About IU Southeast

Mission & Vision

IU Southeast: Our Vision Statement

IU Southeast will become one of the nation’s leading student-centered, comprehensive regional universities.

IU Southeast: Our Mission

Indiana University Southeast is the regional campus of Indiana University that serves Southern Indiana and the Greater Louisville metropolitan area. As a public comprehensive university, IU Southeast provides high-quality programs and services that promote learning and prepare graduates for productive citizenship in a diverse society and contributes to the intellectual, cultural, civic, and economic development of our region.

Our faculty engage in research and creative activity that support teaching and learning and create opportunities for students to participate in applied learning. We are committed to constructive engagement in our local and regional community, marshaling our institutional and human capital toward the strengthening of our region as a place to work, build productive lives, and ensure the prosperity of future generations.

IU Southeast: Diversity Statement

Diversity is the valuing and respecting of difference, including socio-economic status, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, cultural and international origin, and other groups traditionally underrepresented at the university and in society. We grow and evolve as a university through seeing equality and representation as a goal and human right for everybody. Indiana University Southeast is committed to recruiting students from diverse populations and to making the climate and curriculum welcoming and equitable. Students will leave the university with a raised level of awareness of the history of equality and difference and attain international awareness, so that their understanding of academic disciplines, society, and the workplace will be enhanced, and they will be receptive to and promote valuing and respecting difference in their lives and in the workplace.

Academic Bulletins

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