IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Medicine » Undergraduate Programs » Student Learning Outcomes » Paramedic Science, A.S.


Undergraduate Programs

Student Learning Outcomes
Paramedic Science, A.S.

The goals of the Paramedic Program are to:

  1. Enable the Paramedic Science Student to perform as a Paramedic.
  2. Provide didactic instruction in the body of paramedic knowledge that will lead a Paramedic Science Student to hold competencies that will guide the Paramedic Science Student in a lifelong learning process as a health care professional.  
  3. Provide clinical instruction that will provide the Paramedic Science Student with mastery in clinical competencies necessary to perform as a Paramedic and will guide the Paramedic Science Student in a lifelong learning process as a health care professional.
  4. Provide a field internship that will develop a Paramedic Science Student’s ability to apply mastered competencies guided by mentors but in real time situations.
  5. Develop values that will prepare the Paramedic Science Student to be sensitive to the cultural needs of patients of all ages.
  6. Develop knowledge, competency, and awareness of one’s abilities and limitations, the ability to relate to people, and a capacity for calm and reasoned judgment while under stress.

Develop values that will prepare the Paramedic Science Student to independently process information to make critical decisions

Updated: July 2020