Pictured | Cassee Berger | Bachelor of Science in Education, Special Education, Early Childhood | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Checkpoint Two—
Prior to Student Teaching
Elementary Education Majors
Candidates who are elementary education majors should take Block III classes the semester before student teaching. Candidates will be informed in Block II classes about the requirements for successful completion of Checkpoint Two. Requirements for candidate evaluation at checkpoint two will consist of lesson plans, reflections, field disposition forms, and a cumulative GPA of 2.75.
Block classes are groups of classes that are linked together during registration for convenience and to ensure that courses required to be taken concurrently are offered together. Students who have questions about the block system should speak with an Education Advisor.
Secondary Education Majors
Candidates who are secondary education majors will submit artifacts from professional education courses for review during Checkpoint Two. Instructors for artifact-bearing courses will inform secondary majors about which artifacts will be reviewed, and provide information for submission. Assignments will include unit plans and lessons, analysis of assessment data, and disposition forms from field experiences. Candidates who have questions about Checkpoint Two should speak with an education advisor, or their secondary education course instructors.
Special Education Majors
Candidates will be required to upload documents and artifacts for Checkpoint Two. Special Education students will be informed about the process for uploading documents during their professional education courses.
Assignments will include lesson plans, analysis of assessment data, a cumulative GPA of 2.75, and artifacts from field experiences.