About IU Southeast

Core Values

Core values are the authentic guiding principles that define who we are as a university and what we stand for as an institution. They are the timeless values about which we feel passionately—values we would continue to honor even if our circumstances changed in a way that penalized us for holding to them. Because core values define who we are as a university, they act as the foundation upon which we build our mission, vision, and strategic plan.

Nurturing Environment

  • We foster a caring campus community that honors diversity, innovation, loyalty, teamwork, mutual respect, and fair play. We work together to create a culture of inclusion and dignity for all.

Holistic Learning

  • We provide a rich educational environment of academic excellence that extends beyond the classroom and supports students in reaching their full potential. We seek ways to improve upon the quality and service we provide to students.


  • We are uncompromising in our commitment to doing the right thing and being direct in our dealings. We are good stewards of our resources and take that responsibility seriously, are conscientious in our decision-making, and practice ethical behavior in all we do.


  • We engage with and support the many communities to which we belong and from which we draw our strength and potential. We go to extraordinary lengths to serve our communities efficiently and knowledgeably.

These values will enliven discussion and inform our daily decision-making process. Our Core Values are placed with our Vision and Mission Statements to remind us of our common purpose and to tell others interested in our campus who we are and what we stand for. Please join us in openly embracing these values as an integral part of the IU Southeast community.

Academic Bulletins

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