
The Campus

Indiana University Southeast is one of the most beautiful and distinctive campuses in Indiana. Set on 180 acres of rolling land at the base of the scenic Floyds Knobs, the campus features 10 major buildings whose architecture complements the natural beauty of the land. The focal point of the campus is McCullough Plaza, where paths from all buildings converge at the base of the campus clock.

IU Southeast is located in New Albany, Indiana, just north of I265 at the Grant Line Road exit. The location provides ready access to commuters and visitors from throughout southeastern Indiana and the greater Louisville, Kentucky, area. Most people who live in IU Southeast’s service region, which includes nine counties in Indiana and five in Kentucky, may reach the campus in less than an hour’s drive. Downtown Louisville is 10 minutes away.

Within easy reach are Kentuckiana’s countless attractions and opportunities: the Kentucky Center for the Arts, with its orchestra, ballet, and opera; Churchill Downs; the Speed Art Museum; the Science Center; and Actors Theatre, the nationally acclaimed repertory company. Equally accessible is the area’s natural beauty: the Falls of the Ohio State Park, southern Indiana hill country, Patoka Lake recreation area, Clifty Falls State Park, and French Lick, to name just a few places where you may relax and enjoy a variety of outdoor activities.

Campus Directory

Academic Advising*

Students without declared majors and/or with fewer than 26 credit hours (except Purdue Programs): Academic Success Center, University Center South 207.

Students with declared majors, see appropriate unit below:

  • Arts and Letters, Knobview Hall 110
  • Business, Hillside Hall 214
  • Education, Hillside Hall 0020
  • Natural Sciences, Life Sciences Building 258
  • Nursing, Life Sciences Building 276
  • Purdue College of Technology, 3000 Technology Avenue
  • Social Sciences, Crestview Hall 140

*Transient, visiting, special graduate, and high school students should contact the Office of Admission to be directed to the appropriate advising office.

Accounting Services/Bursar Collection of student fees, University Center South 103
Admissions, Office of University Center 102
Adult Student Center Programs and Services, University Center South 206
Alumni & Community Relations Office University Center South 155
Athletics Schedules and general information, intramurals, Athletic Office, Activities Building
Audio Visual Aids IT Media and Web Services, Knobview Hall 014
Bookstore Books and supplies, University Center South 007
Bulletin Boards, Kiosks, and Posters Regulations pertaining to use, Campus Life, University Center South 010
Campus Life Clubs and organizations, orientation, leadership programs, Campus Life, University Center South 010
Career Development Center University Center South 106
Center for Mentoring University Center South 205
Chancellor University Center South 156
Children’s Center Care for children of IUS students and employees, Children’s Center
Continuing Studies Credit and noncredit programs, Knobview Hall 225
Counseling Personal Counseling Services, University Center South 201
Disability Services University Center South 207
Emergency and Police Service University Police, University Center 027
Financial Aid Office Work-study, grants, student loans, and scholarships, 
University Center South 105
First Aid University Police, University Center 027
Grade Reports Registrar, University Center South 207
ID Cards (UCard) Bursars Office, University Center South 103
Information Desk University Center 101
Information Technology

  • Media and Web Services, Knobview Hall 014
  • Support and Communications, University Center South 212
  • Systems and Operations, Crestview Hall 030
Language Lab Knobview Hall 204
Library Library Building
Lost and Found University Police, University Center 027
Mathematics Lab Physical Science 015
Metroversity Information Registrar, University Center South 107
Notary Service Human Resources, University Center South 244
Parking Permits University Police, University Center 027
Payments and Refunds Accounting Services/Bursar, University Center South 103
Personal Counseling Services University Center South 201
Photocopying Library Library Building
Police University Police, University Center 027
Publications Bulletins, class schedules, brochures, directories, etc., Information Desk, University Center 101
Records Grades, insurance certification for students in good standing, name and address changes, transcripts, etc., Registrar, University Center South 100
Registrar University Center South 100
Residence Life and Housing Meadow Lodge 103
Room Reservations Dining and Conference Services, University Center
Schedule Changes Drop and add, withdrawal forms, Registrar, University Center South 100
Student Development Center Placement testing, tutoring, Knobview Hall 233
Student Employment Career Services University Center South 106
SGA Senators University Center 012
Student Government Association University Center South 001Q
Student Health Insurance Information Information Desk, University Center South
Student Newspaper Horizon, University Center South
Ticket Sales Information Desk, University Center 101; Ogle Center, OG 147; Athletics, Activities Building
Veterans Information Veterans Affairs, Office of the Registrar, University Center South 107
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs University Center South 152
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs University Center South 156
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs University Center South 155
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Community Engagement University Center South 155
Writing Center Knobview Hall 208

Academic Bulletins

PDF Version

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