Policies & Procedures
Student Teaching Policies
Calendar and Absences
- It is the policy of Indiana University that teacher candidates will follow the calendar of the respective school corporation. Fall teacher candidates will report the first teacher day of the school corporation. Spring teacher candidates will report the first day back from holiday break. Fall and Spring candidates will honor the school corporation’s breaks (not IU breaks).
- There are no sick days in student teaching. All teacher candidates are expected to fulfill the required number of days of their student teaching assignment. Days missed must be made up. If a teacher candidate is going to be late or miss a day, he/she must notify the school office, the supervising teacher, and the university supervisor. The supervising teacher and university supervisor must be informed after the school is called. If extenuating circumstances occur, the university supervisor and supervising teacher will meet to discuss extending the experience and make a recommendation accordingly to the teacher candidate. Excessive absences will result in an extension of the student teaching experience or termination.
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