Administrative Leadership at IU South Bend
Susan Elrod, PhD
- Elizabeth Paice, MPA, MA, Chief of Staff
- Steve Bruce, MA, Executive Director of Athletics and Activities; and Head Women's Basketball Coach
- Laura Harlow, MS, Director of Institutional Equity and Inclusive Excellence
- Deborah Schmitt, MA, Director of Human Resources
- Nick Ray, BS, Chief Information Officer
Jill Pearon, DMA
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Raman Adaikkalavan, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
- Linda Chen, PhD, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Lee Kahan, PhD, Special Associate Vice Chancellor for Advising and Retention
- Tammy Harwood, PHR, Academic and Faculty Affairs Specialist
- Jesús Garcia-Martinez, PhD, Dean, Vera Z. Dwyer College of Health Sciences
- Doug McMillen, PhD, Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; and Acting Dean, Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts
- Otrude Moyo, PhD, Director, Master of Social Work Program
- Bhavik Pathak, PhD, Interim Dean, Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics
- Hope Smith Davis, EdD, Dean, School of Education
- Susan Thomas, MLS, MPA, Dean, Library Services, Franklin D. Schurz Library
- Rick Dennie, Interim Director, Titan Success Center
- Ginny Heidemann, EdD, Director, Academic Centers for Excellence
- Cyndi Lang, CISSP, Director, Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Sally Norton, JD, MSDS, Registrar
- Constance O. Peterson-Miller, MLS, Director, Admissions and International Student Services.
Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Diversity
- Kevin Griffith, PsyD, Associate Vice Chancellor Student Affairs and Diversity; Executive Director, Student Counseling Center
- Kimberly Moore, BGS, Director, Career Services
- Derrick Patty, MSW, Learning Disabilities Specialist, Accessible Educational Services
- Savanna Hebert-Annis, MLS, Assistant Director, Veteran's Services
Interim Dean of Students
- Laura Harlow, MS, Director of Institutional Equity and Inclusive Excellence; Interim Dean of Students
- Scott Strittmatter, BAA, Director, Housing and Student Life
Andy Williams, MBA
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
- Andrew Harlow, MAcc, Director of Accounting Services
- Aaron Hoover, Director of Facilities
- Lars Schlereth, PhD, Director of Fiscal Affairs
Rob DeCleene, BS
Vice Chancellor for University Relations and Advancement
- Moira Dyczko, BA, Director, Alumni Relations and Campus Ceremonies
- Dina S. Harris, MEd, Director, Advancement
- Dana Rassas JoJo, MPA, MA, Major Gifts Officer
- TBD, Director, Communications and Marketing
- Eileen Villanueva, MA, Director, Special Events
- Sheila Sieradzki, BS, Director, Elkhart Partnerships