Schools, Departments & Programs

Psychological and Brain Sciences

Major in Neuroscience—B.S.

The B.S. in Neuroscience is designed for students who have an interest in the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience and who are interested in pursuing graduate training in neuroscience, attending medical school, or obtaining a research-related position in biotechnology, the life sciences, or the pharmaceutical industry. The major provides interdisciplinary training in basic scientific principles in the life and physical sciences that are necessary for an understanding of nervous system function, as well as training in the fundamental principles of neuroscience, and opportunities for more advanced training in specific topics in the field. Thus, students will gain a depth of understanding in neuroscience, from the cellular and molecular bases of nervous system function, to a systems-level approach to the study of brain-behavior relationships.


Students must complete the following Foundations, Intensive Writing, Foreign Language, Public Oral Communication, Critical Approaches and Breadth of Inquiry requirements:

  1. Writing, same as B.A. degree (English Composition and Intensive Writing).
  2. Mathematics, fulfilled by major requirements.
  3. Foreign language, three semesters in the same language, or equivalent proficiency.
  4. One Critical Approaches course (COLL-C 103, COLL-C 104, or approved equivalents).
  5. One Public Oral Communication course.
  6. Arts and Humanities, two courses (could include COLL-C 103 or equivalent from number 4 above).
  7. Social and Historical Studies, two courses (could include COLL-C 104 or equivalent from number 4 above).
  8. Natural and Mathematical Sciences, fulfilled by major requirements.

Students must also complete the following courses for the Neuroscience major componenet of the degree:

  1. Introductory courses:
    • PSY-P 101 or PSY-P 106 or PSY-P 155
    • PSY-P 346 (or P326)
    • BIOL-L 112 or BIOL-H 111
    • CHEM-C 117-C127, C341 (or R340), and C343
    • PHYS-P 201 and P202 (or P221 and P222)
  2. Mathematics courses:
    • MATH-M 211 (or both M119 and M120)
    • PSY-K 300 or K310 or a substitute approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies
  3. Basic non-neuroscience courses: Select three courses from ANAT-A 215, BIOL-L 211, BIOL-L 311, BIOL-L 312, CHEM-C 118, CHEM-C 342, CHEM-C 383, CHEM-N 330, CSCI-A 321, MATH-M 212, MATH-M 301, MATH-M 303, PHSL-P 215.
  4. Advanced neuroscience courses: Select four courses from PSY-P 337, P349, P406, P407, P409, P410, P411, P423, P437, P441, P453, P456, P457 (any topic with P326 or P346 as a prerequisite), P466, P467, P469, P470, or BIOL-L 410  (Approved topic: Brain Behavior and Evolution), BIOL-L 423, BIOL-Z 463, or PHYS-P 317.
  5. Laboratory courses: Select one from PSY-P 426, PSY-P 433, PSY-P 472, PSY-P 473, or an approved neuroscience laboratory using an appropriate departmental research course for enrollment such as: PSY-X 498, PSY-P 499, BIOL-X 490, CHEM-X 399, PHYS-X 498, SPHS-X 490.

Note: All attempts in courses that could potentially meet Neuroscience major requirements are considered to be part of the Neuroscience major GPA. All such courses that meet the minimum grade of C– will count toward the minimum hours in the major, and when applicable, toward 300–400 level credit hours and/or the residency requirement.