
Doctoral Programs

Doctor of Medicine

With an undergraduate student body of 1,120 and an average class size of 280, the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) is the nation’s second largest medical school. As the only medical school in the state of Indiana, IUSM is committed to producing knowledgeable, skilled, and caring physicians.

Recognizing that the art of medicine requires more than excellent medical knowledge and procedural skill, IUSM was among the first of a growing number of schools in the nation to adopt an innovative curriculum designed to support student development in nine areas of competency: (1) Effective Communication; (2) Basic Clinical Skills; (3) Using Science to Guide Diagnosis, Management, Therapeutics, and Prevention; (4) Lifelong Learning; (5) Self-Awareness, Self-Care, and Personal Growth; (6) The Social and Community Context of Health Care; (7) Moral Reasoning and Ethical Judgment; (8) Problem Solving; and (9) Professionalism and Role Recognition. Additional information about the curriculum can be found at

The School of Medicine, in cooperation with other institutions of higher learning, has expanded educational opportunities for first- and second-year students on several campuses throughout Indiana. Matriculants begin their first two years of study at one of nine campus locations throughout Indiana, including:

  • Medical Science Program on the campus of Indiana University—Bloomington;
  • IUSM—Evansville on the campus of University of South Indiana;
  • IUSM—Fort Wayne on the campus of Indiana University—Purdue University at Fort Wayne;
  • Indianapolis on the campus of Indiana University—Purdue University at Indianapolis;
  • IUSM—Lafayette on the campus of Purdue University;
  • IUSM—Muncie on the campus of Ball State University;
  • IUSM—Northwest on the campus of Indiana University—Northwest;
  • IUSM—South Bend on the campus of University of Notre Dame;
  • IUSM—Terre Haute on the campus of Indiana State University.

All students come together in Indianapolis for the third and fourth years of study. IUSM course and non-course work reflect the competency focus. Small group work emphasizes foundational science content along with communication, problem-solving, and lifelong learning. Introduction to Clinical Medicine courses address clinical, social, behavioral, and basic sciences in addition to communication, professionalism, medical ethics, cultural diversity, and spirituality. Year one focuses on the physician-patient relationship through interaction with faculty and patients in a variety of settings. In year two, the competencies are increasingly integrated into patient care through direct patient contact at the bedside. Students demonstrate their developing competencies in various settings, including Objective Structured Clinical Examinations with standardized patients trained to present specific health problems and give students immediate feedback.

In year three, student learning in the competency areas is furthered through the medical care programs of the hospitals. During clinical clerkships, students assume increasing responsibility for all aspects of patient care. Clerkship opportunities range from preventive medicine and outpatient care through emergency services, general hospital ward work, and specialized medical services. The annual AAMC Graduation Questionnaire indicates that students value the exposure to a wide variety of hospitals, patient populations, and clinical experiences that are available in Indianapolis. Fourth-year students widen their experience through three required clerkships, advanced-level projects in three of the nine competency areas, and six months of elective study. Students may choose from electives in basic and clinical science departments, hospital systems in and beyond Indianapolis, private practice preceptorships, or foreign study.

The formation of a physician’s professional identity is not accomplished solely through the formal curriculum. Learners also assimilate patterns of relating what they experience in the social environment, or informal curriculum, during their training. In 2003, IUSM began a three-year process of self-study and organizational development known as the Relationship-Centered Care Initiative (RCCI). The school is working to transform the informal curriculum to foster relationship in all aspects of medical school and practice. The desired outcome is a culture that consistently reflects the ethical, professional, and humane values expressed in the formal curriculum. Additional information about RCCI can be found at

The school follows an evaluation system that includes both course and competency grades. The course grading system includes grades of honors, high pass, pass, and fail. Achievement of the nine competencies is tracked and documented each year, culminating in a competency transcript upon graduation. The competency grading system is satisfactory or non-satisfactory. In order to graduate, students must pass all course and competency requirements (all nine competencies at Levels 1 and 2 and three selected competencies for Level 3) and Steps 1 and 2 (Clinical Skills and Clinical Knowledge portions) of the United States Medical Licensing Examination.

A graphical representation and detailed information about planned competency experiences, evaluation, and assessment for all campuses and Levels can be searched within the Database of Competency Curriculum (DoCC) at

Student Honors

The faculty cooperates in nominating students for various awards offered by medical school departments or by organizations interested in medical education.

Academic Bulletins

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