Departments & Programs
Human Biology
Approved Area of Concentration Courses
Human Health and Disease
A. Life Sciences Perspectives Courses
- BIOL L112 Introduction to Biology, Biological Mechanisms (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL L211 Molecular Biology (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL L311 Genetics (3 cr.)
- BIOL L318 Evolution (3 cr.)
- BIOL M250 Microbiology (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL M350 Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry (3 cr.)
- BIOL M440 Medical Microbiology: Lecture (3 cr.)
- BIOL Z466 Endocrinology (3 cr.)
- CHEM C341 Organic Chemistry I Lectures (3 cr.) N & M
- CHEM C483 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.) N & M
- MSCI M131 Disease and the Human Body (3 cr.)
- MSCI M216 Medical Science of Psychoactive Drugs (3 cr.)
- MSCI M470 Mechanism of Human Disease (3 cr.)
- PSY P303 Health Psychology (3 cr.) N & M
- PSY P326 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.)
SPHS S307 Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Aging (3 cr.) N & M
Lecture/Laboratory Courses
- ANAT-A 215 Basic Human Anatomy (5 cr.) N & M
- ANAT-A 464 Human Tissue Biology (4 cr.)
- ANTH-B 301 Laboratory in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 113 Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 319 Genetics Laboratory (3 cr.)
- BIOL-M 255 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.)
- BIOL-M 445 Medical Microbiology: Laboratory (3 cr.)
- BIOL-P 451 Integrative Human Physiology (4 cr.)
- CHEM-C 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I (5 cr.) N & M
- CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (2 cr.)
- CHEM-N 330 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry (5 cr.)
- PHSL-P 215 Basic Human Physiology (4–5 cr.) N & M
- PHYS-P 201 General Physics I (5 cr.) N & M
- PHYS-P 202 General Physics II (5 cr.) N & M
B. Historical, Social, Arts, and Humanities Perspectives Courses
- ANTH-E 260 Culture, Health, and Illness (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
- CJUS-P 415 Crime and Madness (3 cr.) S & H
- CLAS-C 209 Medical Terms from Greek and Latin (2 cr.)
- CMCL-C 333 Stigma: Culture, Deviance, and Identity (3 cr.) A & H
- CMCL-C 340 The Rhetoric of Social Movements (Topic: Illness, Violence, & Resistance) (3 cr.) A & H
- CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
- ECON-E 344 Health Economics (3 cr.)
- ENG-L 240 Literature and Public Life (3 cr.) A & H
- GNDR-G 225 Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
- GNDR-G 235 Scientific Understandings of Sex and Gender (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 335 Explaining Sex/Gender Differences (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 435 Health, Sex, and Gender (3 cr.) S & H
- HIST-H 213 The Black Death (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
- HIST-H 333 Epidemics in History (3 cr.) S & H
- HON-H 203 Interdepartmental Colloquia (Topic: Medicine, Magic, and Mortality) (3 cr.) A & H, TFR
- HPSC-X 200 Scientific Reasoning (3 cr.) N & M
- HPSC-X 320 Topics in Science: Humanistic (Topics: Philosophy of Medicine; Protoplasm Is Soft Wax in Our Hands) (3 cr.) A & H
- HPSC-X 323 Topics in Science: Social and Historical (Topic: History of Medicine) (3 cr.) S & H
- INTL-I 202 Health, Environment, and Development (3 cr.) S & H
- PHIL-P 393 Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.)
- POLS-Y 379 Ethics and Public Policy (3 cr.) A & H
- PSY-P 315 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) S & H
- PSY-P 324 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.) S & H
- REL-D 340 Religion and Bioethics (3 cr.) A & H
- SOC-S 101 Social Problems and Policies (Topic: Medicine in America: Physicians, Patients, and Their Problems) (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 324 Mental Illness (3 cr.) S & H
Human Reproduction and Sexuality
A. Life Sciences Perspectives Courses
- ANTH-B 400 Undergraduate Seminar (Topic: Hormones and Behavior) (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 112 Introduction to Biology: Biological Mechanisms (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 311 Genetics (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 317 Developmental Biology (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 318 Evolution (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 331 Introduction to Human Genetics (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 340 Biological Basis of Sex Differences (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-M 416 Biology of AIDS (3 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 466 Endocrinology (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 204 Psychological and Biological Bases of Human Sexuality (3 cr.) N & M Note: Only one of PSY-P 204 and HPER-F 255 may count toward a degree in human biology.
Lecture/Laboratory Courses
- ANAT-A 215 Basic Human Anatomy (5 cr.) N & M
- ANAT-A 464 Human Tissue Biology (4 cr.)
- BIOL-L 319 Genetics Laboratory (3 cr.)
- BIOL-P 451 Integrative Human Physiology (4 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 318 Developmental Biology Laboratory (2 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 469 Endocrinology Laboratory (2 cr.)
- PHSL-P 215 Basic Human Physiology (4–5 cr.) N & M
B. Historical, Social, Arts, and Humanities Perspectives Courses
- CJUS-P 412 Sex, Drugs, AIDS, and Criminal Law (3 cr.) S & H
- CJUS-P 423 Sexuality and the Law (3 cr.) S & H
- CMCL-C 412 Race, Gender, and Representation (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
- ENG-L 249 Representations of Gender and Sexuality (3 cr.) A & H
- ENG-L 389 Feminist Literary and Cultural Criticism (3 cr.) A & H
- GNDR-G 105 Sex, Gender, and the Body (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 235 Scientific Understandings of Sex and Gender (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 303 Knowledge and Sex (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 335 Explaining Sex/Gender Differences (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 399 Regulating Gender (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 430 Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (3 cr.) S & H
- GNDR-G 435 Health, Sex, and Gender (3 cr.) S & H
- HIST-A 300 Issues in United States History (Topic: American Sexual Histories) (3 cr.) S & H
- HIST-H 231 The Family in History (3 cr.) S & H, TFR
- HPER-F 255 Human Sexuality (3 cr.) Note: Only one of PSY-P 204 and HPER-F 255 may count toward a degree in human biology.
- SOC-S 321 Sexual Diversity (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 338 Gender Roles (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 413 Gender and Society (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 422 Constructing Sexuality (3 cr.) S & H
Human Environment and Ecology
A. Life Sciences Perspectives Courses
- BIOL-B 368 Ethnobotany (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 318 Evolution (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 473 Ecology (3 cr.)
- GEOG-G 208 Human Environment Interactions (3 cr.) N & M
- GEOG-G 305 Environmental Change—Nature and Impact (3 cr.) N & M
- PHYS-P 310 Environmental Physics (3 cr.) N & M
Lecture/Laboratory Courses
- BIOL-B 300 Vascular Plants (4 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-B 352 Fungi: Laboratory (2 cr.)
- BIOL-B 364 Summer Flowering Plants (4–5 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 376 Biology of Birds (4 cr.)
- BIOL-L 433 Tropical Biology (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 465 Advanced Field Biology (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 474 Field and Laboratory Ecology (2 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 375 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory (2 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 406 Vertebrate Zoology (5 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 476 Biology of Fishes (3 cr.)
- GEOL-G 104 Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.) N & M
- GEOL-G 105 Earth: Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.) N & M
- GEOL-G 131 Oceans and Our Global Environment (3 cr.) N & M
- GEOL-G 171 Environmental Geology (3 cr.) N & M
- GEOL-G 188 Volcanoes of the Eastern Sierra Nevada (3 cr.) N & M, TFR
- GEOL-G 424 Geographic Information Systems Applications in Geology (3 cr.)
B. Historical, Social, Arts, and Humanities Perspectives Courses
- ANTH-A 150 Freshman Seminar in Anthropology: Topics (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-E 101 Ecology and Society (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-E 327 Native Amazonians and the Environment (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
- ANTH-E 328 Ecological Anthropology (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-E 444 People and Protected Areas: Theories of Conservation (3 cr.) S & H
- CEUS-R 394 Environmental Problems and Social Constraints in Northern and Central Eurasia (3 cr.)
- CMCL-C 228 Argumentation and Public Advocacy (3 cr.) A & H
- CMCL-C 406 The Study of Public Advocacy (Topic: U.S. Environmental Movements) (3 cr.)
- ENG-L 240 Literature and Public Life (3 cr.) A & H
- FOLK-F 440 Folklife and Material Culture Studies (3 cr.) A & H
- GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.) S & H
- GEOG-G 320 Population Geography (3 cr.) S & H
- GEOG-G 411 Sustainable Development Systems (3 cr.) S & H
- GEOG-G 415 Advanced Urban Geography (3 cr.) S & H
- INTL-I 202 Health, Environment, and Development (3 cr.) S & H
- POLS-Y 313 Environmental Policy (3 cr.) S & H
- POLS-Y 379 Ethics and Public Policy (3 cr.) A & H
- REL-D 250 Religion, Ecology, and the Self (3 cr.) A & H
- REL-D 350 Religion, Ethics, and the Environment (3 cr.) A & H
- SOC-S 101 Social Problems and Policies (Topic: Envisioning the City) (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 370 Research Methods in Sociology (3 cr.) S & H
Human Origins and Survival
A. Life Sciences Perspectives Courses
- ANTH-B 350 Issues in Human Origins: Creation and Evolution (3 cr.)
- ANTH-B 370 Human Variation (3 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-B 464 Human Paleontology (3 cr.)
- ANTH-B 470 Human Adaptation: Biological Approaches (3 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-P 302 Invention and Technology (3 cr.)
- ANTH-P 380 Prehistoric Diet and Nutrition (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 111 Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Diversity (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 311 Genetics (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 318 Evolution (3 cr.)
- COGS-Q 240 Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences (4 cr.) A & H
- COGS-Q 301 Brain and Cognition (3 cr.) N & M
- GEOG-G 208 Human Environment Interactions (3 cr.) N & M
- INFO-I 400 Topics in informatics (Topic: Seek and Find: Search Strategies in Space and Time) (3 cr.)
- MSCI-M 470 Mechanism of Human Disease (1–6 cr.)
- PSY-P 201 An Introduction to Neuroscience (3 cr.) N & M
- PSY-P 325 Psychology of Learning (3 cr.) N & M
- PSY-P 326 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 335 Cognitive Psychology (3 cr.) N & M
- PSY-P 410 Development of the Brain and Behavior (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 416 Evolution and Ecology of Learning (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 423 Human Neuropsychology (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 438 Language and Cognition (3 cr.) N & M
- PSY-P 444 Developmental Psychobiology (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 466 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (3 cr.) N & M
- SPHS-S 201 Speech and Hearing Physiology (3 cr.) N & M
- SPHS-S 333 Childhood Language (3 cr.) N & M
Lecture/Laboratory Courses
- ANAT-A 215 Basic Human Anatomy (5 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-B 301 Laboratory in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-P 385 Paleolithic Technology Laboratory (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 319 Genetics Laboratory (3 cr.)
- BIOL-P 451 Integrative Human Physiology (4 cr.)
- PHSL-P 215 Basic Human Physiology (4–5 cr.) N & M
B. Historical, Social, Arts, and Humanities Perspectives Courses
- ANTH-A 303 Evolution and Prehistory (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-E 210 Rethinking Race Globally (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-E 260 Culture, Health, and Illness (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
- ANTH-E 427 Human Adaptation: Cultural Approaches (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-L 200 Language and Culture (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-L 407 Language and Prehistory (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-P 200 Introduction to Archaeology (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-P 210 Life in the Stone Age (3 cr.) S & H
- ANTH-P 220 The Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations (3 cr.) S & H
- FOLK-F 215 Health and Morbidity in Traditional Cultures (3 cr.) S & H
- HIST-B 300 Issues in Western European History (Topic: The Industrial Revolution) (3 cr.) S & H
- HIST-H 205 Ancient Civilization (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
- HIST-H 333 Epidemics in History (3 cr.) S & H
- HPSC-X 102 Revolutions in Science: Plato to NATO (3 cr.) S & H
- HPSC-X 200 Scientific Reasoning (3 cr.) N & M
- HPSC-X 320 Topics in Science: Humanistic (Topic: Scientific Concepts of Culture) (3 cr.) A & H
- LING-L 210 Topics in Language and Society (3 cr.) S & H
- LING-L 430 Language Change and Variation (3 cr.) S & H
- PHIL-P 320 Philosophy and Language (3 cr.) A & H
- PSY-P 315 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) S & H
Human Growth and Development
A. Life Sciences Perspectives Courses
- ANTH-B 370 Human Variation (3 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-B 480 Human Growth and Development (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 315 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) S & H
- PSY-P 410 Development of the Brain and Behavior (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 425 Behavior Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 442 Infant Development (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 443 Cognitive Development (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 444 Developmental Psychobiology (3 cr.)
- SPHS-S 333 Childhood Language (3 cr.) N & M
- SPHS-S 436 Language Disorders in Children (3 cr.)
Lecture/Laboratory Courses
- ANAT-A 215 Basic Human Anatomy (5 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-B 301 Laboratory in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) N & M
- ANTH-B 405 Fieldwork in Bioanthropology (cr. arr.)
- BIOL-L 113 Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) N & M
- BIOL-L 319 Genetics Laboratory (3 cr.)
- BIOL-L 324 Human Molecular Biology Laboratory (3 cr.)
- BIOL-Z 318 Developmental Biology Laboratory (2 cr.)
- PHSL-P 215 Basic Human Physiology (5 cr.) N & M
- PSY-P 426 Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 429 Laboratory in Developmental Psychology (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 433 Laboratory in Neuroimaging Methods (3 cr.)
- PSY-P 435 Laboratory in Human Learning and Cognition (3 cr.)
B. Historical, Social, Arts, and Humanities Perspectives Courses
- CJUS-P 414 Adolescents and the Law (3 cr.) S & H
- CJUS-P 462 Child Abuse and Neglect (3 cr.) S & H
- ENG-L 390 Children's Literature (3 cr.) A & H
- ENG-L 391 Literature for Young Adults (3 cr.) A & H
- FOLK-F 364 Children's Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
- GNDR-G 335 Explaining Sex/Gender Differences (3 cr.) S & H
- HIST-H 231 The Family in History (3 cr.) S & H, TFR
- HPSC-X 308 History of Biology (3 cr.) A & H
- POLS-Y 315 Political Psychology and Socialization (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 316 The Family (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 344 Sociology of Childhood (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 435 Social Psychology of the Self (3 cr.) S & H
- SOC-S 438 Childhood Socialization (3 cr.) S & H
- TEL-T 317 Children and Media (3 cr.) S & H