Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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For problems accessing information on this website, please contact Teresa Sheppard.

Checkpoint Three

Sarah SassPictured | Sarah Sass | Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Education, Early Childhood / Minor in History | New Carlisle, Indiana (hometown)

Checkpoint Three—All Majors—
at the End of Student Teaching, Prior to Licensure and Graduation
Elementary Education Majors 

Elementary education majors are required to upload documents and artifacts from their student teaching experiences for review prior to Checkpoint Three and Graduation. Instructions for documents to upload and procedures for doing so will be provided during the student teaching experience. Elementary Education Majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75.

Secondary Education Majors 

Secondary education majors are required to upload documents and artifacts from their student teaching experiences  for review prior to Checkpoint Three and Graduation. Instructions for documents to upload and procedures for doing so will be provided during the student teaching experience. Secondary Education Majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75.

Special Education Majors

Special education majors are required to upload documents and artifacts from their student teaching for review prior to Checkpoint Three and Graduation. Instructions for documents to upload and procedures for doing so will be provided during the student teaching experience. Special Education Majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75.

Teaching License

Once students have completed their program, they must successfully pass all state required content and pedagogy examinations for their teaching areas in order to be licensed in the State of Indiana

Critical Checkpoint 1 >>
Critical Checkpoint 2 >>

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.