Organization of the School
Organization of the School of Education–Bloomington
(Area Code 812)
- University Dean, Gerardo M. Gonzalez, Education 4130, 856-8001
- Director of External Relations, Sarah Baumgart, Education 4120, 856-8021
- Director of the Center for P16 Research and Collaboration, Ada Simmons, Education 2100, 856-8018
- Executive Associate Dean, Don Hossler, Education 4268, 856-8391
- Director of Administrative and Academic Support Services, Gene McClain, Education 4145, 856-8070
- Director of Education Technology Services, Larry Riss, Education 2036, 856-8434
- Director of Human Resources Development, Amy Sutley, Education 4150, 856-8530
- Director of Office of Instructional Consulting, Karen Hallett, Education 2002, 856-8408
- Director of Office of Professional Development, Catherine Gray, Education 2103, 856-8481
- Director of Student Recruitment and Retention, Ghangis Carter, Education 4154, 856-8002
- Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Mary McMullen, Education 4210, 856-8393
- Elementary Transition to Teaching, Jesse Goodman, Education 3208, 856-8143
- Secondary Transition to Teaching, Rich Roames, Education 3264, 856-8225
- Associate Dean for Research and Development, Robert D. Sherwood, Education 2070, 856-8154
- Associate Dean for Teacher Education, Thomas Brush, Education 1060, 856-8581
- Assistant Dean for Teacher Education, Jill Shedd, Education 1040, 856-8013
- Director of Cultural Immersion Projects, Laura Stachowski, Education 1044, 856-8507
- Director of Educational Career Services, Sarah Crandall, Education 1074, 856-8532
- Director Office of Early Field Experiences, Tyna Hunnicutt, Education 1048, 856-8541
- Director of Student and Information Management Services, Tim Niggle, Education 1052, 856-8538
- Director of Student Teaching, Letha Taylor, Education 1042, 856-8736
- Director of Undergraduate Records & Licensing Advisor, Dorothy Slota, Education 1064, 856-8528
- Head Education Librarian, Gwen Pershing, Education 1106, 856-8594
School of Education Departments
- Counseling and Educational Psychology, Ginette Delandshere, Chair, Education 4038, 856-8301
- Counseling and Counselor Education (Master’s), Susan Whiston, Education 4014, 856-8305
- Counseling Psychology (Doctorate), Rex Stockton, Education 4056, 856-8344
- Educational Psychology, David Estell, Education 4010, 856-8307
- Developmental Psychology, Anne Stright, Education 4058, 856-8311
- Educational Inquiry Methodology, Barbara Dennis, Education 4016, 856-8142
- Learning Sciences, Daniel Hickey, Education 4018, 856-8563
- School Psychology, Thomas Huberty, Education 4062, 856-8309, and Jack Cummings, Education 4048, 856-8327
- Director of Center for Human Growth, Lynn Gilman, Education 0026, 856-8348
- Curriculum and Instruction, Cary Buzzelli, Chair, Education 3204, 856-8184 and Gretchen Butera, Associate Chair, Education 3234, 856-8174
- Art Education, Elizabeth (Beau) Vallance, 3216, 856-8114
- A Community of Teachers, To Be Announced
- Curriculum Studies, David Flinders, Education 3131, 856-8189
- Early Childhood, Judith Chafel, Education 3214, 856-8136
- Elementary Education, To Be Announced
- Mathematics Education, Peter Kloosterman, Undergraduate, Education 3274, 856-8147 and Diana Lambdin, Graduate, Education 3058, 856-8149
- Science and Environmental Education, Valarie Akerson, Education 3070, 856-8140
- Secondary Education, David Flinders, Education 3288, 856-8109
- Social Studies, Marilynne Boyle-Baise, Education 3288, 856-8109
- Special Education, Jeff Anderson, (Master’s), Education 3132, 856-8155 and Gretchen Butera, (Doctorate), Education 3212, 856-8155
- Teaching All Learners, Melissa Keller, Education 3260, 856-8188
- Gifted and Talented Education, To Be Announced
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Martha McCarthy, Chair, Education 4228, 856-8360
- Educational Foundations, Andrea Walton, Education 4228, 856-8363
- Educational Leadership, Robert Toutkoushian, Education 4228, 856-8365
- Education Policy, Barry Bull, Education 4228, 856-8363
- Higher Education, Don Hossler, Education 4228, 856-8362
- International and Comparative Education, Margaret Sutton, Education 4228, 856-8363
- Student Affairs Administration, Danielle DeSawal, Education 4228, 856-8362
- Instructional Systems Technology, Elizabeth Boling, Chair, Education 2276, 856-8451
- Literacy, Culture, and Language Education, Mary Beth Hines, Chair, Education 3038, 856-8290
- Elementary Reading/Language Arts and Literacy, Mitzi Lewison, Education 3024, 856-8269
- English Education, Peter Cowan, Education 3012, 856-8278 and Stephanie Carter, Education 3018, 856-8265
- Reading Literacy Education, Mitzi Lewison, Education 3024, 856-8269
- World Languages Education and ESL Education, Martha Nyikos, Education 3016, 856-8272
- Middle School/Secondary Reading/Content Literacy Education, James Damico, Education, 3028, 856-8267
- DE Language and Literacy Education, Larry Mikulecky, Education 3014, 856-8277