Previous IU South Bend Campus Bulletins

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins (bulletins prior to 2013-2014 are in PDF format only).

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Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

Reagan AyalaPictured | Reagan Ayala | Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Public Relations and Strategic Communication | South Bend, Indiana (hometown)
Campus Involvement | First Year Seminar Peer Mentor; Admissions Tour Guide; Gateway; Titan Success Center
Club Affiliation | Queer Straight Alliance (president); Team Titan Go! 

Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

A degree in Communication Studies is inherently valuable. Communication permeates all aspects of society and understanding its function across and within a variety of contexts plays a fundamental role in the creation and transference of meaning. According to the website of the National Communication Association, communication majors add value to professional contexts, secure jobs by bringing desired skills into the marketplace, and drive positive change through applied ethics and a dedication to civic engagement. 

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Communication Studies will prepare students for a wide variety of careers including advertising, business, sales, communication consulting, training and development, human resources, politics, government, health fields, and other careers that focus on problem-solving interactions, management, and human relations.

Concentrations Offered
  • Journalism and Digital Media
  • Public Relations and Strategic Communication
  • Relational Communication and Social Interaction

Academic Advising

Your academic advisor is a critical partner in fostering your success at IU South Bend and beyond. Your advisor will help you explore academic majors and careers, plan your degree, choose classes, learn about internships and study abroad, and much more. To see who is assigned as your advisor, visit your Student Online Advising Record in For more information about advising at IU South Bend, visit the website for the Undergraduate Advising Center.

Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.

Questions about advising? Email or call (574) 520-4550.

Degree Requirements (120 cr.)

Degree Map >>

Students receiving the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies degree must complete 120 total credit hours including:

  • A minimum of 30 credit hours at the 300– or 400–level.
  • Courses required for the major must be completed with a grade of C- or higher.
  • A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required.
  • All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.

Communication Core (27 cr.)
  • COMM-S 200 Introduction to Mass Communications
  • JOUR-J 200 Reporting, Writing and Editing I; OR
    COMM-S 201 Reporting, Writing, and Editing
    Pending approval
  • JOUR-J 410 Media Ethics; OR
    COMM-S 410 Media Ethics
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-C 393 Communication Research Methods; OR
    COMM-S 393 Communication Research Methods
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 122 Interpersonal Communication; OR
    COMM-S 122 Interpersonal Communication
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 205 Introduction to Speech Communication; OR
    COMM-S 202 Introduction to Speech Communication
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 223 Business and Professional Communication; OR
    COMM-S 223 Business and Professional Communication
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 334 Computer-Mediated Communication; OR
    COMM-S 334 Computer-Mediated Communication
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 405 Human Communication Theory; OR
    COMM-S 405 Communication Theory
    Pending approval

Diversity Requirement (6 cr.)

Select two of the following:

  • JOUR-J 475 Race, Gender, and the Media; OR
    COMM-S 475 Race, Gender, and the Media
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 427 Cross-Cultural Communication; OR
    COMM-S 427 Intercultural Communication
    Pending approval
  • SPCH-S 450 Gender and Communication; OR
    COMM-S 450 Gender and Communication
    Pending approval
  • TEL-T 313 Comparative Media Systems; OR
    COMM-S 313 Comparative Media
    Pending approval
  • Study abroad opportunity (in consultation with an advisor)
  • World Language course (in consultation with an advisor)

Capstone Experience (3 cr.)

Each student will complete a capstone experience, either through a senior comprehensive class or an internship.

Select one from the following

  • COMM-S 400 Senior Seminar in Speech
    Pending approval
  • COMM-S 492 Media Internship
    Pending approval
  • COMM-T 390 Professional Practice Internship
    Pending approval
  • JOUR-J 492 Media Internship
  • SPCH-S 400 Senior Seminar in Speech
  • SPCH-S 490 Professional Practice Internship

Concentration Requirements >>

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

2024-2025 Campus Bulletin
2023-2024 Campus Bulletin
2022-2023 Campus Bulletin
2021-2022 Campus Bulletin
2020-2021 Campus Bulletin
2019-2020 Campus Bulletin
2018-2019 Campus Bulletin
2017-2018 Campus Bulletin
2016-2017 Campus Bulletin
2015-2016 Campus Bulletin
2014-2015 Campus Bulletin

Please be aware that the PDF is formatted from the webpages; some pages may be out of order.