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2007-2009 School of Music Bloomington Campus Bulletin: Table of Contents



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Academic Bulletin

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Academic Courses—Music Education Master Class and School of Education Courses

Music Education Master Class
School of Education Courses

Music Education Master Class

I201 Master Class in Music Education (0 cr.) Introduction to current topics in music education. For freshman and sophomore music education majors.

I202 Master Class in Music Education for Student Teaching (0 cr.) C: EDUC M482 Student Teaching. Preparation and support for student teaching experience. Field project and portfolio completion. For music education students during the student teaching semester.

I502 Music Education Master Class for Student Teaching (0 cr.) Co-requisite, EDUC M580 Internship in Music (10 cr.). Preparation and support for student teaching experience. Meets three times during the student teaching semester.

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School of Education Courses

Education M323 The Teaching of Music in the Elementary Schools (2 cr.) P: MUS E241 Introduction to Music Fundamentals. Not open to music majors. Fundamental procedures of teaching elementary school music, stressing music materials suitable for the first six grades.

Education M342 Methods and Materials for Teaching Elementary Music (3 cr.) P: Admission to the Teacher Education Program, MUS E131 Freshman Colloquium in Music Education, and MUS E231 General Music Methods K-12. For field experience credit, students should enroll concurrently in EDUC M301 Laboratory/Field Experience (0 cr.). Detailed study of current teaching techniques for the elementary school music class; Dalcroze, Kodály, and Orff techniques; review of current textbooks and other materials; classroom recorder and guitar. A grade of C+ or higher is required.

Education M343 Methods and Materials for Teaching Choral Music (3 cr.) P: Junior standing; admission to the Teacher Education Program; MUS E131 Freshman Colloquium in Music Education and MUS E231 General Music Methods K-12. For field experience credit, students should enroll in EDUC M301 Laboratory/Field Experience (0 cr.). Organization and development of choral groups; voice production; rehearsal techniques; tone, diction, and phrasing; materials suitable for school choruses at secondary level. A grade of C+ or higher is required.

Education M344 Methods and Materials for Teaching Instrumental Music (2-3 cr.) P: Junior standing; admission to the Teacher Education Program; MUS E131 Freshman Colloquium in Music Education and MUS E231 General Music Methods K-12. For field experience credit, students should enroll in EDUC M301 Laboratory/Field Experience (0 cr.). Teaching methods and materials; organization of the instrumental curriculum. A grade of C+ or higher is required.

Education M434 Administration of School Bands (2 cr.) P: Senior standing. Teaching, organization, and administration of school wind and percussion ensembles. A grade of C+ or higher is required.

Education M436 Administration of School Orchestras (2 cr.) P: Senior standing. Teaching, organization, and administration of school orchestras. A grade of C+ or higher is required.

Education M471 Undergraduate Seminar in Music Education (1 cr.) P: Consent of instructor; admission to the Teacher Education Program. A practical orientation to the personal and professional problems that accompany the student-teaching experience. On-site visitation.

Education M482 Student Teaching: All Grades (16 cr.) P: Senior standing, upper-division hearing, 10 credit hours of instrumental techniques (where required); all required conducting, education, and music education courses. A sixteen-week, full-time, continuous, and supervised experience.

Education M580 Student Teaching for Graduate Students: All Grades (9 cr.) A nine-week, full-time, continuous, and supervised experience.

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