Policies & Procedures
Academic Standing
Dismissal from the School of Education happens when a student’s GPA falls below a 2.350, or he or she has failed to meet the conditions of probation.
- Unconditionally admitted students in this category will immediately have their TEP status changed to “Admission Criteria Not Met,” and will not be eligible to take any TEP authorized courses. If a student is already enrolled in TEP authorized courses for the semester, he or she must withdraw from them immediately or be administratively withdrawn.
- An Administrative Hold will be placed on the student’s academic record, and they must meet with the Student Support Advisor to determine a course of action.
- Students facing dismissal may be encouraged to consider transferring to another college/school/unit at IU to avoid official dismissal from the School of Education. By proactively taking this step, a student can avoid having the dismissal recorded on his or her academic record and transcripts.
- The School of Education will provide a list of students scheduled for dismissal to the Registrar’s Office at the end of each semester.
- A student who has been officially dismissed from the School of Education will be unable to register for any IU coursework for one semester.
- Students who are dismissed from the School of Education may petition the Academic Standards Committee of the School of Education for conditional admission after one full semester (summer sessions not included) if they have raised their overall GPA to a 2.5 or higher and met all other admission requirements. If the student is readmitted, the course load may be restricted or adjusted if the Associate Dean for Teacher Education, in consultation with faculty and advisors, considers it in the student's best interest to do so. Students should contact the Student Support Team for further information concerning eligibility to petition.