IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Courses » Sculpture


  • HER-S 201 Sculpture I (3 cr.) Basic consideration of three-dimensional form in sculptural concept. Exposure to various related materials, techniques, and processes.
  • HER-S 202 Sculpture II (3 cr.)

    Course continues the development of skills and ideas introduced in Sculpture I, while providing more autonomy and self-direction. Students explore materials, form, space, and interaction with audiences. May include installation, performance, and immersive experiences and technologies. Course also considers the role of art and artists in contemporary society.

  • HER-S 220 Sculpture Seminar (Rotating Topics) (3 cr.) This course will allow Sculpture students to develop their conceptual, technical, historical, and critical knowledge on a variety of rotating topics.
  • HER-S 301 Sculpture III (3-6  cr.) P: HER-S202

    It is the purpose of this course to point up the unlimited possibilities of expression in sculpture in both theme and materials employed. Content is directed toward hand-shaping of plastic materials, casting of metals, and a broad range of construction approaches to sculpture.

  • HER-S 302 Sculpture IV (3  cr.) P: HER-S301

    It is the purpose of this course to point up the unlimited possibilities of expression in sculpture in both theme and materials employed. Content is directed toward hand-shaping of plastic materials, casting of metals, and a broad range of construction approaches to sculpture.

  • HER-S 401 Sculpture V (3  cr.) P: S302. Concentrated, specialized study of sculpture, with emphasis on extensive research in pursuit of individual direction.
  • HER-S 402. Sculpture VI (3  cr.) P: HER-S401

    A more concentrated, specialized study of sculpture with emphasis on the student's extensive research in the pursuit of individual direction.

  • HER-S 403 Individual Research in Sculpture I (3 cr.) Research devoted to the student's own projects in sculpture.
  • HER-S 404 Individual Research in Sculpture II (3 cr.) Research devoted to the student's own projects in sculpture.