Policies & Procedures
Academic Standing
Academic Probation
Students are on academic probation when their cumulative or major grade point average is below 2.50. They are also on probation for the duration of the regular semester following the one in which they failed to attain at least a 2.50 grade point average. Students on academic probation must comply with any restrictions the Associate Dean for Teacher Education deems necessary.
At the close of each semester and summer sessions the academic progress of students in the School of Education is reviewed. Students will receive notification at their official university e-mail address if they have been placed on probation and are, or may be, subject to dismissal. Upon receiving notification, the student on probation should see the School of Education Academic Support Advisor as soon as possible. Students on academic probation have one semester to meet the minimum academic standards required.
If an unconditionally admitted student’s cumulative, content, and/or professional education GPA falls below the minimum requirement, then the student will fall into one of two probation categories:
- Academic Probation Contract (APC): when a student’s cumulative GPA falls between a 2.450 and 2.499.
- This level of probation allows unconditionally admitted students to remain in the School of Education and continue in the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Students are permitted to enroll in authorized courses, but must raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.5 or higher and/or earn a minimum of 2.7 GPA for the semester. Failure to meet these standards at the end of the probation semester may result in a student being placed on a Continuation Contract, which will automatically change the student’s TEP admission status to “Admission Criteria Not Met.”
- If an APC student is placed on a Continuation Contract, then the School of Education will require that the student withdraw from any TEP authorized courses. Failure to withdraw from authorized TEP courses will result in administrative removal.
- Failure to comply with the APC contract requirements, or to communicate with a member of the Student Support Team for the School of Education, may result in dismissal from the School of Education.
- The Student Support Team reserves the right to place an Administrative Hold on an APC student’s account at any time during the semester in which he/she is on probation. This hold only allows students to drop/add within their existing enrollment, and prevents a student from enrolling for a future semester/summer session. The hold can only be removed by meeting with the Student Support Advisor or a member of the Student Support Team.
- Continuation Contract (CC): when a student’s cumulative GPA falls between a 2.350 and 2.449.
- This level of probation allows unconditionally admitted students to remain in the School of Education, but they are not allowed to enroll in any TEP authorized courses. The student’s TEP admission status will be changed to “Admission Criteria Not Met.”
- If the student is already enrolled in TEP authorized courses for the upcoming semester, he or she must withdraw from the courses or be administratively withdrawn.
- The student must also make satisfactory academic progress, which is defined by a semester GPA of 2.7 or higher, by raising the cumulative GPA to a 2.45 or higher, or by raising the cumulative GPA to a 2.5 or higher.
- Failure to meet these standards at the end of the probation semester, or to communicate with the Student Support Team of the School of Education, may result in dismissal from the School of Education.