a final project.

Z320 Advanced Special Topics in Music for Nonmajors (3 cr.)

Z340 Introduction to Music Business (3 cr.) An introduction to the business aspects of the music industry. Recording companies, artists, and contracts; music production; copyright, licensing, and publishing; booking agents, promotions, live performances, and performing arts organizations.

Z361 Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music (3 cr.) P: Modest working knowledge of personal computers. Basics of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface system, its software, and the instruments commonly used with desktop MIDI workstations (synthesizers, digital samplers). MIDI sequencing, digital audio editing, and principles of digital syntheses. The course is intended for those with little prior technical training.

Z373 The American Musical (3 cr.) The origins of the American musical: its societal impact and its development from vaudeville and European operetta to the rock musicals of today.

Z374 Contemporary Broadway Musicals (3 cr.) An exploration of the Broadway musical with a focus on contemporary trends. American rock musicals, revivals, and British and European productions. Study of contemporary producers, composers, lyricists, choreographers, and directors.

Z385 History of the Blues (3 cr.) Tells the story of the blues through the music of more than 200 artists. Styles studied include Classic Blues, Country Blues, Piedmont Blues, Holy Blues, White Blues, City Blues, Rhythm & Blues, Post-WWII Country Blues, Chicago Blues, Urban Blues, Swamp Blues, British Blues, and Blues Rock.

Z390 Jazz for Listeners (3 cr.) An examination of the components of jazz, how to listen to jazz, and how to relate jazz to the social/cultural environment in which it was created. Class lectures/discussions enhanced with live performances and videos of major artists such as Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane.

Z393 History of Jazz (3 cr.) Periods, major performers and composers, trends, influences, stylistic features, and related materials. For non–music majors only.

Z395 Contemporary Jazz and Soul Music (3 cr.) A survey of contemporary jazz and soul (rhythm and blues) music and musicians in the United States. For non–music majors only.

Z401 The Music of the Beatles (3 cr.) An in-depth, song-by-song look at the music, lives, and times of the Beatles. The course focuses on the music and is aimed at heightening student listening skills as well as fostering a deeper appreciation for the Beatles’ recordings.

Z402 Music of Frank Zappa (3 cr.) A detailed survey of the musical career of rock’s most avant-garde composer. Traces Zappa’s creative output from his early days through his solo projects, his “big band” period, his orchestral productions, and finally his groundbreaking work with the Synclavier. All of Zappa’s commercially released albums are discussed, and students are responsible for a listening list of materials from these releases.

Z403 Music of Jimi Hendrix (3 cr.) A detailed look at the life, music, and career of rock music’s best and most influential guitarist. Audio and video performances document the meteoric rise of Hendrix from obscurity to master musician before his untimely death.

Z411 Music Theory IV (3 cr.) P: Z111 Introduction to Music Theory and Z211-Z311 Music Theory II-III or consent of instructor. Further study of modulation techniques and advanced chromatic harmony. Overview of atonal and serial techniques as well as music of the twentieth century.

Z412 Musical Skills IV (1 cr.) P: Z112 Introduction to Musical Skills and Z212-312 Musical Skills II-III. More advanced sight singing and dictation skills. Rhythmic and melodic materials in one and two parts with more difficult rhythms; harmonic materials including advanced chromaticism and modulation. Examples from twentieth-century musical repertoire. Previous or concurrent registration in Z411 Music Theory IV is recommended.

Z413 Latin American Popular Music (3 cr.) Historical and cultural aspects in the development of important popular music genres in Latin America and the Caribbean, and their impact in the United States. Issues of performance and instrumentation and the output of significant composers, arrangers, and performers. For non-music majors only. Activities outside of class may be scheduled.

Z415 Connections: Music, Art, Literature (3 cr.) Interrelationships among the arts of various cultures, learning how they influence each other and are in turn influenced by the culture and temper of the times they reflect. Includes a survey of major styles from the Renaissance to the present, with emphasis on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Z710 Non-Music Major Performance Elective (2-4 cr.) For graduate students.

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