IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Nonmajors » Non-Majors

Non-Majors Elective Arts Program

An important component of the Herron School of Art and Design is the Elective Arts Program. As part of our mission to provide an educational experience in the visual arts for the university and community, Herron offers a wide range of courses in this program.

Elective Arts serves a varied constituency; the basic objective is to provide education in the arts to students who do not wish to pursue a professional degree (BFA) in the visual arts. These courses may fill general education requirements, requirements for minors or certificates offered by Herron or other schools, satisfy art therapy graduate admissions requirements, or fulfill requirements for other degree programs. Beginning level classes in two-dimensional and three-dimensional media are offered each semester to fulfill this mission, as well as widely accessible courses in art history, art education, design thinking, graphic design, and art education.

Generally, the courses have either no prerequisites or modest prerequisite requirements. Enrollment in any of these elective courses does not in itself constitute admission to any of the Herron School of Art degree programs.

Whether for personal enrichment or as a required component of an academic program, Elective Arts students develop artistic skills and gain a keen understanding of aesthetics through their own artwork. For complete information, including detailed course listings and admissions procedures, please contact the Herron Student Services Office at (317) 278-9400.

Last Updated: April 2021