Departments & Programs
Geological Sciences
Course Descriptions
- GEOL–G 103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.) N & M Introduction to origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Relationships between rock types, rock structures, surficial geological processes of running water, subsurface water, glaciation, wind, tides, and landform evolution. Geologic time. Two lectures and one demonstration/ laboratory each week. Credit given for only one of the following: G103, G111.
- GEOL–S 103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes Honors (3 cr.) N & M Introduction to the origin and classification of minerals and rocks. Relationships between rock types, rock structures, surficial geologic processes of running water, subsurface water, glaciation, wind, tides, and landform evaluation. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. Credit given for only one of S103, G103, or G111.
- GEOL–G 104 Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.) N & M Earth’s history interpreted through 4.5 billion years. Deductive approach to understanding the significance of rocks and fossils and reconstructing the plate-tectonic origin of mountains, continents, and ocean basins. A survey of events in earth’s evolution relevant to contemporary environmental concerns. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. Credit given for only one of G104, S104, or G112.
- GEOL–S 104 Honors Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.) N & M Earth’s history interpreted through 4.5 billion years. Deductive approach to understanding the significance of rocks and fossils and reconstructing the plate-tectonic origin of mountains, continents, and ocean basins. A survey of events in earth’s evolution relevant to contemporary environmental concerns. Two lectures and one laboratory each week. Credit given for only one of S104, G104, or G112.
- GEOL–G 105 Earth: Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.) N & M Introduction to planet Earth as a dynamic and complex global system. Course materials will demonstrate physical and chemical linkages between biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere that directly impact lifestyles of human populations at time scales of years to centuries. Two lectures and one laboratory each week.
- GEOL–G 111 Physical Geology (3 cr.) P: One high school or college course in chemistry. N & M Basic concepts of geology. Formation of rocks, erosion and landscape evolution, plate tectonics, interpretation of earth processes from geological data. Two lectures and one laboratory per week. One required field trip. Restricted to prospective geology and other science majors. Credit given for only one of the following: G103, G111.
- GEOL–G 112 Historical Geology (3 cr.) P: G111 or consent of instructor. N & M Principles of interpreting earth history from geological data. Geologic time, biological evolution, plate tectonics, and ancient environments. Two lectures and one laboratory per week. One required field trip. Credit given for only one of G112, G104, or S104.
- GEOL–G 114 Dinosaurs and Their Relatives (3 cr.) N & M Origin and evolution of vertebrates including dinosaurs and their distant relatives such as fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Course will focus on dinosaur evolution, paleobiology, paleoecology, and extinction. The scientific method and quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be presented. Two lectures and one demonstration each week. II Sem.
- GEOL–G 116 Our Planet and Its Future (3 cr.) N & M The interaction between geologic and environmental processes in the earth. Special emphasis on how these processes affect public policies and laws. Multimedia exercises and videotape presentations (made specifically for this course) are included. Two lectures and one discussion section/laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 121 Meteorites and Geological Processes in Planets (3 cr.) N & M, TFR Geological processes operative on earth-like planetary bodies and asteroids; evidence from current meteorite, lunar, Martian, and space research; quantitative and deductive exercises. For non–science majors. Credit given for only one of G121 and S121.
- GEOL–S 121 Meteorites and Geological Processes in Planets, Honors (3 cr.) N & M, TFR For Hutton Honors College students and those with unusually good aptitude or preparation. Credit given for only one of S121 and G121.
- GEOL–S 124 Honors Geology (3 cr.) N & M Physical, chemical, and biological processes of the Earth’s evolution as a planet. Principles of geological reasoning. Two 75-minute seminars a week; six quizzes, one final examination, no laboratory. Credit not given for S124 and any of G103, G104, G105, G111, and G112, I Sem., II Sem.
- GEOL–G 125 Processes in the Geological Sciences (2 cr.) P: One 100-level course from the geological sciences. May be taken concurrently with G221. This laboratory-based course is designed to provide familiarity with the geological processes that are critical for understanding both the geological past and modern geological activity. Course intended for geological sciences majors but open to other science majors.
- GEOL–G 131 Oceans and Our Global Environment (3 cr.) N & M Introduction to oceanography, with emphasis on ocean-atmospheric interaction and global climate, plate tectonics and morphology of the ocean basins, marine geology, energy resources, environmental problems due to sea-level rise, coastal erosion, oil spills, and life in the sea. Two lectures and one laboratory each week.
- GEOL–G 134 Records of Global Climate Change (3 cr.) N & M Explores interactions of astronomic, physical, chemical, and biological processes that control global climate. Examines modern and ancient records of global temperatures and atmospheric compositions, and patterns of ice and vegetation. Evaluates media coverage of climatic issues and international efforts to mitigate the impacts of human activities.
- GEOL–G 141 Earthquakes and Volcanoes (3 cr.) N & M, TFR Examination of the causes and effects of earthquakes and volcanic activity. Impacts of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, including secondary effects such as landslides, mudflows, and tsunamis; climactic effects; energy/mineral resources; and social disruption. Mitigation of effects of natural disasters. Two lectures and one laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 150 Exploring Extraterrestrial Life in Martian Rocks (3 cr.) N & M Concept of life and fossils in geology. Purpose, strategy, and processes of data collection. Web-derived data from NASA, LPI, PSR, and JPL on Martian meteorites. Evaluation of evidence of life in Mars. In-class/lab writing is required.
- GEOL–G 161 Earth Resources (3 cr.) N & M An overview of the location, genesis, extraction, utilization of, and exploration for natural resources, including petroleum, coal, uranium, industrial minerals, gems, and metallic ores. Environmental issues related to resource extraction and processing, and the role of mineral and energy reserves in international economics are examined. Two lectures and one laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 171 Environmental Geology (3 cr.) N & M Examination of natural and man-induced geologic hazards: earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and land subsidence; environmental issues; disposal and management of solid, chemical, and radioactive waste; acid mine drainage, as well as the environmental impact of mineral extraction and water resource utilization. Two lectures and one laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 188 Volcanoes of the Eastern Sierra Nevada: Geology and Natural Heritage of the Long Valley Caldera (3 cr.) P: LLC L100 or consent of instructor. N & M, TFR Introductory-level field course. Introduces students to the natural history of the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains. Focuses on the geological processes, natural hazards, and environmental issues facing a unique and environmentally sensitive area of the western United States. I SS.
- GEOL–G 190 The Evolving Earth (1–3 cr., max of 3 cr.) Processes that have produced the earth and are continuing to change it. Topics include origin and evolution of life, dynamic forces within the earth (earthquakes and volcanism), geological sources of energy, and the effect of humans on the geologic environment. Occasional field trips.
- GEOL–Q 203 Earth Science for Teachers (4 cr.) P: PHYS Q202. Introduction to origin, composition, and structure of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere as well as the interrelationship among spheres. Modern astronomy, including solar system, origin of stars, astronomical measurement, and astrogeology. Special emphasis on subjects commonly taught in elementary schools. Credit available only to students majoring in elementary education.
- GEOL–G 221 Introductory Mineralogy (4 cr.) P: College-level course in chemistry. C: College-level course in chemistry. N & M The assembly of minerals from atoms in nature. Atomic bonding, structures, and symmetry. Control of physical properties by symmetry. Interaction of light with crystals. Crystal fields and forces driving the growth of crystals from melts and aqueous solutions. The chemistry of silicates and other minerals. Three lectures, one two-hour lab. Credit given for only one of GEOL G221 or G225. I Sem.
- GEOL–G 222 Introduction to Petrology (4 cr.) P: G221. N & M Study of the principal representatives of the major chemical groups of minerals. Emphasis on rock-forming and useful minerals, their crystal structure, chemistry, physical properties, association, and occurrence. Study of major rock types. Two lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. II Sem.
- GEOL–G 225 Earth Materials (4 cr.) P: One course in chemistry. N & M This course sequentially considers minerals, rocks, sediments, and soils; the materials that comprise the solid earth. The distribution and environmental significance of these materials are studied, as are their chemical and physical interactions with groundwater and plants. Three 50-minute lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Laboratory attendance is required. Credit given for only one of GEOL G225 or G221.
- GEOL–G 300 Environmental and Urban Geology (3 cr.) P: One course in physical or general geology or physical geography. N & M Significance of regional and local geologic features and processes in land use. Use of geologic factors to reduce conflict in utilization of mineral and water resources and damage from geologic hazards.
- GEOL–G 302 Development of the Global Environment (3 cr.) P: One semester of college chemistry, physics, or astronomy; MATH M118 or equivalent. N & M Origin of the chemical elements, formation of the solar system and planets, development of the terrestrial atmosphere and rise of atmospheric oxygen, evolution of complex life, and prospects for the future of our planet.
- GEOL–G 316 Mineral Fuels and Materials (3 cr.) P: One course in general geology. N & M Origin of petroleum, coal, industrial minerals, and ore deposits; reserves, resources, and future needs; history, economic, and environmental considerations; national minerals policy; and international aspects of energy and raw materials distribution.
- GEOL–G 319 Elementary Field Geology (2 cr.) P: MATH M014 or equivalent. C: MATH M014 or equivalent. Use of geologic surveying instruments; aneroid barometer, Brunton pocket transit, telescopic alidade. SS.
- GEOL–G 321 Field Geology for Business Students (3 cr.) P: G103 or G104 or consent of instructor. N & M A field-based course taught in Montana. General topics include topographic and aerial maps and their role in resource exploration; rocks, minerals, and associated industrial uses; oil, natural gas, groundwater migration and concentration, mining and environment, streams (economic importance, floodplains, practical uses and limitations).
- GEOL–G 323 Structural Geology (4 cr.) P: G104 or G112. P or C: G222. N & M Geometry and origin of folds, faults, joints, and cleavage. Modes and principles of rock deformation. Regional tectonics of selected fold-mountain systems. Laboratory and field trip. II Sem.
- GEOL–G 329 Introductory Field Experience in Environmental Science (5–6 cr.) P: One course in environmental science and G225. N & M Introduction to field-based scientific investigations. Experience in various environmental sciences including ecology, environmental chemistry, geology, hydrology, and meteorology. Field exercises are carried out within an instrumented demonstration watershed close to the IU Geologic Field Station in Montana. Course includes visits to several Superfund sites. SS.
- GEOL–G 334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4 cr.) P: G222. Interrelationship of sedimentation and stratigraphy; processes and factors influencing genesis of sedimentary strata; provenance, depositional environment, sedimentary facies, paleoecology; analytical techniques; application of principles of interpretation of stratigraphic record. Laboratory study of sediments and sedimentary rocks. I Sem.
- GEOL–G 351 Elements of Hydrology (3 cr.) P: C118, P201/P221, and M212 or M216, or consent of instructor. Introduction to hydrology, physical properties of water relating to heat transfer and flow, phases of water and phase changes, water as a solvent and transporting agent, water budgets at various scales of inquiry, fluid pressure and potential, and fluid flow at the surface and subsurface of the earth.
- GEOL–G 399 Reading for Honors (1–6 cr., max of 12 cr.) P: Approval of departmental honors advisor. I Sem., II Sem.
- GEOL–G 404 Geobiology (3 cr.) P: G334 and BIOL L111 or L112. Application of biological principles and use of fossils in the study of earth history. Origin of life and the early fossil record; evolution; approaches to taxonomy; chemistry of fossils; ecology of ancient life; use of fossils in the solution of geologic problems.
- GEOL–G 406 Introduction to Geochemistry (3 cr.) P: G222, MATH M212 or M216, and CHEM C118; or consent of instructor. Chemistry in the study of the earth, employing elementary chemical thermodynamics, the phase rule, chemical equilibria, redox reactions, the radioactive decay law, and organic chemistry.
- GEOL–G 410 Undergraduate Research in Geology (1–6 cr.) P: Junior standing and consent of advisor. Field and laboratory research in selected problems in geology. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. I Sem., II Sem., SS.
- GEOL–G 411 Invertebrate Paleontology (3 cr.) P: BIOL L111 or L112, and one 300- or 400-level course in biology or geology. Structure, classification, habitats, and geological history and significance of the invertebrate phyla. Laboratory study of fossils.
- GEOL–G 413 Introduction to Geophysics (3 cr.) P: PHYS P202 and P222 and MATH M212 or M216. Application of physics in the study of geologic and environmental problems. Theory and application of seismic, gravity, magnetic, and electric methods in exploration of the earth’s subsurface, with emphasis on near-surface processes. Two lectures and one laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 415 Geomorphology (3 cr.) P: G222; college chemistry and mathematics or consent of instructor. Natural processes that form landscapes, surficial geologic materials and soils. Physics and chemistry of weathering. Dynamics of streams, wind, waves, glacier ice, and mass movement. Interactions of geomorphology and environment.
- GEOL–G 416 Economic Geology (3 cr.) P: G334; CHEM C118 or consent of instructor. Geologic occurrence and genesis of economic mineral deposits, including petroleum and coal. Introduction to mining, processing, and exploration methods. Two lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 417 Optical Mineralogy (3 cr.) P: G222. Theory and use of optics in the identification and classification of rock-forming minerals in fragments and thin sections. One lecture and two 2-hour laboratory meetings per week.
- GEOL–G 418 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3 cr.) P: G222 or equivalent. The petrogenesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Both the lecture and laboratory portions of the course stress the application of modern petrographic, mineralogic, geochemical, and phase equilibria techniques to the solution of relevant petrologic problems. Two lectures and one 2-hour laboratory meeting per week.
- GEOL–G 419 Sedimentary Geology of Dinosaur-Bearing Rocks (2 cr.) Five-day, six-night field course in Wyoming for primary and secondary science educators requiring licensing certification renewal. Focus is on presenting simple concepts of geology and paleontology utilized in reconstructing the ancient landscape, climate, and environments of deposition of important dinosaur-bearing formations. Additional course fee required.
- GEOL–G 420 Regional Geology Field Trip (1–2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Field investigation of selected regions of North America for study of mineralogic, lithologic, stratigraphic, structural, paleontologic, geomorphologic, or other geological relationships. Six to 15 days in the field. May be repeated.
- GEOL–G 423 Methods in Applied Geophysics (4 cr.) P: G413 or equivalent. Application of geophysical principles to field and laboratory experiments, with emphasis on data acquisition, analysis, and geologic interpretation. Experiments include earthquake seismology, electrical resistivity, magnetic and gravity surveys, and reflection and refraction seismology.
- GEOL–G 424 Geographic Information Systems Applications in Geology (3 cr.) Concepts and use of geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) technologies are introduced during intensive laboratory sessions. Fieldwork, conducted in the Indiana University Research and Teaching Preserve, involves mapping of pertinent features using GPS units followed by additional data collection aimed at attributing specific mapped features.
- GEOL–G 426 Field Techniques in Basin Analysis (1–3 cr.) P: G334. R: G323. Instruction in sedimentological techniques including facies, paleocurrent and provenance analysis; measured sections, facies mapping and approaches to regional study of sedimentary basins in the field. Application of these techniques to actual field problems in basin analysis. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
- GEOL–G 427 Introduction to X-ray Mineralogy (3 cr.) P: G221. Advanced topic in mineralogy, including non-ideal solid solutions, order-disorder, exsolution, and strain. Theory and practice of X-ray power diffraction. Measurement and analysis of digital diffraction data, including profile fitting and Rietveld refinement. Two lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week.
- GEOL–G 429 Field Geology in the Rocky Mountains (5–8 cr.) P: G222, G323 Six weeks, including five weeks at the Geologic Field Station in Montana. Geologic reconnaissance, measurement of stratigraphic sections, mapping on aerial photographs, construction of structure sections. Regional geomorphology, stratigraphy, and structure through South Dakota, the Black Hills, Wyoming, Montana, Yellowstone Park, and Glacier Park. SS.
- GEOL–G 444 Methods in Analytical Geochemistry (1–2 cr.) An overview of basic collection and preparation of water, soil, and geologic materials for analysis by analytical geochemistry techniques for environmental, and exploration geology, and geochemistry applications. Techniques include Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Atomic Spectrometry Absorption (AAS) by flame and graphite furnace, X-ray fluorescence, and Leco carbon and sulfur concentration determinations. May not be repeated.
- GEOL–G 451 Principles of Hydrogeology (3 cr.) P: C118, M212 or M216, and consent of instructor. Physical and chemical properties of water; chemical equilibria and stable isotopes in groundwaters; acid drainage, landfills, and agricultural pollution; Darcy’s Law, fluid potential, unsaturated flow; fluid and aquifer properties affecting groundwater flow; fluid mass-balance equation and its application; contaminant transport.
- GEOL–G 454 Fundamentals of Plate Tectonics (3 cr.) P: G323, G334 or consent of instructor. N & M Synthesis of observations from diverse disciplines of geology leading to the development of modern plate tectonic theory. Applications of plate tectonic principles to fundamental problems of continental and marine geology. Meets jointly with G554.
- GEOL–G 490 Undergraduate Seminar (1–2 cr.) Open to junior and senior majors by special permission. Readings and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
- GEOL–G 499 Honors Research in Geology (1–6 cr.) P: Approval of departmental honors advisor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. I Sem., II Sem., SS.