Undergraduate Studies

General Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees

General Education List of Courses

The following describes the general education requirements for all IU Southeast baccalaureate degrees for students who enter the university in the Fall 2013 semester and after.  Students who entered the university prior to Fall 2013 have the option to use the requirements below with the approval of their academic advisor.  Care should be taken to document approval for students who change to the new requirements.

*Note: Courses may appear under more than one General Education Requirement, but these courses can only be used to satisfy one General Education Core requirement.

  • Information Literacy Library Instruction (Choose one course)
    • COAS-S 104 First Year Seminar (for new students)
    • COAS-S 154 Pathways (for students exempt from First Year Seminar)
    • HON-H 215 Introduction to Honors Research (for Honors students exempt from First Year Seminar)
  • Written Communications I (Choose one courses, grade of C or better required)
    • ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I
    • HON-H 103 Honors Seminar: Common Intellectual Experience I
  • Written Communication II (Choose one course)
    • EDUC-H 205 Introduction to Educational Thought
    • ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills
    • ENG-W 234 Technical Report Writing
    • ENG-W 250 Writing in Context
    • ENG-W 270 Argumentative Writing
    • ENG-W 290 Writing in the Arts & Sciences
    • HON-H 215 Introduction to Honors Research (for Honors students exempt from First Year Seminar)
    • JOUR-J 200 Reporting, Writing, & Editing I
    • PSY-P 342 Research & Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
    • SOC-S 260 Intermediate Sociological Writing
  • Oral Communication (Choose one course)
    • BUS-C 104 Business Presentations
    • COMM-S 121 Public Speaking
    • HON-H 104 Honors Seminar: Common Intellectual Experience II
    • PHIL-P 113 Introduction to Debate, Argument & Persuasion
  • Quantitative Reasoning (Choose one course)
    • MATH-A 118 Finite Mathematics for the Social & Biological Sciences
    • MATH-K 300 Statistical Techniques for Health Professions
    • MATH-M 110 Excursions in Mathematics
    • MATH-M 114 Quantitative Literacy II
    • MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics
    • MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I
    • MATH-M 122 College Algebra
    • MATH-M 125 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
    • MATH-M 129 Business Algebra and Applications
    • MATH-M 215 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I
    • MATH-T 101 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
  • Ethical Reasoning (E)/Diversity (D) (Choose one course)
    • AFRO-A 169 Introduction to Afro American Literature (D)
    • AFRO-A 249 African American Autobiography (D)
    • COMM-S 122 Interpersonal Communication (D)
    • EALC-E 165 Introduction to Contemporary Japan (D)
    • EDUC-M 300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (D)
    • ENG-L 207 Women and Literature (D)
    • ENG-L 230 Introduction to Science Fiction (D)
    • FINA-A 150 African, New World, and Oceanic Art (D)
    • GEOG-G 201 World Regional Geography (D)
    • GNDR-G 101 Gender, Culture, and Society (D)
    • HIST-F 100 Issues in Latin American History (D)
    • HIST-G 100 Issues in Asian History (D)
    • HON-H 103 Honors Seminar: Common Intellectual Experience I (D)
    • INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies (D)
    • PHIL-P 100 Introduction to Philosophy (E)
    • PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics (E)
    • PHIL-P 170 Introduction to Asian Philosophy (D)
    • POLS-Y 105 Introduction to Political Theory (E)
    • POLS-Y 107 Introduction to Comparative Politics (D)
    • POLS-Y 109 Introduction to International Relations (D)
    • SOC-S 163 Social Problems (D)
  • Arts (A)/Humanities (H) (Choose on course)
    • FINA-F 100 Fundamental Studio Drawing (A)
    • FINA-H 100 Introduction To Art History and Visual Culture for Non-Majors (A)
    • FINA-N 110 Introduction to Studio Art (A)
    • MUS-M 174 Music for the Listener (A)
    • MUS-T 109 Rudiments of Music I (A)
    • THTR-T 105 Theatre Appreciation (A)
    • THTR-T 120 Acting I (A)
    • AFRO-A 169 Introduction to Afro American Literature (H)
    • EALC-E 100 East Asia: An Introduction (H)
    • ENG-L 101 Western World Masterpieces I (H)
    • ENG-L 102 Western World Masterpieces II (H)
    • ENG-L 104 Introduction to Fiction (H)
    • ENG-W 206 Introduction to Creative Writing (H)
    • FINA-A 101 Ancient & Medieval Art (H)
    • FINA-A 102 Renaissance through Modern Art (H)
    • HUMA-U 101 Introduction to Humanities (H)
    • HUMA-U 102 Introduction to Modern Humanities (H)
    • PHIL-P 100 Introduction to Philosophy (H)
    • PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics (H)
    • GER-G 255 Traditions and Innovation in German Literature (H)
  • Natural Sciences (Choose one lecture [LE] and one associated lab [LA] OR one lecture/lab [LL] combo)
    • BIOL-L 100 Humans & the Biological World (LL)
    • BIOL-L 101 Introduction to Biological Sciences I (LL)
    • BIOL-L 102 Introduction to Biological Sciences II (LL)
    • CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (LE)
    • CHEM-C 121 Elementary Chemistry I Lab (LA)
    • CHEM-C 102 Elementary Chemistry II (LE)
    • CHEM-C 122 Elementary Chemistry II Lab (LA)
    • CHEM-C 104 Physical Sciences & Society (LL)
    • CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I (LE)
    • CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (LA)
    • GEOG-G 107 Physical Systems of the Environment (LE)
    • GEOG-G 108 Physical Systems of the Environment Lab (LA)
    • GEOL-G 100 Earth Science: Geologic Aspects (LL)
    • PHYS-P 100 Physics in the Modern World (LL)
    • PHYS-P 201 General Physics I (LL)
    • PLSC-B 101 Plant Biology (LL)
    • Students should make every effort to complete a lecture and associated lab; however, the following courses are approved as stand-alone courses and may be combined to meet the 5 credit hour requirement with your advisor's approval.  Prerequisites may apply.
      • AST-A 100 The Solar System (LE)
      • BIOL-L 100 Humans & the Biological World (LE)
      • CHEM-C 100 The World as Chemistry (LE)
      • GEOL-G 180 Dinosaurs (LE)
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences (Choose one course)
    • ECON-E 101 Survey of Economic Issues & Problems
    • ECON-E 201 Intro. to Microeconomics (Replaced ECON-E 150 Introduction to Economics as of Spring 2015)
    • GEOG-G 110 Introduction to Human Geography
    • HIST-H 101 The World in the 20th Century
    • HIST-H 103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon
    • HIST-H 104 Europe: Napoleon to Present
    • HIST-H 105 American History I
    • HIST-H 106 American History II
    • HIST-H 243 Environmental History
    • JOUR-C 200 Introduction to Mass Communications
    • POLS-Y 103 Introduction to American Politics
    • POLS-Y 107 Introduction to Comparative Politics
    • POLS-Y 109 Introduction to International Politics
    • PSY-B 310 Life Span Development
    • PSY-P 101 Introduction to Psychology I
    • PSY-P 102 Introduction to Psychology II
    • SOC-S 163 Social Problems

General Education Additional Requirement

Students must choose an additional course from either Arts/Humanities or Social & Behavioral Sciences.  The course chosen cannot be from the same discipline as any of the courses chosen to meet the aforementioned Arts/Humanities or Social & Behavioral Science requirements.

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