Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability
Pictured | Cori Jones | Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability Studies / Minor in Geography | Bremen, Indiana (hometown)
Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability
Sustainability is generally characterized as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The Sustainability Studies Program offers in-person and online BA degrees as well as a minor. In these, students study the trans-disciplinary foundations of sustainability and learn how to apply the knowledge they acquire to the development and implementation of sustainable values, innovations, practices, technologies, and policies. Going beyond the traditional classroom, the Sustainability Studies curriculum includes civic engagement and experiential, project-based, and service learning, thus preparing students to lead the way in the creation of a sustainable future while preparing them for the new jobs of the emerging green economy.
Academic Advising
Your academic advisor is a critical partner in fostering your success at IU South Bend and beyond. Your advisor will help you explore academic majors and careers, plan your degree, choose classes, learn about internships and study abroad, and much more. To see who is assigned as your advisor, visit your Student Online Advising Record in For more information about advising at IU South Bend, visit the website for the Undergraduate Advising Center.
Final responsibility for meeting degree requirements rests with the student.
Questions about advising? Email or call (574) 520-4550.
Degree Requirements (120 cr.)
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Students receiving the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree must complete 120 total credit hours including:
- IU South Bend Campuswide General Education Curriculum (33 cr.)
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences/School of Natural Sciences Bachelor of Arts Requirements (16-26 cr.)
- Required Minor taken in any campus school or interdisciplinary program (15-18 cr.)
- Major Requirements (33 cr.)
- Introduction (3 cr.)
- Sustainability Core Courses (12 cr.)
- Skills for Sustainability (3 cr.)
- Electives (12 cr.)
- Capstone (3 cr.)
- Free Electives (balance of credits needed to equal 120 cr. requirement)
- A minimum of 30 credit hours at the 300– or 400–level.
- Major and minor requirements must be completed with a grade of C– or higher.
- All courses are 3 credit hours, unless otherwise noted.
Major Requirements (33 cr.)
Introduction (3 cr.)
- SUST-S 201 Foundations of Sustainability
Sustainability Core Courses (12 cr.)
Select 12 credits from the following:
- SOC-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions
VT: Sustainable Communities
VT: Consumer Society and Environment - SUST-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions
VT: Just Food: Sustainable Food Systems
VT: Icelandic Land Ethics - SUST-S 310 Systems Thinking for Sustainability
- SUST-S 341 Life in the Anthropocene: Past, Present, and Future(s)
- SUST-S 360 Topics in Sustainability Studies
VT: Sustainable Urban Agriculture
VT: Good Work
VT: Sustainability, Health, and Wellness
VT: Urban Landscapes and Biodiversity
VT: Tools for Measuring Sustainability
VT: Environmental Justice
VT: Art and Sustainability - SUST-S 361 Sustainability Abroad (1-6 cr.)
- SUST-S 411 Sustainability, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
- SUST-S 460 Strategies for Transformative Leadership and Community Engagement
- SUST-S 491 Internship in Sustainability
- SUST-S 495 Directed Readings in Sustainability (1-3 cr.)
- SUST-S 496 Research in Sustainability (1-3 cr.)
Skills for Sustainability (3 cr.)
In consultation with your advisor, select one course from the following:
- BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business
- CSCI-B 100 Problem Solving Using Computers (4 cr.)
- INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.)
- ECON-E 103 Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON-E 104 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Geographic Information Systems
- GEOG-G 338 Geographic Information Systems
Social Science Research Methodology
- SOC-S 370 Research Methods in Sociology
- BIOL-L 337 Introduction to Biostatistics
- ECON-E 270 Introduction to Statistical Theory in Economics and Business
- MATH-K 310 Statistical Techniques
- PSY-P 354 Statistical Analysis in Psychology
- SOC-S 351 Social Statistics
- ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills
- ENG-W 232 Introduction to Business Writing
- ENG-W 234 Technical Report Writing
- ENG-W 270 Argumentative Writing
- ENG-W 315 Writing for the Web
- ENG-W 319 Grant Writing
- ENG-W 367 Writing for Multiple Media
Electives (12 cr.)
Select 12 credits from the following:
- ANTH-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions
VT: Environmental Anthropology - BIOL-L 101 Introduction to Biological Sciences 1 (5 cr.)
(2 cr. count towards Elective) - BIOL-N 390 The Natural World
VT: Environmental Science
Biology majors can substitute BIOL-L 473 Ecology and BIOL-L 474 Field and Laboratory Ecology (2 cr.) - BUS-B 399 Business and Society
- CHEM-N 190 The Natural World
VT: Chemistry and Our Environment - GEOG-B 190 Human Behavior and Social Institutions
VT: Introducing Globalization - GEOG-G 213 Introduction to Economic Geography
- GEOG-G 338 Geographic Information Science
- GEOL-G 111 Physical Geology
- GEOL-G 210 Oceanography
- GEOL-G 219 Meteorology
- GEOL-G 451 Principles of Hydrogeology
- GEOL-N 190 The Natural World
VT: Geology of the National Parks
VT: Weather Forecasting and Analysis - GEOL-N 390 The Natural World
VT: Natural Hazard and Disasters - HIST-T 190 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
VT: Humans and the Environment - HPER-N 220 Nutrition for Health
- HSC-H 331 Environmental Health
- HSC-H 412 Global Health
- LSTU-L 390 Topics in Labor Studies
VT: Jobs and the Environment - PHIL-P 383 Topics in Philosophy
VT: Philosophical Topics in Evolution - PHIL-T 390 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
VT: Environmental Philosophy - PHYS-N 190 The Natural World
VT: Energy in the 21st Century - PLSC-B 101 Plant Biology (5 cr.)
- POLS-Y 115 Environment and the People
- PSY-B 190 Human Behavior and Social Institutions
VT: Social Justice - SOC-B 399 Human Behavior and Social Institutions
VT: Sustainable Communities
VT: Costa Rica (Crosslisted with SOC-S 362)
VT: Belize (Crosslisted with SOC-S 362)
VT: Consumer Society and the Environment - SOC-S 306 Urban Society
- SOC-S 362 World Societies and Cultures
VT: Belize - SOC-S 410 Advanced Topics in Social Organization
VT: Consumer Culture and Climate Change
VT: Environmental Sociology - SOC-S 460 Topics in Non-Western Cultures
VT: International Inequalities - SUST-B 190 The Sustainable Future
- WGS-T 390 Literary and Intellectual Traditions
VT: Women and Sustainability
Capstone (3 cr.)
- SUST-S 490 Sustainability Practicum