Transfers from Other Colleges and Universities

Students who want to transfer to Bloomington should contact the Office of Admissions for an application at 300 N. Jordan, Bloomington, IN 47405; by e-mail; or by phone at (812) 855-0661.

Transfer students are first admitted to the University Division at Bloomington. They may then apply to IU Journalism during the semester in which they will complete the admission requirements. Because transfer courses are not calculated in the cumulative grade point average for Indiana University students, transfer students must complete a minimum of one semester at Indiana University before they can be considered for admission to the program.

Acceptance of credit from other institutions will be determined by the Office of Admissions, and the applicability of credit toward degree requirements in IU Journalism will be determined by the chair. No more than 12 transfer credit hours of mass communications courses may be counted in the journalism major. Only credits earned at Indiana University will count toward a student’s grade point average. Courses from other colleges and universities transfer as credit only.

Transfers from Other Indiana University Campuses

Students who wish to do intercampus transfers to Bloomington should begin the transfer process by submitting an application online at Students are also welcome to contact IU Journalism to discuss admission requirements and registration by calling (812) 855-9247. Students from other campuses must have already completed the admission requirements to be directly admitted to IU Journalism.

Transfers from IU Journalism to other Indiana University Campuses

Students enrolled in IU Journalism at Bloomington who wish to do intercampus transfers to other IU campuses should also submit an application online at

Transfer Credit in Journalism

No more than 12 credit hours from any other journalism program will be accepted for credit toward the 120 credit hours required for graduation.

All transfer journalism courses must be evaluated by the chair to be accepted in fulfillment of requirements for the journalism major.

Academic Bulletins

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