IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Undergraduate » Degree Programs » Bachelor of Fine Arts » Integrative Studio Practice

Integrative Studio Practice

The BFA in Integrative Studio Practice (ISP) is a professional undergraduate degree for students whose artistic goals entail working with media in combination. Students in the program develop critical thinking skills, refine their intellectual and creative processes, and learn both traditional and contemporary aspects of artistic practice. Opportunities following graduation are essentially the same as for students identifying with a single program.


Degree requirements

General Education

30 credits corresponding to IUPUI's Statewide Transferrable General Education Core.

Foundation Studies 

20 credits

Art History, Theory, and Criticism and Professional Development

15 credits distributed as follows:

  • HER-H101 History of Art I (3 cr.) (may be used to fill Arts/Humanities General Education requirement)
  • HER-H102 History of Art 2 (3 cr.) (may be used to fill Arts/Humanities General Education requirement)
  • HER-H205 Introduction to Contemporary Art (3 cr.)
  • HER-HXXX Art History electives (6 cr.)

Professional and career preparation

HER-X201  Professional Practice in Visual Arts I

HER-X301  Professional Practice in Visual Arts II

Major Studio Requirements

Students will take 15 credits of dedicated coursework in Integrative Studio Practice. In addition, students will select an area of concentration, designated here as “major studio,” in which they will pursue 15 credits.

30 credits distributed as follows

  • Beginning Integrative Studio Practice (3 cr.)
  • 200-level major studio (3 cr.)
  • Intermediate Integrative Studio Practice I (3 cr.)
  • Intermediate Integrative Studio Practice II (3 cr.)
  • 300-level major studio (6 cr.)
  • Advanced Integrative Studio Practice III (3 cr.)
  • 400-level major studio (6 cr.)
  • Capstone: Integrative Studio Practice (3 cr.)

Non-Studio requirements

  • ENG-L 105 or L115 English Literature (3 cr.)
  • Open elective (3 cr.)


Total:  125 credits

Last update: April 2021