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Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
- ME 20000 Thermodynamics I (3 cr.) P: PHYS 15200. C: MATH 26100 and EEN 22501 and CHEM-C 105. First and second laws, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Application to engineering problems.
- ME 22501 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I (1 cr.) C: ME 20000 and ENGR 29700. Experiements in thermodynamics, parametric design and component fabrication.
- ME 25001 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II (1 cr.) C: ME 26200. Experiments on data analysis, hands-on programming with devices and fabrication.
- ME 26200 Engineering Design, Ethics and Entrepreneurship (2 cr.) P: ENGR 19600 and ENGR 29700 and ME 27000 and ENG-W 131 and COMM-R 110 and ME 25001. Basic concepts of the design process. Innovative engineering design of real life applications. Engineering ethics topics. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship. Design projects focus on open-ended problems. Design modeling, simulation, documentation and communication. Implementation and use of modern computer tools in solving design problems and completing team design projects in the area of Mechanical Engineering.
- ME 27000 Basic Mechanics (3 cr.) P: PHYS 15200. C: MATH 26100. Fundamental concepts of mechanics, force systems and couples, free body diagrams, and equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Distributed forces; centroids and centers of gravity of lines, areas, and volumes. Second moment of area, volumes, and masses. Principal axes and principal moments of inertia. Friction and the laws of dry friction. Application to structures and machine elements, such as bars, beams, trusses, and friction devices.
- ME 27200 Mechanics of Materials (3 cr.) P: ME 27000. Analysis of stress and strain; equations of equilibrium and compatibility; stress/strain laws; extension, torsion, and bending of bars; membrane theory of pressure vessels; elastic stability; selected topics.
- ME 27400 Basic Mechanics II (3 cr.) P: ME 27000. C: MATH 26600. Kinematics of particles in rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Kinetics of particles, Newton's second law, energy, and momentum methods. Systems of particles, kinematics and plane motion of rigid bodies, forces and accelerations, energy and momentum methods. Kinetics, equations of motions, energy and momentum methods for rigid bodies in three-dimensional motion. Application to projectiles, gyroscopes, machine elements, and other engineering systems.
- ME 29500 Engineering Topics (1-5 cr.) Topics of contemporary importance or of special interest that are outside the scope of the standard undergraduate curriculum can be offered temporarily under the selected topics category until the course receives a permanent number.
- ME 31000 Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.) P: ME 20000 and MATH 26600 and ME 27400. C: ME 32501. Continua, velocity fields, fluid statics, basic conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis. Euler and Bernoulli equations, viscous flows, boundary layers, flows in channels and around submerged bodies, and one-dimensional gas dynamics.
- ME 31400 Heat and Mass Transfer (3 cr.) P: ME 31000. Fundamental principles of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation; mass transfer by diffusion and convection. Application to engineering situations.
- ME 32501 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory III (1 cr.) C: ME 31000 and ME 27200. Experiments on testing of mechanics of materials and fluid mechanics.
- ME 32600 Engineering Project Management (3 cr.) P: Sophomore standing. Project management is an important skill that is needed in the private and public sectors as well as specialty businesses. This course explores the challenges facing today's project managers and provides a broad understanding of the project management environment focused on multiple aspects of the project.
- ME 32700 Engineering Economics (3 cr.) P: Sophomore standing. Engineering economics is the application of economic techniques to the evaluation of design and engineering alternatives. The role of engineering economics is to assess the appropriateness of a given project, estimate its value, and justify it from an engineering standpoint. This course covers the time value of money and other cash-flow concepts, reviews economic practices and techniques used to evaluate and optimize engineering decisions, and discusses the principles of benefit-cost analysis.
- ME 33000 Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems (3 cr.) P: ECE 20400 and MATH 26600. C: ME 27400. Introduction to dynamic engineering systems; electrical, mechanical, fluid, and thermal components; linear system response; Fourier series and Laplace transform.
- ME 34000 Dynamic Systems and Measurements (2 cr.) P: ME 33000. C: STAT Elective. Modeling and formulation of differential equations for dynamic systems, including mechanical vibratory systems, thermal systems, fluid systems, electrical systems, and instrumentation systems. Analysis of dynamic systems and measuring devices including transient response and frequency response techniques, mechanical systems, transducers, and operational amplifiers. Consideration of readout devices and their responses to constant, transient, and steady-state sinusoidal phenomena. Calibration and data analysis techniques are introduced. Both analog and digital computation are included.
- ME 34400 Introduction to Engineering Materials (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 105 and Junior standing in engineering. Class 3. Introduction to the structure and properties of engineering materials, including metals, alloys, ceramics, plastics, and composites. Characteristics and processing affecting behavior of materials in service.
- ME 35001 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IV (1 cr.) C: ME 31400 and ME 37200. Experiments on testing of dynamic systems, heat and mass transfer, and materials.
- ME 37200 Design of Mechanisms (3 cr.) P: ME 26200 and ME 27200 and ME 27400. This course presents fundamental concepts on kinematics and dynamic analysis of linkages and mechanical systems; analytical and graphical approaches to analysis; vector loop and relative velocity/acceleration solutions; design and analysis of cams and gears.
- ME 39700 Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering (0-6 cr.) P: Junior Standing and/or Consent of Instructor. Topics of contemporary importance or of special interest in Mechanical Engineering.
- ME 40200 Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System (3 cr.) P: ME 27200. Mechanical design of organisms, with emphasis on the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system. Selected topics in prosthesis design and biomaterials; emphasis on the unique biological criteria that must be considered in biomechanical engineering design.
- ME 40500 Seminar & Fundamentals of Engineering Review (1 cr.) P: ME 34400, ME 37200, and Senior Standing. C: ME 48200 A seminar series on mechanical engineering career options and guidance, professional development and licensing, and preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination.
- ME 41400 Thermal-Fluid Systems Design (3 cr.) P: ME 26200 and STAT Elective. C: ME 31400. Application of basic heat transfer and fluid flow concepts to design of the thermal-fluid systems. Emphasis on design theory and methodology. Design experience in thermal-fluid areas such as piping systems, heat exchangers, HVAC, and energy systems. Design projects are selected from industrial applications and conducted by teams.
- ME 42501 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory V (1 cr.) C: ME 48200. Experiments on testing of mechanical measurements and control systems.
- ME 43000 Power Engineering (3 cr.) P: ME 20000. Rankine cycle analysis, fossil-fuel steam generators, energy balances, fans, pumps, cooling towers, steam turbines, availability (second law) analysis of power systems, energy management systems, and rate analysis.
- ME 43300 Principles of Turbomachinery (3 cr.) P: ME 20000 and ME 31000. Unified treatment of principles underlying fluid mechanic design of hydraulic pumps, turbines, and gas compressors. Similarity and scaling laws. Cavitation. Analysis of radial and axial flow machines. Blade element performance. Radial equilibrium theory. Centrifugal pump design. Axial compressor design.
- ME 44600 CAD/CAM Theory and Application (3 cr.) P: ME 26200, ENGR 19600, and ENGR 29700, or consent of instructor. Introduction to computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) theory and applications. Topics include CAD/CAM systems and integration, geometric modeling, process planning, and tool path generation, CAD/CAM interfacing with CNC (computer numerically controlled) machines, machining, and CNC programming. Projects involve CAD/CAM-based product development cycle. Hands-on experience is attained through laboratory experiment and actual CNC manufacturing.
- ME 45000 Introduction to Computer-Aided Engineering (3 cr.) P: ME 26200 and 27200. Introduction to the use of finite element methods for analysis and design. Applications involving stress analysis and heat transfer of solids. The use of existing software and hardware for computer-aided engineering.
- ME 45310 Machine Design (3 cr.) C: ME 37200. This course prepares the student to: apply basic mechanics (statics and dynamics), mechanics of materials, and probability and statistics to the analysis and design of machines and machine components; design for strength of various machine components; study of stress/strain and force/deflection relations in machine components; understand fundamental approaches to stress and fatigue analysis and failure prevention; incorporate design methods for machine components such as shafts, bearings, springs, gears, clutches, breaks, chains, belts, and bolted and welded joints; and solve open-ended machine design problems involving structural analysis, life prediction, cost, reliability analysis, and technical communication.
- ME 45800 Composite Materials (3 cr.) P: ME 27200. Potential applications of composite materials. Basic concepts of fiber reinforced composites, manufacturing, micro and macro-mechanics, and static analysis of composite laminates. Performance (fatigue and fracture) and their application to engineering design.
- ME 46200 Capstone Design (4 cr.) P: ME 34400 and ME 37200. C: ME 49700 and ME 48200 and either ME 41400 or ME 45310. Concurrent engineering design concept is introduced. Application of the design is emphasized. Design problems from all areas of mechanical engineering are considered.
- ME 47200 Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3 cr.) P: ME 27200 and MATH 26600. Studies of stresses and strains in three-dimensional elastic problems. Failure theories and yield criteria. Bending of curved beams. Torsion of bars with noncircular cross sections. Beams on elastic foundation. Energy methods. Selected topics. Students may not receive credit for both ME 47200 and ME 55000.
- ME 47400 Vibration Analysis (3 cr.) P: ME 27200, ME 27400, and ME 33000. Introduction to simple vibratory motions, such as undamped and damped free and forced vibrations, vibratory systems with more than one degree of freedom, Coulomb damping, transverse vibration of beams, torsional vibration, critical speed of shafts, and applications.
- ME 48200 Control System Analysis and Design (3 cr.) P: ME 34000. Classical feedback concepts, root locus, Bode and Nyquist techniques, state-space formulation, stability, design applications.
- ME 49100 Engineering Design Project (1-2 cr.) P: Senior standing and consent of a faculty sponsor. The student selects an engineering design project and works under the direction of the faculty sponsor. Suitable projects may be from the local industrial, municipal, state, and educational communities. May be repeated for up to 4 credit hours.
- ME 49700 Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1-6 cr.) Topics of contemporary importance or of special interest that are outside the scope of the standard undergraduate curriculum can be offered temporarily under the selected topics category until the course receives a permanent number.
- ME 50000 Advanced Thermodynamics (3 cr.) P: ME 31000. Class 3. The empirical, physical basis of the laws of thermodynamics. Availability concepts and applications. Properties and relations between properties in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. The criteria of equilibrium. Application to a variety of systems and problems including phase and reaction equilibrium.
- ME 50101 Energy Assessment of Industrial Processes (3 cr.) P: Graduate Standing or Instructor Consent. The course provides and analyzes methodologies for improving energy efficiency in the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing equipment and processes will be analyzed in terms of energy consumption and optimization. It provides the technical and analytical foundation for students on assessing industrial processes to evaluate measures for optimizing energy efficiency in industrial, electrical, motor drive, compressed air, process heating, process cooling, lighting, space conditioning, combined heat and power systems. This course is designed for students who are interested in energy efficiency.
- ME 50102 Energy Management Principles (3 cr.) P: Graduate Standing or Instructor Consent. This course provides energy management principles for industrial applications. Various energy management methods, commitments, and strategies for continuous improvement as well as international standards will be analyzed and integrated. This course emphasizes real world applications including: critiquing utility rates structure and assessing costs; characterizing and quantifying energy saving opportunities at industrial facilities; determining investment payback scenarios and considerations.
- ME 50103 Industrial Energy Assessment: Tools and Applications (3 cr.) P: Graduate Standing or Instructor Consent. This course synthesizes advanced energy efficiency, energy auditing, and energy assessment methods and practices. Several types of industrial audits will be analyzed with respect to the methods, tools (hand and software), and industrial applications. Topics include: the audit process for energy, industrial productivity, and waste stream audits; audit components: energy bill analysis and economic analysis; audit system mechanics related to building envelop, electrical system, HVAC system, waste heat recovery, lighting, cogeneration, and other prevalent industrial systems; and measurement instrumentation issues for each industrial system. Students will enhance learning from a class project, which requires completion of an industrial scale energy audit.
- ME 50104 Powertrain Integration (3 cr.) P: Graduate Standing. Class 3. The holistic view of powertrain development that includes engine, transmission, and drivline is now well accepted. Current trends indicate an increasing range of engines and transmissions in the future with, consequently, a greater diversity of combinations. Coupled with the increasing introduction of hybrid vehicles, the scope for research, novel developments and new products is clear. This course discusses engines, transmissions, and drivelines in relation to their interfaces with chassis systems. This course also explores the concept to market evolution as well as powertrain and chassis integration. Novel concepts relating, for example, to continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) and hybridization are discussed, as well as approaches to modeling, analysis, and simulation.
- ME 50105 Hybrid & Electric Transportation (3 cr.) P: ME 48200 or ECE 38200. Familiarity with MATLAB / SIMULINK. Class 3. This course will cover fundamentals of hybrid electric and battery electric transportation systems with particular emphasis on automotive vehicles. It will cover basic powertrain configurations of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). The principal element of these powertrain will be discussed: Battery, Electric Motor, Engine, Transmission. This course will cover fundamental design concepts for HEV/PHEV and BEV powertrain. Efficient methods of component sizing via appropriate modeling and analysis methodologies will also be introduced. A basic introduction to power electronic components and microprocessor based controllers for these powertrains will also be given. An in-depth coverage will be given on the energy and power management of HEV/PHEV and BEV powertrain once the design is complete. Introduction of various concepts and terminologies, the state of the art development, energy conversion and storage options, modeling, analysis, system integration and basic principles of vehicle controls will be covered as well. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to follow the literature on these subjects and perform modeling, design, analysis and development work in this field. A field demonstration of a PHEV will be used to further enhance the learning experience in this course.
- ME 50400 Automotive Control (3 cr.) P: ECE 38200 or ME 48200 or equivalent, and familiarity with MATLAB. Class 3. Concepts of automotive control. Electro-mechanical systems that are controlled by electronic control modules via an appropriate algorithm (such as fuel injection timing control, emission control, transmission clutch control, anti-lock brake control, traction control, stability control, etc.). In-depth coverage on modeling and control of these automotive systems. MATLAB/SIMULINK modeling and simulation.
- ME 50601 Design Optimization Methods (3 cr.) P: MATh 26100 and MATH 26600. In this course the general theory of optimization, concepts and problems statement are presented. Methods for minimization of a function of one or n variables with and without constraints are discussed. Response surface methods and design of experiments are shown to significantly reduce analysis time. Applications using a commercial software package to solve typical engineering design optimization problems are demonstrated. Uncertainty in the design process is introduced. In addition to engineering, the methods studied can be applied to a variety of diverse disciplines such as finance, investment portfolio management, and life sciences.
- ME 50900 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.) P: ME 31000. Class 3. Fluid properties, basic laws for a control volume, kinematics of fluid flow, dynamics of frictionless incompressible flow, basic hydrodynamics, equations of motion of viscous flow, viscous flow applications, boundary layer theory, wall turbulence, and lift and drag of immersed bodies.
- ME 51000 Gas Dynamics (3 cr.) P: ME 31000. Class 3. Flow of compressible fluids. One-dimensional flows including basic concepts, isentropic flow, normal and oblique shock waves, Rayleigh line, Fanno line, and simple waves. Multidimensional flows including general concepts, small perturbation theory for linearized flows, and method of characteristics for nonlinear flows.
- ME 51201 Energy Storage Devices and systems (3 cr.) P: CHEM- 106 and PHYS 25100 and ME 20000. Fundamental principles of battery science and engineering (battery reactions, charge and mass transport in batteries, battery safety, battery management, and materials development in the batteries, battery system designs and integrations), current state-of-the-art battery technology and the current technical challenges on the development of batteries, codes and standards for safe handling of batteries.
- ME 52301 Nanosystems Principles (3 cr.) This is the introductory course in the nanosystems area. it introduces students to the principles and applications of nanosystems. The course begins with an introduction to the nanometer scale phenomena. It then introduces students to the basic elements resulting in nanosystems: nanoscale materials, processes, and devices. it also provides students with a basic understanding of the tools and approaches that are used for the measurement and characterization of nanosystems, and their modeling and simulation. Moreover, the course covers the applications of nanosystems in a wide range of industries, including information technology, energy, medicine, and consumer goods. The course concludes with a discussion of the societal and economical significance of these applications, including benefits and potential risks.
- ME 52500 Combustion (3 cr.) P: ME 31000 and CHEM-C 105. Class 3. Physical and chemical aspects of basic combustion phenomena. Classification of flames. Measurement of laminar flame speeds. Factors influencing burning velocity. Theory of flame propagation. Flammability, chemical aspects, chemical equilibrium. Chain reactions. Calculation and measurement of flame temperature. Diffusion flames. Fuels. Atomization and evaporation of liquid fuels. Theories of ignition, stability, and combustion efficiency.
- ME 52601 Integrated Nanosystems Processes and Devices (3 cr.) P: ME 52301. This course covers processes and devices associated with integrated nanosystems. Integrated nanosystems refer to systems which consist of integrated micro-, meso- and/or macro-scale parts, and their core components are realized by nano-scare materials, processes, and devices. The course, while covering processes which result in integrated nanosystems, will focus on the theory and operation of select electronic, electromechanical, and biomedical devices which are used for information technology, sensing, medical, and other applications. The lectures will be complemented by hands-on laboratory experience.
- ME 53501 Introduction to Systems Engineering (3 cr.) This course offers an examination of the principles of systems engineering and their application across the system life cycle. Special emphasis is given to concept exploration, requirements analysis and development, analysis of alternatives, preliminary design, integration, verification, and system validation. The students will use the international space station (on-orbit modules) for practical application of the principles introduced in this course. This is the first of two courses in systems engineering and is a prerequisite to the Systems & Specialty Engineering course. Both courses use the same text book and have a 15% overlap of the text material.
- ME 53502 Systems and Specialty Engineering (3 cr.) P: ME 53501. This course offers an examination of the interaction between the principles of systems engineering and the "design for" specialty engineering areas. The focus of their interactions is viewed across the system life cycle. Special emphasis is given to contributions of the specialties to the essential knowledge development needed for concept exploration, requirements analysis and development, trade offs and decisions with uncertainty, preliminary design, system integration, verification, and system validation. The students will use the international space station and its support systems for practical application of the principles introduced in this course. This is the second of two courses in systems engineering and is dependent upon successfully completing ME 53501 Introduction to Systems Engineering.
- ME 54200 Introduction to Renewable Energy (3 cr.) P: ME 20000. This is an introductory course on renewable energy. The students will learn the fundamental principles of the various renewable energy options and their applications and costs. After taking this course, the students will be familiar with the economic and societal impact of renewable energy systems, and be able to participate in the design or selection of renewable energy systems.
- ME 54600 CAD/CAM Theory and Application (3 cr.) P: ME 26200, ENGR 19600, and ENGR 29700, or consent of instructor. Introduction to computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) theory and applications. Topics include CAD/CAM systems and integration, geometric modeling, process planning, and tool path generation, CAD/CAM interfacing with CNC (computer numerically controlled) machines, machining, and CNC programming. Projects involve CAD/CAM-based product development cycle. Hands-on experience is attained through laboratory experiment and actual CNC manufacturing.
- ME 55000 Advanced Stress Analysis (3 cr.) P: ME 27200 and MATH 26600. Studies of stresses and strains in three-dimensional problems. Failure theories and yield criteria. Stress function approach to two-dimensional problems. Bending of nonhomogeneous asymmetric curved beams. Torsion of bars with noncircular cross sections. Energy methods. Elastic stability. Introduction to plates. Students may not receive credit for both ME 47200 and ME 55000.
- ME 55100 Finite Element Analysis (3 cr.) P: ME 26200 and ME 27200. Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Concepts of finite elements methods; formulations for different engineering problems and their applications. Variational methods, the finite element concept, and applications in stress analysis, dynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.
- ME 55200 Advanced Applications of Finite Element Method (3 cr.) P: ME 55100 or equivalent. Various algorithms for nonlinear and time-dependent problems in two and three dimensions. Emphasis on advanced applications with problems chosen from fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and solid mechanics areas. Independent project required.
- ME 55800 Composite Materials (3 cr.) P: ME 27200. Potential applications of composite materials. Basic concepts of fiber-reinforced composites. Manufacturing, micro- and macro-mechanics, and static analysis of composite laminates. Performance (fatigue and fracture) and its application to engineering design.
- ME 56000 Kinematics (3 cr.) P: ME 37200. Geometry of constrained-plane motion with application to linkage design. Type and number synthesis, size synthesis. Path curvature, inflection circle, cubic of stationary curvature. Finite displacements, three- and four-separated positions. Graphical, analytical, and computer techniques.
- ME 56200 Advanced Dynamics (3 cr.) P: 372 or consent of instructor. Dynamics of multiple-degrees-of-freedom mechanical systems. Holonomic and nonholonomic constraints. Lagrange's equations of motion. Hamilton's principle for holonomic systems. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid-body motion, including momentum and energy methods, linearized equations of motion. Classification of vibratory systems: gyroscopic, circulatory forces. Stability of linear systems: divergence and flutter. Applications to gyroscopes, satellite dynamics, etc.
- ME 56300 Mechanical Vibrations (3 cr.) P: ME 27200, ME 27400 and ME 33000 or equivalent. Review of systems with one degree of freedom. Lagrange's equations of motion for multiple-degree-of-freedom systems. Matrix methods. Transfer functions for harmonic response, impulse response, and step response. Convolution integrals for response to arbitrary inputs. Principle frequencies and modes. Applications to critical speeds, measuring instruments, isolation, torsional systems. Nonlinear problems. Mechanics staff.
- ME 56900 Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3 cr.) P: ME 27200 or equivalent. How loading and environmental conditions can influence the behavior of materials in service. Elastic and plastic behavior, fracture, fatigue, low- and high-temperature behavior. Introduction to fracture mechanics. Emphasis is on methods of treating these conditions in design.
- ME 57201 Analysis and Design of Robotic Manipulators (3 cr.) P: ME 58200 or equivalent. Introduction to the analysis and design of robotic manipulators. Topics include kinematic configurations, forward and inverse position solutions, velocity and acceleration, path planning, off-line programming, force and torque solutions, rigid body dynamics, motors and actuators, robot design, sensors, and controls, computer simulation and graphical animation.
- ME 58100 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering (3 cr.) P: ME 31400 and ME 37200. The solution to problems arising in mechanical engineering using numerical methods. Topics include nonlinear algebraic equations, sets of linear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems, interpolation, curve fitting, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. Applications include fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, vibrations, automatic control systems, kinematics, and design.
- ME 59700 Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering (Variable Title) (3 cr.) Various courses offered on an experimental basis.
- ME 60101 Fundamentals of Turbulence and Modeling (3 cr.) P: ME 50900 or consent of instructor. This course consists of three parts: (i) fundamentals of turbulence including turbulence concepts, statistical description, and Kolmogorov hypothesis. (ii) major modeling concepts and formulations such as direct numerical simulations (DNS), large eddy numerical simulation (LES), and Reynolds averaged Navier-stokes simulation (RANS). Team projects related to turbulence modeling and computation with applications in environment, industry, biomechanics for visualizing and experiencing turbulence.
- ME 60601 Optimal Design of Complex Mechanical Systems (3 cr.) The objective of this research course is to prepare students to address mechanical systems design and innovation challenges through appropriate advanced optimal design methodologies. This course will be focused on current design approaches, which are rapidly expanding in research and industrial application, but are not commonly included in engineering curricula. The course focuses on the theoretical aspects of multi-objective optimization, global approximation methods (metamodel-based optimization), and applications in mechanical engineering systems. Students of this research course will acquire an understanding of state-of-the-art analysis and optimization tools through hands-on experience and the involvement in research projects. The research experiential learning will prepare students to design innovative mechanical systems and to increase their problem solving capabilities through the use of effective design methodologies.
- ME 61400 Computational Fluid Dynamics (3 cr.) P: ME 58100 or equivalent; ME 50900 or ME 51000 or equivalent; or consent of instructor. Application of finite difference methods, finite element methods, and the method of characteristics for the numerical solution of fluid dynamics problems. Incompressible viscous flows: vorticity transport equation, stream function equation, and boundary conditions. Compressible flows: treatment of shocks, implicit and explicit artificial viscosity techniques, and boundary conditions. Computational grids.
- ME 65100 Advanced Finite Element Method of Solids (3 cr.) P: ME 55100 and ME 58100. This course is designed to teach students advanced non-linear finite element techniques for solid mechanics stress and heat transfer analysis. Those include techniques for modeling: 2D/3D continua; beams; plates; large rotations; geometric non-linearity; material non-linearity; material plasticity; heat transfer; modeling thermo-mechanical systems; frequency domain solutions; quasi-static solutions; time domain solutions; modeling of frictional contact; and modeling rigid-bodies. Applications of the modeling techniques taught in this course will be introductd. Those include: static and dynamic stress-analysis of mechanical components (such as gears, cams, chains and belts) with material and geometric non-linearity; modal analysis of mechanical components; metal forming and crashworthiness analysis.
- ME 69700 Mechanical Engineering Projects II (1-6 cr.) P: Graduate Standing. Individual advanced study in various fields of mechanical engineering. May be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
- ME 69700 Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering (Variable Title) (3 cr.) Various courses offered on an experimental basis.
- ME 69800 Research (M.S. Thesis) (1-6 cr.) P: M.S. student standing with thesis option. Research credit for students in M.S. thesis option.
- ME 69900 Research (Ph.D. Thesis) (1-6 cr.) P: Ph.D. student standing. Research credit for Ph.D. thesis.