Undergraduate Courses
- BIOL 56800 Regenerative Biology and Medicine (3 cr.) P: K324 or K331 or a biochemistry course. Spring. This course examines the mechanisms of natural regeneration (regenerative biology) and the application of these mechanisms to the development of therapies to restore tissues damaged by injury or disease (regenerative medicine).
- BIOL 57000 Biological Membranes (3 cr.) P: CHEM C342 or consent of instructor. Spring, night. An examination of structure and function of biological membranes. Topics include lipid and protein composition and interactions, physiological properties of membranes, physiological methods of analysis, model membrane systems, and survey of specific biological membranes and their modes of action.
- BIOL 51600 Molecular Biology of Cancer (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K322, CHEM-C342 or a course in biochemistry A detailed course examining the molecular mechanisms controlling the growth of animal cells. Emphasis on current experimental approaches to defining the molecular basis of growth regulation in developing systems and the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in metabolic disorders, such as cancer.
- BIOL 53000 Introductory Virology (3 cr.) P: K356, CHEM C342. Fall, odd years, night. Detection, titration, and chemistry of viruses; viral host interactions: bacteriophage-bacterium, animal virus-animal cell, plant virus-plant cell; tumor viruses: infection and transformation.
- BIOL 54000 Topics in Biotechnology (3 cr.) P: K322 and CHEM C341, or consent of instructor. Not offered on a regular basis. Examines research techniques and applications for several technologies situated at currently recognized biological frontiers, including recombinant DNA technology, hybridoma technology, protein engineering, agricultural research, and microbiological engineering.
- BIOL 54800 Techniques in Biotechnology (3 cr.) P: K322, CHEM C342, or consent of instructor. Not offered on a regular basis. Laboratory experience in techniques applicable to biotechnology: protein chemistry, molecular biology, and immunology.
- BIOL 55000 Plant Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: K322, CHEM C341, or consent of instructor. Fall, day, night. A comprehensive study of plant molecular biology and plant molecular genetics. Topics will include the structure and expression of plant nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes, and plant viruses.
- BIOL 55600 Physiology I (3 cr.) P: K103, CHEM C342. Fall, night. Principles of physiology: nerve and muscle, temperature regulation, ion and water balance.
- BIOL 55700 Physiology II (3 cr.) P: 556 or consent of instructor. Spring, night. A study of human cardiovascular, pulmonary, blood, and gastrointestinal systems. Higher neuronal functions and intersystem interactions will be discussed.
- BIOL 55900 Endocrinology (3 cr.) P: 55600 or equivalent, and CHEM-C342. Fall. The study of hormone function. Consideration will be given to the role of hormones in growth, development, metabolism, homeostasis, and reproduction.
- BIOL 56100 Immunology (3 cr.) P: K103, CHEM C341. Spring, night. Introduction to basic principles and experimentation in cellular and humoral immunology.
- BIOL 56400 Molecular Genetics of Development (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K322 Genetics and Molecular Biology or similar course or consent of instructor. Spring. The course examines the genetic and developmental bases as well as phenotypes of 40 genetic disorders. Chromosomal, single gene, complex and developmental genetic disorders are studied in detail. Emphasis is placed on molecular techniques and understanding current primary literature.
- BIOL 56600 Developmental Biology (3 cr.) P: K322. Fall. Principles of animal development. The emphasis is on concepts and underlying mechanisms of developing and regenerating systems and stem cell properties, including molecular and biochemical approaches.
- BIOL 57100 Developmental Neurobiology (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Fall, odd years, night. The major phases of nervous system development beginning with neurolation and neurogenesis and ending with the onset of physiological activity will be studied in a variety of animals, mainly avians and mammals (including man). Neural developmental disorders and behavioral ontogeny will also be considered.
- BIOL 59500 Special Assignments (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Fall, Spring, Summer. Special work, such as directed reading, independent study or research, supervised library, laboratory or fieldwork, or presentation of material not available in the formal courses of the department.
- BIOL 54410 Sensory Systems (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K324. Fall. The goal of Sensory Systems is to gain an understanding of the mechanisms that underlie sensory perception at the molecular, cellular, and systems level. This will be accomplished by examining how various forms of energy are transduced into the electrochemical messages of the nervous system, what pathways the information travels within the nervous system, and how this information is processed and perceived.
- BIOL 57410 Molecular and Cellular Bone Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K101, BIOL-K103, BIOL-K324. Fall. This course is designed for graduate and senior undergraduate students. Concentration on basic cellular and molecular concepts of bone and cartilage with applications to engineering concepts. Topics include bone development and growth, cartilage and chondrocyte, signal transduction in bone cells, stem cells, skeletal regeneration, tissue engineering, gene therapy and cancer bone metastasis.
- BIOL 57310 Stem Cell Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K324. Spring. In this course, students will develop a clear understanding of stem cells' defining features, activities and potential utility. Stem cell research is pursued in nearly all areas of medicine. This course focuses on important definitions and characteristics of stem cells and develops a general overview of stem cell biology. The course builds on this overview of stem cell biology by examining specific examples of developmental biology, methodology and the potential applications of stem cell therapy.
- BIOL 56010 Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Neurodegenerative Diseases (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K416 or BIOL-K451 or instructor consent. Fall. This course focuses on the molecular and clinical aspects of neurodegenerative diseases. The first part of the course will briefly introduce critical brain structures, with a focus on neurons and glia and will evaluate molecular mechanisms that underlie protein aggregation and cell death. The remainder of the course will focus on the multiple aspects of specific neurodegenerative diseases.
- BIOL 57850 Epigenetics (3 cr.) P: Undergraduate course in biochemistry and/or molecular biology or consent of instructor. Fall. Epigenetics refers to heritable patterns of gene expression and phenotype that occur without altered DNA sequence. The molecular basis for many epigenetic phenomena resides at the level of chromatin structure. Originally thought to provide primarily a packaging function, the assembly of DNA with proteins to form chromatin is now known to be a dynamic process that is essential for proper regulation of gene expression. It is now appreciated that perturbed epigenetic regulation is associated with a variety of human diseases, such as cancer, and that a better understanding of this biology may reveal novel therapeutic approaches to treat these disorders. This course will introduce students to epigenetic phenomena in various organisms, ranging from yeast to humans, and explore the fundamental molecular biology that controls this level of gene regulation. Students will be exposed to the primary scientific literature, and gain experience in presenting original research findings to their peers.
- BIOL 10011 Principles of Biomedical Sciences (3 cr.) Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases. They determine the factors that led to the death of a fictional person, and investigate lifestyle choices and medical treatments that might have prolonged the person's life. The activities and projects introduce students to human physiology, medicine, research processes and bioinformatics. This course is designed to provide an overview of all the courses in the Biomedical Sciences program and lay the scientific foundation for subsequent courses.
- BIOL 10012 Human Body Systems (3 cr.) P: BIOL 10011 Students examine the interactions of body systems as they explore identity, communication, power, movement, protection and homeostasis. Students design data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal manikin, work through interesting real world cases and often play the role of biomedical professionals to solve medical mysteries.
- BIOL 10013 Medical Interventions (3 cr.) P: BIOL 10012 Students investigate the variety of interventions involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease as they follow the lives of a fictitious family. The course is a "How-To" manual for maintaining overall health and homeostasis in the body as students explore: how to prevent and fight infection; how to screen and evaluate the code in human DNA; how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer; and how to prevail when the organs of the body begin to fail. Through these scenarios, students are exposed to the wide range of interventions related to immunology, surgery, genetics, pharmacology, medical devices and diagnostics. Lifestyle choices and preventive measures are emphasized throughout the course as well as the important roles scientific thinking and engineering design play in the development of interventions of the future.
- BIOL 10014 Biomedical Innovation (3 cr.) P: BIOL 10013 In this capstone course, students apply their knowledge and skills to answer questions or solve problems related to the biomedical sciences. Students design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st century as they work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, addressing topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public health. They have the opportunity to work on an independent project and may work with a mentor or advisor from a university, hospital, physician's office, or industry. Throughout the course, students are expected to present their work to an adult audience that may include representatives from the local business and health care community.
- BIOL-N 100 Contemporary Biology (3 cr.) Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer. Selected principles of biology with emphasis on issues and problems extending into everyday affairs of the student.
- BIOL-N 107 Exploring the World of Animals (4 cr.) Equiv. PU BIOL 109. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer, day. This course introduces students to animals and their native environments. It surveys individual ecosystems and highlights the interactions, features, and characteristics of the animals found there. Examples of discussion topics include unique features of animals, animal relationships, societies and populations, exotic species, and behavior, including mating, communication, feeding and foraging, and migration. Environmental issues including the effects of pollution on ecosystems are also discussed. Not equivalent to K103.
- BIOL-N 108 Plants, Animals and the Environment (3 cr.) Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer, day. This course is designed to provide students and future K-8 teachers with a background in the general biology concepts of plants, animals and the environment, which are the backbone of the State of Indiana science standards.
- BIOL-N 200 The Biology of Women (3 cr.) Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer. This course examines the biological basis for bodily functions and changes that take place throughout the life of females.
- BIOL-N 212 Human Biology (3 cr.) Equiv. PU BIOL 201. Fall, day. First course in a two-semester sequence in human biology with emphasis on anatomy and physiology, providing a solid foundation in body structure and function.
- BIOL-N 213 Human Biology Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: N212. Fall, day. Accompanying laboratory for N212.
- BIOL-N 215 Human Biology Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: N214. Spring, day. Accompanying laboratory for N214.
- BIOL-N 217 Human Physiology (5 cr.) Equiv. IU PHSL P215. Fall, day; Spring, day; Summer, day. Lectures and laboratory work related to cellular, musculoskeletal, neural, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine, and reproductive function in humans.
- BIOL-N 222 Special Topics in Biology (1-3 cr.) A variable-topic course dealing with current topics in biology. In a given semester, a topic such as disease, genetics, the environment, etc., will be dealt with as a separate course.
- BIOL-N 251 Introduction to Microbiology (3 cr.) P: one semester general chemistry or one semester life science. Spring, night. This course includes a laboratory component. The isolation, growth, structure, functioning, heredity, identification, classification, and ecology of microorganisms; their role in nature and significance to humans.
- BIOL-N 261 Human Anatomy (5 cr.) Equiv. IU ANAT A215. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer, day, night. Lecture and laboratory studies of the histology and gross morphology of the human form, utilizing a cell-tissue-organ system-body approach.
- BIOL-N 322 Introductory Principles of Genetics (3 cr.) P: N107 or K101. Equiv. PU AGR 430. Spring, night. Basic principles of plant and animal genetics. Emphasis on transmission mechanisms as applied to individuals and populations. For students in health and agricultural sciences.
- BIOL-N 400 Biological Skills for Teachers (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Fall, night. Concepts and laboratory skills necessary to prepare teachers with diverse backgrounds to return to graduate academic biology courses are reviewed. Topics include general principles of biology, biochemistry, and biomathematics.
- BIOL-N 225 Urban and Suburban Gardening (2 cr.) P: High School biology. Course is intended for both biology and non-biology majors. Designed to expand understanding of the science and techniques of gardening with emphasis on healthy soil and its impact on plant growth. After completing the course, students will be able to describe what makes plants grow and what makes plants grow healthy. No gardening experience is required.
- BIOL-N 461 Cadaveric Human Anatomy (5 cr.) BIOL-N261 Human Anatomy, (minimum grade of B) and BIOL-N217 Human Physiology (minimum grade of B) or instructor approval. Summer. This course is designed for upper-level undergraduate students who desire an advanced understanding of Human Anatomy, especially those who intend to pursue a career in the health professions. Through the use of cadaveric dissection, prosected materials, and digital images, the student will explore the structural details of the human body, with a particular emphasis on functional anatomy and clinical correlations. This course will be an intensive learning experience for motivated undergraduates.
- BIOL-K 101 Concepts of Biology I (5 cr.) P: high school or college chemistry Fall, Spring, Summer An introductory course emphasizing the principles of cellular biology; molecular biology; genetics; and plant anatomy, diversity, development, and physiology.
- BIOL-K 102 Honors Concepts of Biology I (5 cr.) P: high school or college chemistry For Honors Credit: Fall. An introductory course emphasizing the principles of cellular biology; molecular biology; genetics; and plant anatomy, diversity, development, and physiology. Faculty-supervised research projects and approved independent projects provide greater depth for honors students. This course carries honors credit.
- BIOL-K 103 Concepts of Biology II (5 cr.) P: K101 Fall, Spring, Summer. An introductory biology course emphasizing phylogeny, structure, physiology, development, diversity, evolution and behavior in animals.
- BIOL-K 104 Honors Concepts of Biology II (5 cr.) P: K101 and accepted into honors program or BIOL-K102 Spring. An introductory biology course emphasizing phylogeny, structure, physiology, development, diversity, evolution and behavior in animals. This course will expose honors students to a unique series of laboratory investigations.
- BIOL-K 295 Special Assignments (Arr cr.) P: consent of instructor. Fall, Spring. Special work, such as directed readings, laboratory or fieldwork, or presentation of material not available in the formal courses in the department.
- BIOL-K 322 Genetics and Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: K103 and CHEM C106. Fall, Spring of even-numbered years. The course covers the principles of classical and molecular genetics including Mendelian inheritance, linkage, nucleic acids, gene expression, recombinant DNA, genomics, immunogenetics, and regulation.
- BIOL-K 323 Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K322. Fall. Applied principles of genetics and molecular biology using organisms of increasing complexity from viruses to fruit fly. Laboratory experiments include linkage analyses, deletion mapping, isolation of human chromosomes, mutagenesis, DNA extraction, restriction enzyme analysis, and PCR.
- BIOL-K 324 Cell Biology (3 cr.) P: K103 and CHEM C106. Spring. Examination of the structure and activity of eukaryotic cells and subcellular structures. Emphasis is on regulation of and interactions among subcellular events, such as protein targeting, transmembrane signaling, cell movement, and cell cycle.
- BIOL-K 325 Cell Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K324. Spring. Experiments on the molecular and biochemical basis of organization and function of eukaryotic cells.
- BIOL-K 331 Embryology (3 cr.) P: K103 and K322. Fall, Spring. The development of animals through differentiation of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems will be examined.
- BIOL-K 333 Embryology Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: K331. Spring. Processes of animal development are examined in a series of classical and modern experiments using cell, tissue and embryo culture, drug treatments, and microscopic techniques.
- BIOL-K 338 Introductory Immunology (3 cr.) P: K103, K322, K324 and CHEM C106. Fall, Spring, Summer. Principles of basic immunology with an emphasis on the cells and molecules underlying immunological mechanisms.
- BIOL-K 339 Immunology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K338. Fall. Demonstration of immunological principles by experimentation. Exercises include cells and factors of the innate and the adaptive immune systems.
- BIOL-K 341 Principles of Ecology and Evolution (3 cr.) P: K103. Fall of even-numbered years. A study of the interactions of organisms with one another and with their nonbiotic environments in light of evolution.
- BIOL-K 342 Principles of Ecology and Evolution Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K341. Fall. Application of ecology and evolution principles in laboratory and field experiments as well as demonstration of techniques of general ecology.
- BIOL-K 350 Comparative Animal Physiology (3 cr.) P: N107 or K103, CHEM C106. Fall. A comparative examination of principles of animal physiology from molecular to organismal levels using homeostasis, regulation, and adaptation as central themes.
- BIOL-K 356 Microbiology (3 cr.) P: K103, CHEM C341 Spring. Introduction to microorganisms: cytology, nutrition, physiology, and genetics. Importance of microorganisms in applied fields including infectious disease.
- BIOL-K 357 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K356. Spring. Laboratory experiments and demonstrations to yield proficiency in aseptic cultivation and utilization of microorganisms; experimental investigations of biological principles in relation to microorganisms.
- BIOL-K 411 Global Change Biology (3 cr.) P: K101 and K103 or GEOL G109 and one course in chemistry or consent of instructor. Spring of odd-numbered years. Examination of changes in earth's environment over history. In-depth study of effects of environmental change, including global warming, on the ecology of various organisms.
- BIOL-K 416 Cellular Molecular Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K324 Cell Biology. Fall. This course is designed to provide an in-depth analysis of topics within the field cellular and molecular neuroscience. It will cover invertebrate and vertebrate neurobiology, cell and molecular biology of the neuron, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, developmental neurobiology, regeneration and degeneration, learning and memory, and will include comparisions of neural mechanisms throughout the animal kingdom.
- BIOL-K 483 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.) P: CHEM C342, P: or C: BIOL-K324. Fall, day. Chemistry of biologically important molecules including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Special emphasis on chemistry of intermediary metabolism.
- BIOL-K 484 Cellular Biochemistry (3 cr.) P: K322 and CHEM C342, P or C: K324 Spring. Emphasis on selected topics in cellular biochemistry, including nucleic acid: protein interactions, protein: protein interactions, protein synthesis, biogenesis of membranes, and signal transduction. Current techniques for studying these processes in higher eukaryotes will be discussed.
- BIOL-K 490 Capstone (1 cr.) P: senior standing. Fall, Spring, Summer. Faculty-directed or approved independent library research on an area of public, scientific interest or a community service activity in local industry, government, schools, or other public science-related groups or organizations.
- BIOL-K 493 Independent Research (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Fall, Spring, Summer. A course designed to give undergraduate students majoring in biology an opportunity to do research in fields in which they have a special interest.
- BIOL-K 494 Senior Research Thesis (1 cr.) P: K493. Fall, Spring, Summer. A formally written report describing the results or accomplishments of K493.
- BIOL-S 325 Honors Cell Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K324. Spring. The goal of this course is to demonstrate the concepts of how fundamental cellular processes can be demonstrated in a laboratory setting. The course reflects a breadth of experimental approaches used in cell biology today and will allow students to develop a sense of how cells accomplish certain ends and why. There is a major emphasis on primary research literature.
- BIOL-S 323 Honors Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: K322. Fall. In this course, students will apply principles of genetics and molecular biology using organisms of increasing complexity from bacteria to the fruit fly. In this laboratory, students will learn many important genetics and molecular biology lab techniques such as: mutagenesis, DNA extraction, restriction enzyme analysis, primer design, bioinformatics applications, and PCR. There will be a major emphasis on primary research literature.
- BIOL-S 357 Honors Microbiology Lab (2 cr.) P or C: K356. Spring. In this course, students will become proficient in techniques for cultivation and utilization of microorganisms, along with many assays for microorganism identification. There will be a major emphasis on primary research literature.
- BIOL-K 451 Neuropharmacology (3 cr.) Recommended upper-level biochemistry. P: BIOL-K324 Cell Biology; completion of upper-level biochemistry recommended. Spring. This course focuses on the molecular underpinnings of neuropharmacology. In the first part of the course - Fundamentals of Neuropharmacology - we will look at basic principles of neuropharmacology including understanding how drugs bind to their targets. Also, we will evaluate how neurons communicate with each other and how those signals are transduced on a molecular level. Part 2 will evaluate where drugs act in the brain and some of the major neurotransmitters. Part 3 will focus on neuronal dysfunction in various disorders and how we can treat those disorders pharmacologically.
- BIOL-K 488 Endocrinology in Health and Disease (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K103 Concepts of Biology II, BIOL-K324 Cell Biology, and BIOL-K322 Genetics or approved equivalent courses. Upper-level biochemistry or equivalent course recommended. Spring. An introduction to human endocrinology, including the biology of the major endocrine organs and the roles of the hormones that they release. Both normal endocrine function and common diseases involving hormone physiology are examined. In addition, the course examines how endocrinology impacts everyday life.
- BIOL-K 384 Biochemistry (3 cr.) P or C: CHEM-C342 or equivalent. P: BIOL-K101 or equivalent recommended. Fall, Spring, Summer. Biochemistry covering the fundamentals of the chemistry of life including biomolecule structure and function, the dependence of biological processes on chemical and physical principles, and pathways of carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. Recommended for pre-professional students. Prerequisite for advanced level courses in the Departments of Biology and Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
- BIOL-K 195 Introductory Topics in Biology (0-3 cr.) P: Freshman or sophomore standing or consent of instructor; other prerequisites may be announced at the time of topic offering. Fall, Spring, Summer. Lectures on contemporary issues in biology. This course may also include reading assignments and special projects.
- BIOL-K 495 Special Topics in Biology (0-3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing or consent of instructor; other prerequisites may be announced at the time of topic offering. Fall, Spring, Summer. Lectures on contemporary issues in biology. This course may also include reading assignments and special projects.
- BIOL-K 395 Advanced Topics in Biology (1-3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing or consent of instructor; other prerequisites may be announced at the time of topic offering. Fall, Spring, Summer. Lectures on contemporary issues in biology. This course may also include reading assignments and special projects.
- CAND 99100 Candidate (0 cr.) If you are an undergraduate, you will be given permission to register for CAND 99100 within one week of applying for graduation. Graduate students do not require course permission to register.
- CHEM-C 494 Introduction to Capstone (1 cr.) P: junior standing, B.A. or B.S. program. Fall, day; Spring, day. Course objectives are to: (1) facilitate student career planning, including topics such as work place or graduate school, and resume preparation; (2) improve verbal communication and presentation skills; and (3) provide appropriate discussion and planning for the independent study project, the major objective of the C495 Capstone course.
- CHEM-C 100 The World of Chemistry (3 cr.) A topically oriented, nonmathematical introduction to the nature of matter. Topics covered include fossil fuel and nuclear sources of power; environmental issues involving chemistry such as recycling, acid rain, air and water pollution, global warming, ozone depletion; genetic modification of foods, DNA profiling, use of food additives and herbal supplements; and other public policy issues involving science.
- CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: at least one semester of high school algebra. Usually taken concurrently with C121. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Essential principles of chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, stoichiometry, solutions, and acids and bases. For students who are not planning careers in the sciences and for those with no previous course work in chemistry. Note: most degree programs that include C101 require the concurrent laboratory, C121.
- CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.)
P: two years of high school algebra and one year of high school chemistry. Fall, day, night; Spring, day; Summer I, day. Usually taken concurrently with C125. A placement examination may be required for admission to this course. See "Chemistry Placement Examination" above. Principles of inorganic and physical chemistry emphasizing physical and chemical properties, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, and states of matter.
- CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: C105 or equivalent. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Continuation of C105. Usually taken concurrently with C126. Topics include condensed phases, solution chemistry, thermodynamics, equilibrium, and kinetics.
- CHEM-C 110 The Chemistry of Life (3 cr.) High school chemistry recommended. Optional laboratory: C115. A nonmathematical introduction to organic molecules and their transformation to useful materials such as drugs and polymers. An emphasis is placed on the chemical features of biomolecules including hormones and neurotransmitters, proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates (sugars), and nucleic acids (DNA/RNA). The chemistry of enzymes, carcinogens, vitamins, antihistamines, anesthetics, genetic engineering, mental health, and other health-related topics.
- CHEM-C 115 Laboratory for C110 The Chemistry of Life (2 cr.) P or C: C110. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in C110.
- CHEM-C 121 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P or C: C101 (3 cr.) Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Introduction to the techniques and reasoning of experimental chemistry. Emphasis is given to study of physical and chemical properties of inorganic compounds.
- CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.) P or C: C105 or equivalent. Fall, day, night; Spring, day; Summer I, day. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in C105.
- CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.) P: C105 and C125; P or C: C106 or equivalent. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Continuation of C125. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in C105 and C106.
- CHEM-C 209 Special Problems (1-2 cr.) P: two semesters of college chemistry and consent of instructor. Every semester, time arranged. Individually supervised special problems of chemical interest, e.g., environmental problems, development of experiments, development of audiovisual materials, etc. May be repeated for credit, but maximum of 2 credit hours may be applied toward a chemistry degree.
- CHEM-C 301 Chemistry Seminar I (1 cr.) P or C: C409 and consent of instructor. Fall, day. Topics in various areas of chemistry. Students are required to attend departmental seminars and prepare and present at least one seminar on their research. C301 and C302 may be elected three semesters for credit.
- CHEM-C 302 Chemistry Seminar II (1 cr.) P or C: C409 and consent of instructor. Spring, day. Content same as C301.
- CHEM-C 309 Cooperative Education in Chemistry (1 cr.) P: general and organic chemistry and consent of departmental chairperson. Every semester, time arranged. Industrial or similar experiences in chemically oriented employment. Grade is determined on basis of employment visitations, a written student report, and a supervisor evaluation report. May be repeated for a maximum of 5 credit hours, of which 3 may be used to satisfy an advanced chemistry elective.
- CHEM-C 310 Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C106 and C126. Fall, Spring, Summer, day. Fundamental analytical processes including solution equilibria, theory and applications of electrochemistry and spectrophotometry, and chemical methods of separation.
- CHEM-C 311 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: C310. Fall, Spring, Summer, day. Laboratory instruction in the fundamental analytical techniques discussed in C310.
- CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: C106. Fall, day, night; Spring, day; Summer I, day. Comprehensive study of organic compounds. Valence bond theory, stereochemistry, and physical properties of organic compounds are discussed in detail. Introduction to reaction mechanisms and to spectroscopic identification. Synthesis and reactions of selected compounds are also discussed.
- CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: C341. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Continuation of C341. The chemistry of aromatic compounds and other major functional groups are discussed in detail. Multistep synthetic procedures and reaction mechanisms are emphasized. Introduction to biological chemistry.
- CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P: C126; P or C: C341. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer I, day. Fundamental laboratory techniques of organic chemistry, introduction to spectroscopic methods of compound identification, and general synthetic methods.
- CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.) P or C: C342; P: C343. Fall, night; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Preparation, isolation, and identification of organic compounds, spectroscopic methods of compound identification, qualitative organic analysis, multistep synthesis.
- CHEM-C 360 Elementary Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C106, MATH 22200, PHYS P202. Spring, day. Properties of gases and liquids, intermolecular forces, diffusion, chemical thermodynamics, ligand binding, kinetics, and introduction to quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. Includes topics in biophysical chemistry. For students who desire a survey course in physical chemistry.
- CHEM-C 361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter (3 cr.) P: C106, MATH 16600, and PHYS P202 or PHYS 25100 and C: MATH 26100. Spring, day. Kinetic-molecular theory, gases, liquids, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, solutions, transport properties, and phase and chemical equilibria.
- CHEM-C 362 Physical Chemistry of Molecules (4 cr.) P: C106, MATH 16600, and PHYS P202 or PHYS 25100 and C: MATH 26100. Fall, day. Quantum chemistry, symmetry, atomic and molecular structure and spectra, solids, chemical kinetics, photochemistry, and introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
- CHEM-C 363 Experimental Physical Chemistry (2 cr.) P: C361 and C362 or P: C362 and C: C361. Spring. Experimental work to illustrate principles of physical chemistry and to introduce research techniques.
- CHEM-C 371 Chemical Informatics I (1 cr.) P: C106, Fall. Basic concepts of information representation, storage, and retrieval as they pertain to chemistry. Structures, nomenclature, molecular formulas, coding techniques for visualization of chemical structures and properties.
- CHEM-C 372 Chemical Informatics II: Molecular Modeling (2 cr.) P: C341. Introduction to computer representation of molecular structure and simulation of chemical reactions; visualizing fundamental chemical concepts, such as reaction paths of standard organic reactions, molecular orbital diagrams, vibrations and conformational changes; quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR), pharmacophore docking to biomolecules, and related methods for drug design.
- CHEM-C 409 Chemical Research (1-3 cr.) P: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. Every semester, time arranged. Chemical or literature research with a report. Can be elected only after consultation with research advisor and approval of program. May be taken for a total of 10 credit hours, which count toward graduation. A minimum of three (3) credit hours may be used to satisfy the advanced chemical elective in the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree program.
- CHEM-C 410 Principles of Chemical Instrumentation (3 cr.) P: C310 and C361. P or C: C362. Fall. Modern methods of instrumental analysis, including spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemistry.
- CHEM-C 411 Principles of Chemical Instrumentation Laboratory (2 cr.) P: C311. P or C: C410. Fall. Laboratory instruction in the instrumental analysis techniques discussed in C410.
- CHEM-C 430 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C362. Spring. Atomic structure; periodic trends and properties of the elements. Introduction to symmetry and group theory. Valence bond, molecular orbital and ligand field theories of bonding and their application to structure and properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Spectroscopic properties and acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and coordination reactions of inorganic compounds.
- CHEM-C 435 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: C430. Spring. Synthesis, characterization, and study of chemical and physical properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds.
- CHEM-C 471 Chemical Information Sources (1 cr.) P: C341. Fall. Techniques for the storage and retrieval in both printed and computer-readable formats; sources of chemical information, including Chemical Abstracts; development of search strategies; and online searching of chemical databases.
- CHEM-C 472 Computer Sources for Chemical Information (1 cr.) P: C471. Spring. Techniques for the utilization of the major computer-based information tools found in academic and industrial environments.
- CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism (3 cr.) P: C342. Spring. The chemical and biophysical properties of biologically important molecules and systems. Special emphasis on the relationship between structure and function in proteins, nucleic acids, and biomembranes, as well as bioenergetics, kinetics, allosteric interactions, and enzyme catalysis.
- CHEM-C 485 Biosynthesis and Physiology (3 cr.) P: C484. Fall. Mechanisms of biological catalysis, metabolism, biosynthesis.
- CHEM-C 486 Biological Chemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P: C484 or equivalent. P or C: C485. Fall. An introduction to the important laboratory techniques currently employed by practicing biological chemists, including biomolecule isolation, purification, enzyme kinetics, and biomolecule characterization by electrophoresis, centrifugation, and spectroscopic methods.
- CHEM-C 495 Capstone in Chemistry (1 cr.) P: senior standing, B.A. or B.S. program. Fall, day; Spring, day. Independent study, under the supervision of a chemistry faculty member or appropriate academic advisor can be earned by completion of: (a) a chemical research project; (b) a library research project in an area of current scientific investigation; (c) a research investigation in industry; or (d) a service activity in university, government, public schools, or other science-related groups or organizations. Students will report the results of their activities in both a formal written report and oral presentation, prepare portfolios of undergraduate work in chemistry, discuss recent scientific literature, and explore chemistry in society. Enrollment in the Capstone in Chemistry requires joint approval of the capstone instructor and the independent project advisor.
- CHEM-C 488 Introduction to Medicinal and Agricultural Chemistry (3 cr.)
P: C484 or equivalent. Fall. Medicinal chemistry plays an integral role in drug discovery, providing the link between target identification and the development of a therapeutic agent. This course examines the role of chemistry in the discovery of bioactive molecules, highlighting the similarities and differences in the search for novel medicinal and agricultural chemicals.
- CHEM-C 496 Methods in Teaching Chemistry (1 cr.)
P: C105. Fall; Spring. Designed for workshop leaders, this course offers continued support and training in-group dynamics and learning theory. The larger goals for this course are to continue the development of leadership skills, foster ongoing communication among workshop leaders, and provide an environment for reviewing content knowledge.
- CHEM-C 325 Introductory Instrumental Analysis (5 cr.) P: C310, C311. Spring. Instrumental methods of chemical analysis and separation for the chemical technician or preprofessional chemistry major.
- CHEM-C 489 The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr.)
P: C488 or consent of instructor. This course provides an introduction to many parameters involved in the drug discovery process, including how fundamental physico-chemical properties of molecules may be used to predict biological activity. Methods contributing to the drug discovery process will be discussed, including genomics, molecular biology, high-throughput screening, X-ray crystallography, and various computational approaches.
- CHEM-C 294 Cornerstone in Chemistry (1 cr.) P: CHEM-C106. Fall, Spring. To engage sophomore chemistry majors in important educational and professional topics such as departmental research opportunities, career planning, library research skills, scientific communication, scientific ethics and science in society issues.
- CHEM-C 384 Biochemistry (3 cr.) P or C:CHEM-C342 or equivalent; BIOL-K101 or equivalent recommended. Fall, Spring, Summer. Biochemistry covering the fundamentals of the chemistry of life including biomolecule structure and function, the dependence of biological processes on chemical and physical principles, and pathways of carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. Recommended for pre-professional students. Prerequisite for advanced level courses in the Departments of Biology and Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
- CSCI 12000 Windows on Computer Science (1 cr.) A first-year seminar for beginning majors in Computer Science. Open to all beginning IUPUI students and transfer students with below 18 credit hours.
- CSCI 23000 Computing I (4 cr.) P or C: MATH 15300 or MATH 15900. The context of computing in history and society, information representation in digital computers, introduction to programming in a modern high-level language, introduction to algorithm and data structures, their implementation as programs.
- CSCI 24000 Computing II (4 cr.) P: CSCI 23000 and MATH 15300 or MATH 15900. Continues the introduction of programming began in CSCI 230, with particular focus on the ideas of data abstraction and object-oriented programming. Topics include programming paradigms, principle of language design, object-oriented programming, programming and debugging tools, documentation, recursion, linked data structures, and introduction to language translation.
- CSCI 26500 Advanced Programming (3 cr.) P or C: ECE 26400 and CSCI 24200 or CSCI 23000. Spring. Learn advanced programming skills and concepts. Introduction to software engineering: problem specification and program design with emphasis on object-oriented programming, programming style, debugging, and documentation. A significant software project's required. (This course is for computer engineering and computer information systems majors.)
- CSCI 30000 Systems Programming (3 cr.) P: CSCI 23000 and CSCI 24000. Spring. Assembly language programming and structure of a simple and a typical computer. Pseudo operations, address structure, subroutines, and macros. File I/O and buffering techniques. Interfacing with high-level languages. Assemblers: one- and two-pass assemblers, system dependent and independent assembler features, and design options. Loaders, linkers, and macro processors.
- CSCI 34000 Discrete Computational Structures (3 cr.) P: MATH 15300. Fall/Spring. Theory and application of discrete mathematics structures and their relationship to computer science. Topics include mathematical logic, sets, relations, functions, permutations, combinatorics, graphs, Boolean algebra, digital logic, recurrence relations, and finite-state automata.
- CSCI 35500 Introduction to Programming Languages (3 cr.) P: CSCI 24000 and CSCI 34000. Spring. Programming language concepts and different paradigms of programming. Topics include syntax and semantics of high-level languages, parsing methods, subprograms and their implementation, data abstraction, language translation overview including lexical analysis, syntax-directed translation, symbol table handling, code generation, functional programming, logic programming, and object-oriented programming.
- CSCI 36200 Data Structures (3 cr.) P: CSCI 24000 and CSCI 34000. Fall/Spring. A study of the design and analysis of data structures and algorithms. Abstract data types: arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees, and graphs. Algorithms: sorting, searching, and hashing. File structures: organization and access methods.
- CSCI 40200 Architecture of Computers (3 cr.) P: CSCI 34000. Fall/Spring Basic logic design. Storage systems. Processor organization: instruction formats, addressing modes, subroutines, hardware and microprogramming implementation. Computer arithmetic, fixed and floating point operations. Properties of I/O devices and their controllers. Interrupt structure. Virtual memory structure, cache memory. Examination of architectures such as microcomputers, minicomputers, and vector and array processors.
- CSCI 40300 Introduction to Operating Systems (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200, and CSCI 40200. Fall/Spring. Operating system concepts; history, evolution and philosophy of operating systems. Concurrent processes, process coordination and synchronization, CPU scheduling, deadlocks, memory management, virtual memory, secondary storage and file management, device management, security and protection, networking, and distributed and real-time systems.
- CSCI 41400 Numerical Methods (3 cr.) P: MATH 35100. Fall. Error analysis, solution of nonlinear equations, direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems, approximation of functions, numerical differentiation and integration, and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Not open to students with credit in 51200.
- CSCI 43200 Security in Computers (3 cr.) P: CSCI 40300. Spring An introduction to computing security to include cryptography, identity and authentication, software security, operatiing system security, trusted operating system design and evaluation, network threats and defenses, security management, legal aspects of security, privacy and ethics.
- CSCI 43500 Multimedia Information Systems (3 cr.) P or C: CSCI 36200, MATH 16600. Multimedia inforamtion systems concepts, evolution of multimedia information systems, media and supporting device commonly associated, image databases, techniques for presenting visual information, video databases, multimodels, audio databases, text databases, and multimedia information systems architecture.
- CSCI 43600 Principles of Computer Networking (3 cr.) P: CSCI 40300. Fall Survey of underlying principles, fundamental problems, and their solutions in designing computer networks. Laboratory projects include using network systems and network simulation environments. Topics include: motivations, networking topologies, layered open systems protocols, transmission capacity, circuit and packet switching, packet framing and error correction, routing, flow and congestion control, and internetworking.
- CSCI 43700 Introduction to Computer Graphics (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200 and MATH 35100/51100. Fall An introduction to 3D programming with emphasis on game engine development using 3D graphics techniques and the standard and platform independent OpenGL library. Topics include lighting, shading, texture mapping, coordinate systems and transformations, collision detection, 3D geometric and physically based modeling and animation.
- CSCI 43800 Advanced Game Development (3 cr.) P: CSCI 43700. Spring Advanced game design and development principles and technologies. Students will gain practical experience through extensive game development project. Topics include character animation, special effects, user interface design, networking for computer games, game engine components and variations, game performance considerations, artificial intelligence, and ethics in computer games.
- CSCI 44100 Client-Server Database Systems (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200. Database system concepts, data models database design, CASE tools, SQL, query processing and query optimization, transaction processing, reliability and security issues, database interactions on the World Wide Web.
- CSCI 44300 Database Systems (3 cr.) P: 36200. Fall. Relational database systems: architecture, theory, and application. Relational data structure, integrity rules, mathematical description, data manipulation. Standard SQL and its data manipulation language, engineering aspects of database design in industry, introduction to nonrelational database systems.
- CSCI 44600 Introduction to Microprocessor Architecture (3 cr.) P: 40200. Introduction to programmable logic; elements of microprocessor system design; interrupt structures; interfacing using LSI devices; hardware timers; interactive debugging; physical device I/O programming; vectored and polled service; microprocessor architecture; and self-paced laboratory using A/D converters, D/A converters, etc.
- CSCI 44800 Biometric Computing (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200 and STAT 35000 or STAT 41600 or STAT 51100. Biometrics is capturing and using physiological and behavioral characteristics for personal identification. It is set to become the successor to the PIN. This course will introduce computational methods for the implementation of various biometric technologies including face and voice recognition, fingerprint and iris identification, and DNA matching.
- CSCI 45000 Principles of Software Engineering (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36300. Fall. Tools and techniques used in software development. Lifecycle concepts applied to program specification, development, and maintenance. Topics include overall design principles in software development; the use of structured programming techniques in writing large programs; formal methods of program verification; and techniques and software tools for program testing, maintenance, and documentation. A primary goal of this course is to provide experience in team development of software.
- CSCI 45200 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200. Introduction to the object-oriented paradigm in software development. Basic concepts: objects, classes, messaging, inheritance, and methodologies. Analysis: defining objects, structures, attributes, and services. Design: transforming the analytic model into the design model. Implementation: comparison of the support features provided by languages such as Smalltalk, C++, Eiffel, and CLOS. A significant design project is required.
- CSCI 46300 Analysis of Algorithms (3 cr.) P: 36200. Techniques for analyzing and comparing algorithms. Average case analysis in sorting and searching; dynamic programming: greedy algorithms, amortized analysis, and applications; matrix algorithms: polynomials, discrete Fourier transforms, and fast Fourier transforms, parallel algorithms: examples in sorting, searching, graphs, and matrices, computational complexity, polynomial complexity classes P, NP.
- CSCI 47000 Automata and Formal Languages (3 cr.) P: 36200. Introduction to formal languages and automata theory: finite automata and regular expressions, context-free grammars and languages, pushdown automata, equivalence of CFGs and pushdown automata, application of pushdown automata in parsing, closure properties, pumping lemmas, decision procedures, Turing machines, computability, undecidability, and a brief survey of the Chomsky hierarchy.
- CSCI 47500 Scientific Computing I (3 cr.) P: 23000 and MATH 35100. P or C: MATH 26200. Solving scientific problems on computers. Languages for scientific computing. Software development on workstations: using tools the environment provides, organization of programs. Computer architecture: impact on software and algorithms. Problem formulation: model selection/simplification, relationship to numerical methods. Solution of linear equations: methods and packages. Nonlinear equations and optimization problems.
- CSCI 47600 Scientific Computing II (3 cr.) P: 47500. Elementary statistical computing: time series analysis, model fitting, robust methods, generation of pseudorandom numbers, and Monte Carlo methods. Interpolation and curve fitting; numerical integration. Solving ordinary differential equations. Use of packaged environments and symbolic computation for scientific purposes.
- CSCI 47700 High Performance Computing (3 cr.) P: 47600. Architecture of supercomputers: pipelined, vector, SIMD, MIMD; implications for algorithm and program design; and vectorization, parallelization, loop restructuring, and nonstandard language features. Splitting computation between supercomputers and workstations; interactive analyses of remote machines' output. Numerical methods for large-scale problems: examples from continuum mechanics, graphical visualization, and statistical computing. A project is required.
- CSCI 48100 Data Mining (3 cr.) P or C: CSCI 24000, STAT 30100/51100/41600. Spring An introduction to data warehousing and OLAP technology for data mining, data processing, languages and systems, and descriptive data mining: characterization and comparison, association analysis classification and predication, cluster analysis mining complex types of data, application, and trends in data mining.
- CSCI 48500 Expert System Design (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200. Overview of artificial intelligence; expert system technology; early expert systems: MYCIN, DENDRAL; theoretical foundations, uncertainty measures, knowledge representation, inference engines; reasoning mechanisms: forward and backward chaining; and explanation systems, expert system shells, tools, and intelligent hybrid systems.
- CSCI 48400 Theory of Computation (3 cr.) P: CSCI 36200. Fall/Spring Introduction to formal languages and automata theory: finite automata, regular expressions, regular languages, context-free languages and pushdown automata, context sensitive languages, Turing machines, undecidability, P and NP. Design and analysis techniques for: divide-and-conquer algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, amortized analysis.
- CSCI 48700 Artificial Intelligence (3 cr.) P: 36200. Spring Study of key concepts and applications of artificial intelligence. Problem-solving methods, state space search, heuristic search, knowledge representation: predicate logic, resolution, natural deduction, nonmonotonic reasoning, semantic networks, conceptual dependency, frames, scripts, and statistical reasoning; advanced AI topics in game playing, planning, learning, and connectionist models.
- CSCI 49000 Topics in Computer Sciences for Undergraduates (1-5 cr.) By arrangement. Fall, spring, summer. Supervised reading and reports in various fields. Open to students only with the consent of the department.
- CSCI 49500 Explorations in Applied Computing (1-6 cr.) Fall, spring, summer. Explorations in Applied Computing is an undergraduate capstone experience. Students will work in teams, advised by faculty and external liaisons, to solve real-world computing problems. This hands-on experience will cultivate technical expertise, utilization of analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning, project management skills, and communication skills.
- CSCI 34050 Honors Discrete Computational Structures (3 cr.) P: MATH 15300 Fall/Spring. Discrete structures introduces students to the vocabulary, notation, formalisms, constructs, and methods of abstraction in which almost all of the advanced thinking in and about computer science is carried out. Topics include basic logic, proof techniques, recursion and recurrence relations, sets and combinatorics, probability, relations and functions, graphs and trees, Boolean algebra, and models of computation. An advanced project is expected in this course.
- CSCI 36250 Honors Data Structures and Algorithms (3 cr.) P: CSCI 23000, CSCI 24000, and CSCI 34000 or CSCI 34050. Fall/Spring. This course includes fundamentals of data structures and algorithms, such as algorithm analysis, lists, stacks, and queues, trees, hashing and heaps, sorting, graph algorithms, and file structures. An advanced project is expected.
- CSCI 49600 Computer Science Internship Capstone (3 cr.) CSCI 48400 Theory of Computation and senior standing. Fall, Spring, Summer. A professional experience providing students the opportunity to incorporate material learned in CSCI coursework in a supervised internship position. The approved internship position will cultivate technical expertise, utilization of analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning, project management skills, and communication skills.
- CSCI 36300 Principles of Software Design (3 cr.) P: CSCI 24000 R: CSCI 36200 (recommended). Spring. This course is designed to teach students best practices in designing and implementing object-oriented systems of high quality. To accomplish this task, we start with an overview of software design patterns and their role in developing high-quality software. We then begin surveying different design-level software design patterns, such as the Bridge, Strategy, Wrapper Facade, and Visitor software design patterns. Next, we touch on software design patterns for building distributed systems. Finally, we finish the course by surveying software anti-patterns, which are common design mistakes that negatively impact system quality, such as degrading performance as the system scales in size and complexity. Students will have the opportunity to apply learned techniques on several programming projects throughout the semester.
- CSCI-N 100 Introduction to Computers and Computing (3 cr.) P or C: MATH 001, M001, or equivalent. No computing experience assumed. How computers work, word processing, spreadsheets, file management, and Internet skills. Emphasis on problem-solving tech-niques. Lecture and laboratory. Credit given for only one of CSCI N100, CPT 10600, CIT 10600, or BUS K201.
- CSCI-N 199 Introductory Computing Topics (topic varies) (1-3 cr.) Seminars in emerging technologies. May be repeated for credit.
- CSCI-N 201 Programming Concepts (3 cr.) Summary of basic computing topics, problem solving techniques, and their application to computing. Introduction to programming concepts with a focus on language-independent principles, such as algorithm design, debugging strategies, essential control structures, and basic data structure concepts. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 207 Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets (3 cr.) Summary of basic computing topics. An introduction to data analysis using spreadsheets. Emphasis on the application of computational problem-solving techniques. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 211 Introduction to Databases (3 cr.) Summary of basic computing topics. Introduction to database design concepts, creation of user forms, development of databases, querying techniques, and building reports. Focus on relational database systems from development and administration point of view. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 241 Fundamentals of Web Development (3 cr.) Introduction to writing content for the Internet and World Wide Web. Emphasis on servers, hand-coded HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, and extending HTML with other Web technologies. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 299 Survey of Computing Applications (topic varies) (1-3 cr.) An introduction to an emerging technology in the computing field. It will emphasize the various problems technology helps to solve and specific problem-solving strategies. Lecture and laboratory. May be repeated for credit.
- CSCI-N 300 Mobile Computing Fundamentals (3 cr.) Survey of programming & application development for mobile computing devices. Topics include mobile technology, location-based technology, mobile security, mobile platforms, programming languages & application development for mobile devices. Lecture and Laboratory.
- CSCI-N 301 Fundamental Computer Science Concepts (3 cr.) P: MATH M 118. An introduction to fundamental principles of computer science, including hardware architecture, algorithms, software engineering, and data storage. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 305 C Language Programming (3 cr.) The basics of computer programming concepts using the C programming language. Emphasis on problem solving and algorithm implementation using a universal subset of the C programming language. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 311 Advanced Database Programming, Oracle (3 cr.) P:Recommended CSCI-N211 or equivalent. Focus on the concepts and skills required for database programming and client server development. Concepts will apply to any modern distributed database management system. Emphasis on developing Oracle SQLPlus scripts, PL/SQL server side programming, and Oracle database architecture. Students with programming experience in ODBC compliant languages will be able to practice connecting such languages to an Oracle database. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 321 System and Network Administration (3 cr.) Fundamental concepts of system administration. Design and administration of network servers and workstations. Focus on basic network concepts, such as user account administration, resource allocation, security issues, and Internet service management. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 331 Visual Basic Programming (3 cr.) An introduction to programming with a focus on rapid application development environments, event-driven programming, and programming in the Windows environment. Course will demonstrate how the major application types (spreadsheets, databases, text editors) are written. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 335 Advanced Programming, Visual Basic (3 cr.) Databases and VB, object-oriented design and practice, the component object model, interobject communication, related RAD environments such as VB for Applications and ActiveX using the Windows API, and generating online help. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 341 Introduction to Client-Side Web Programming (3 cr.) P: REcommended CSCI-N241 or equivalent. Introduction to programming with a focus on the client-side programming environment. Programming using languages commonly embedded in Web browsers. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 342 Server-Side Programming for the Web (3 cr.) P: Recommended CSCI-N341. Designing and building applications on a Web server. Focuses on the issues of programming applied to Web servers. Emphasis on relational database concepts, data design, languages used on the server, transaction handling, and integration of data into Web applications.
- CSCI-N 343 Object-Oriented Programming for the Web (3 cr.) P: N341 or N307. Algorithm design and development within the object-oriented paradigm. Students will utilize Java to create Web-based application software with strong user interaction and graphics. In addition, students will utilize Oracle and SQL to learn introductory database design principles, coupling back-end database operation to application software. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 345 Advanced Programming, Java (3 cr.) P: N307 or N331 or N341 or equivalent. A Java language course designed for students familiar with programming and the World Wide Web. Focus on the unique aspects of Java, Applet, and GUI design, object-oriented programming, event-handling, multithreaded applications, animation, and network programming. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 351 Introduction to Multimedia Programming (3 cr.) An integration of computing concepts and multimedia development tools. An introduction to the science behind multimedia (compression algorithms and digital/audio conversion). Use of authoring tools to create compositions of images, sounds, and video. Special emphasis given to using the Web as a multimedia presentation environment. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 355 Introduction to Virtual Reality (3 cr.) Explore concepts of 3D imaging and design including primitive shapes, transformations, extrusions, face sets, texture mapping, shading, and scripting. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 361 Fundamentals of Software Project Management (3 cr.) P: N300-level programming class or consent of instructor. Tools and techniques used to manage software projects to successful completion. Problem-solving focus to learn specification development and management, program success metrics, UML modeling techniques, code design and review, principles, testing procedures, usability measures, release and revision processes, and project archival. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 399 Topics in Computing (topic varies) (1-3 cr.) P: N200-level course or equivalent. An investigation of an emerging language or topic in computing. May be repeated for credit.
- CSCI-N 410 Mobile Computing Application Development (3 cr.) Focus of this course is to give programmers information they need to develop new applications or move existing applications to handheld devices and other resource-constrained hardware. All programming is done via Visual Basic.NET or C#.
- CSCI-N 420 Mobile Computing Cross Platform Development (3 cr.) P: N343. Survey of programming & application development for mobile and wireless computing devices. Topics include recommended practices using the J2 platform for micro devices such as cell phones and PDAs, the implementation of cross-device GUI's, using event handlers and remote server access.
- CSCI-N 430 Mobile Computing & Interactive Applications (3 cr.) P: N201. Introduction to programming with emphasis on the Flash ActionScript environment as used in mobile devices. Topics include interface design for mobile devices, use of Flash as an application environment, game and multimedia development, communication with a web server, and parsing XML data.
- CSCI-N 431 E-Commerce with ASP.NET (3 cr.) Topics include basic Web controls, form validation, connecting to an Enterprise-level database, SSL, and sending email within an ASP.NET Web page. A significant software development final project creating a functional Web store is featured. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 435 Data Management Best Practices with ADO.NET (3 cr.) A study of managing data in the .NET environment. Focus on strategies to efficiently manage data for large-scale projects. Topics include XML, DataSets, SQL, and error management. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 443 XML Programming (3 cr.) P: N241 and an N300-level programming course. Fundamentals of XML programming language. After mastering fundamental XML scripting syntax, the course focuses on narrative-centric and data-centric XML applications. Narrative content includes CSS, DTD and XSLT, and X-path, -link, and -pointer tools; data-centric content includes the DOM, Schemas, and ADO/ASP. A required masterpiece project summarizes course competencies. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 450 Mobile Computing with Web Services (3 cr.) P: Any of the following: N410, N420, N430. Fundamental concepts of data transport between client devices and a server. Topics include web services, SOAP (simple object access protocol), and XML.
- CSCI-N 451 Web Game Development (3 cr.) Study of basic game development principles with a focus on client-side web delivery. Topics to include creation of sprite objects, user interaction concepts, basic intelligence concepts, game data structures, and basic game physics. Lecture and laboratory.
- CSCI-N 461 Software Engineering for Applied Computer Science (3 cr.) P: N361 or consent of the instructor. This is a survey course covering software engineering concepts, tools, techniques, and methodologies. The topics covered include software engineering, software process and its difficulties, software lifecycle models, project planning including cost estimation, design methodologies including structured design, data structure-oriented design, object-oriented design, and software testing. This course is intended for nonmajors, and credit will not be awarded to computer science majors.
- CSCI-N 485 Capstone Project in Applied Computing (3 cr.) P: N301 and N341. This course provides students with a mechanism for producing and integrating technical achievement meritorious of program culmination. The project will demonstrate subject matter mastery within project development guidelines and reflect both a breadth and depth of technically focused problem-solving skills.
- CSCI-N 499 Topics in Applied Computing (topic varies) (1-3 cr.) P: N300-level course or equivalent. An investigation and examination of an emerging discipline in applied computer science.
- CSCI-N 200 Programming Concepts (3 cr.) Explore the Big Ideas of Computer Science (CS) and Computational Thinking(CT) through hands-on explorations with social networking, gaming, big data, robots, programming and more. Learn about the creativity, usefulness and breadth of Computer Science in a fun way that can enhance any field of study.
- CSCI-N 317 Fundamental Computer Science Concepts (3 cr.)
(Pending) P: N207 or equivalent. A survey and illustration of popular computational software used in multiple scientific domains to support data processing and scientific research. This class focuses on teaching how to use software to efficiently process data in terms of modeling, simulating, visualizing and data-mining. Fundamental concepts related to scientific computing are introduced briefly. Lecture and Lab
- FIS 20500 Concepts of Forensic Science I (3 cr.) Fall, Summer Session I. Forensic science is the application of scientific methods to matters involving the public. One of its principle applications is the scientific analysis of physical evidence generated by criminal activity. During this course students will learn basic concepts in forensic science and criminal justice system and apply the basic concepts towards evidence collection and analysis. Topics will include fingerprints, impression evidence, firearms, questioned documents, pathology, entomology, anthropology, and forensic science and the law and ethics.
- FIS 20600 Concepts of Forensic Science II (3 cr.) P: FIS 20500. Spring, Summer Session II. Continuation of FIS 20500. Students will learn basic concepts in forensic chemistry and forensic biology and apply the basic concepts towards evidence analysis. Students will learn instrumental procedures and methods used in forensic chemistry and forensic biology to analyze and evaluate evidence. Topics will include microscopy, spectroscopy, chromatography, hairs and fibers, arson and explosions, soils, glass, paints and inks, serology and DNA, blood splatter, illicit drugs and toxicology.
- FIS 30500 Professional Issues in Forensic Science (3 cr.) P: FIS 20500, FIS 20600 Fall, Spring. Ethics in forensic science. Crime laboratory culture. Recent issues in forensic science, quality assurance and control in a crime lab.
- FIS 30600 Forensic Microscopy (3 cr.) P: FIS 20500, FIS 20600, CHEM-C126 Students will learn techniques in the analysis of forensic microscopic evidence. Topics include: property of light, compound light microscopy, micrometry, refraction, dispersion, stereomicroscopy, sample preparation, polarizing light microscopy, and instrumental microscopy. Microsopes are used every day in class to handle forensic type of evidence. The overall goal of this course is to develop techniques to analyze trace evidence.
- FIS 40100 Forensic Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: CHEM C310, CHEM C311, CHEM C342, CHEM C344, CHEM-C325. This course will cover the major techniques and instruments used in the analysis of chemical and pattern evidence commonly encountered at crime scenes. The techniques of instrumental microscopy, gas, thin layer and liquid chromatography, and UV-visible and infrared spectrophotometry will be studied and used extensively. There will be lecture components for each of the type of instrumental analysis covered in the course.
- FIS 40200 Forensic Biology (3 cr.) P: FIS 20600, BIOL-K322, BIOL-K324. This course is an introduction to the use of biological materials to assign identity to persons associated with a crime. The course will introduce methods for the preliminary detection of biological evidence and introduce the use of DNA. The materials learned will encompass broader topics such as immunology, molecular biology, and genetics.
- FIS 40300 Forensic Genetics (3 cr.) P: FIS 40200 or instructor consent. This course is a continuation of FIS 40200 and will go into more detail about the structure of DNA, the application of molecular biology techniques for the determination of individual identity. The materials learned will encompass broader topics such as immunology, molecular biology, genetics, population genetics and statistics.
- FIS 40400 Forensic Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: FIS 40100 or instructor consent. Spring. Continuation of FIS 40100. This course will cover the major techniques used in the analysis of chemical and trace evidence commonly encountered at crime scenes. This course will be broken down into 2 modules. The overall course will cover techniques used during the analysis of trace and chemical evidence in a forensic laboratory.
- FIS 40900 Forensic Science Research (1-4 cr.) P: Requires application and approval of faculty member supervising the research. Forensic science or literature research with a report.
- FIS 41500 Forensic Science and the Law (3 cr.) Fall, Spring. Application of various laws and rules of evidence to the forensic sciences and how the admission of evidence derived from forensic sciences can impact the administration of justice in the United States. Topics include preparation for testimony, expert testimony, subpoenas, basic judicial processes, admissibility of scientific evidence.
- FIS 49000 Forensic Science Capstone (1 - 5 cr.) P: junior or senior standing in FIS Program and program advisor approval. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer, day, night. One of the following: Internship at an approved crime laboratory or other organization, or laboratory research supervised by an FIS faculty member. Final paper required in all cases.
- FIS 10100 Investigating Forensic Science Lecture (1 cr.) P: None. Fall, Spring, Summer. Forensic science is the application of scientific methods to matters involving the public. Crime scene investigation will be taught so students will have general knowledge on techniques used in the field. Students will also be exposed to basic understanding of common forensic science concepts and learn how analysis of specific types of evidence is analyzed in a forensic science laboratory. Topics will include but are not limited to crime scene, hairs, explosives, fire debris, serology, DNA, illicit drugs, fingerprints, footwear, questioned documents, inks, glass, paints, blood spatter, and soils.
- FIS 40101 Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: FIS 40100 P: CHEM-C310, C311, C342, C344, C410, C411 or instructor consent. This course will cover the major techniques and instruments used in the analysis of chemical and pattern evidence commonly encountered at crime scenes. The techniques of instrumental microscopy, gas, thin layer and liquid chromatography, and UV-visible and infrared spectrophotometry will be studied and used extensively. There will be lab components for each of the type of instrumental analysis covered in the course.
- FIS 40201 Forensic Biology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: FIS 40200. This laboratory section includes practical exercises that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories, including but not limited to collection and preservation of biological evidence, presumptive and confirmatory tests, DNA extraction, and PCR amplification. Only open to students admitted to the FIS Program.
- FIS 40301 Forensic Genetics Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: FIS 40300. P: FIS 40200, 40201 or instructor consent. Only open to students admitted to the FIS Program. This laboratory section includes practical exercises that reflect common practice in forensic science laboratories. This laboratory is a continuation of FIS 40201.
- FIS 40401 Forensic Chemistry II Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: FIS 40400. P: FIS 40100, 40101 or instructor consent; open only to FIS majors. This course will cover the major techniques used in the analysis of chemical and trace evidence commonly encountered at crime scenes. This course will be broken down into 2 modules. The overall course will cover techniques used during the analysis of trace and chemical evidence in a forensic laboratory.
- FIS 43000 Population Genetics (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K 322, BIOL-K 323, STAT 30100. P: BIOL-K 322, BIOL-K 323, STAT 30100. Spring. This course will serve as an introduction to the principles of population genetics. The course will cover the theory behind population genetics that includes a historical perspective to the current accepted models of population theory; examine the relationships between allele and genotype frequencies, and the fundamentals of molecular evolutionary genetics.
- FIS 10101 Investigating Forensic Science (2 cr.) P: None. Fall, Spring. Forensic science is the application of scientific methods to matters involving the public. One of its principle applications is the scientific analysis of physical evidence generated by criminal activity. During this laboratory course you will learn basic techniques used to analyze forensic evidence. This will start with concepts in evidence documentation and collection. You will then learn concepts used in pattern recognition, forensic chemistry and biology, and trace evidence. There will be hands on activities in all these disciplines. Topics will include but are not limited to crime scene, fibers, hairs, explosives, fire debris, serology, DNA, illicit drugs, fingerprints, footwear, questioned documents, inks, glass, paints, blood spatter, and soils.
- FIS 49500 Internship in Forensic Science (0 - 5 cr.) P: Completion of application and permission of instructor. The internship experience is designed to bring together the diverse areas of knowledge that the student has gained during the pursuit of a Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science. It is a synthesis of knowledge; where the student takes what they learn in the classroom and translates that to the real world of forensic science. This is usually completed at the end of the student’s undergraduate career in Forensic Science. The experience of an internship can aid with the transition to a crime laboratory. However, students have the opportunity to complete an internship at any time during their undergraduate career. The internships should be related to forensics and have ranged from a variety of experiences. Internship location must be approved by the instructor.
- GEOL-G 103 Introduction to the Origin and Classification of Minerals and Rocks (3 cr.) This course is taught by the School of Continuing Studies for semester Online Self-Study Electives. Relationships between rock types, rock structures, surficial geological processes of running water, subsurface water, glaciation, wind, tides, and landform evolution. Geological time. Credit given for only one of the following: G103 or G111.
- GEOL-G 107 Environmental Geology (3 cr.) P: none. Fall, Spring, Summer. An introduction to geology through discussion of geological topics that show the influence of geology on modern society. Topics include mineral and energy resources, water resources, geologic hazards and problems, geology and health, and land use.
- GEOL-G 109 Fundamentals of Earth History (3 cr.) P: none. Fall, Spring, Summer. Basic principles of earth history: geologic time, basic rock types, reconstructing past environments. Physical development of the earth: its interior, mountain formation, plate tectonics. Origin and development of life: evolution, the fossil record. With laboratory G119, equivalent to IUB GEOL G104, IUB GEOL G112, and PU GEOS 112.
- GEOL-G 110 Physical Geology (3 cr.) P: none. Fall, Spring, Summer. Introduction to processes within and at the surface of the earth. Description, classification, and origin of minerals and rocks. The rock cycle. Internal processes: volcanism, earthquakes, crustal deformation, mountain building, plate tectonics. External processes: weathering, mass wasting, streams, glaciers, ground water, deserts, coasts. With laboratory G120, equivalent to IU GEOL G103, IU GEOL G111, and PU GEOS 111.
- GEOL-G 115 Introduction to Oceanography (3 cr.) P: none. Fall, Spring, Summer. Nonmathematical introduction to the geology, biology, and physical characteristics of the ocean. Includes waves, tides, and currents of the world ocean, the adaptations and distribution of marine animals, pollution of the marine ecosystem, and an introduction to the global ocean/atmosphere system.
- GEOL-G 117 Environmental Geology Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: G107. Fall, Spring, Summer. Laboratory exercises in environmental aspects of the geosciences. To accompany G107.
- GEOL-G 119 Fundamentals of Earth History Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: G109. Fall, Spring. Laboratory studies of rocks, fossils, and stratigraphic principles to reconstruct past environments and interpret Earth history. To accompany G109.
- GEOL-G 120 Physical Geology Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: G110. Fall, Spring, Summer. Laboratory studies of minerals and rocks, landscapes, and earth structures. To accompany G110.
- GEOL-G 130 Short Courses in Earth Science (topic varies) (1 cr.) P: none. Five-week courses on a variety of topics in the earth sciences. Examples of topics include lunar and planetary geology; geology of Indiana; geology of national parks; glaciers; water; gemstones; geology of art; earthquakes and volcanoes; dinosaurs. Each short course is one credit; no topic may be taken for credit more than once.
- GEOL-G 132 Environmental Problems (3 cr.) This course is offered via the Internet, and provides experience in addressing some of the kinds of problems that arise in studies of the environment. Particular attention is given to developing skills in evaluating scientific articles; specifically, the relevance of the information in an article, the credibility of the author, and the accuracy and usefulness of the quantitative information provided. The kinds of problems considered in this course will vary from semester to semester, but will be chosen from a list that includes global warming, tropical rain forests, acid rain, water pollution, solid waste disposal, appropriate use of land, and the ability of regulations to protect the environment. Three or four such topics will be covered each semester.
- GEOL-G 135 Indiana Geology (3 cr.) P: none. Fall, Spring, Summer. An in-depth investigation of Indiana's geology, including minerals and rocks, geologic time, mineral resources, fossils, topography, soil, water resources, and special geologic features such as the Falls of the Ohio River and Indiana Dunes.
- GEOL-G 136 Indiana Geology Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: G107, G110, or G135. Fall, Spring, Summer. Field experiences and practical exercises in applying geologic principles and observing the geologic phenomena of Indiana. Topics may include sedimentary rocks and fossils, soils, mineral resources, hydrology, glacial history, and karst topography. Students will visit multiple park areas, complete problem solving or hands-on exercises, and submit written reports.
- GEOL-G 199 Service Learning in Geology (1 cr.) P or C: G107, G110, G115, or G135. Students participate in community service projects. Completion of the project includes a paper reflecting on how the service experience contributed to their application of the principles of general education.
- GEOL-G 205 Reporting Skills in Geoscience (3 cr.) P: G110 and ENG W131. Spring and Fall. Techniques of presenting written and oral reports from the geoscience approach. The written report: mechanics of format and illustrations, proper citation of geoscience literature, the abstract, proofreading, and editing. The oral report: effective presentation and response to audience questions, simulating a professional science meeting.
- GEOL-G 221 Introductory Mineralogy (4 cr.) P: G110, G120 and CHEM C105. Fall. Credit not given for both GEOL-G221 and GEOL-G306. Crystallography: symmetry, morphology, classes. Mineral chemistry, physics, and genesis. Description, identification, association, occurrence, and use of common and important minerals.
- GEOL-G 222 Introductory Petrology (4 cr.) P: G221 and CHEM C106. Spring. Credit not given for both GEOL-G222 and GEOL-G306. Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks: composition, field occurrence, characteristics, classification, origin, laboratory description, and identification.
- GEOL-G 304 Principles of Paleontology (3 cr.) P: G119 or G335 or consent of instructor. Spring. Biological principles applied to the fossil record. Examination of the quality of the fossil record, taxonomic principles and procedures, analytical techniques, evolutionary theory, evolution and paleoecology of species, populations and communities, diversification and extinction, paleogeography. Laboratories: systematics, stratigraphic distribution, and ecology of major fossilized invertebrate phyla.
- GEOL-G 306 Earth Materials (4 cr.) P: G110/G120 or GEOL-G107/G117 and CHEM C105. Spring. Credit not given for both GEOL-G221 and GEOL-G306 or GEOL-G222 and GEOL-G306. The physical and chemical properties of Earth materials, and the chemical processes that have altered them to cause Earth to evolve to its present state. This course covers properties of minerals and their identification, genesis of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, interactions between solid Earth and the hydrosphere, and interactions between humans and the solid Earth.
- GEOL-G 323 Structural Geology (4 cr.) P: G205, G222, and G335. Fall. Nature and origin of primary and secondary structural features of the earth's crust, with emphasis on mechanics of deformation and origin, and three-dimensional problems illustrating structural concepts. Laboratory.
- GEOL-G 334 Principles of Sedimentation and Stratigraphy (4 cr.) P: G205, G222, or G306 and G335 or consent of instructor. Fall. Processes and factors influencing genesis of sedimentary particles and their deposition. Interpretation of depositional environments. Sedimentary facies and interpretation of stratigraphic record from outcrop, core sequence, and remote sensing. Laboratory. Field trip.
- GEOL-G 335 Evolution of the Earth and Life (4 cr.) P: G110/G120. Evidence for evolution of the Earth and life in the rock record, Sequence of events, time of occurrence, rates of change. Interrelationships of principal themes: chemical evolution of the planet, evolution of the biosphere, plate tectonics, mountain building, and sea level changes. Bearing of evolution on human welfare.
- GEOL-G 403 Optical Mineralogy and Petrography (3 cr.) P: G205 and G222. Identification of rock-forming minerals in fragments and thin sections using principles of optical crystallography and the petrographic microscope. Description of common igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks and interpretation of their genesis using hand specimens and thin sections.
- GEOL-G 406 Introduction to Geochemistry (3 cr.) P: G205, CHEM C106, or consent of instructor. Fall. Interactions between geology, chemistry, and biology in natural systems. Explores biogeochemical processes on small scales and in terms of global cycles, as well as human impacts on biogeochemical cycling.
- GEOL-G 410 Undergraduate Research in Geology (1-3 cr.) P: G205, junior standing, and consent of instructor. Field and laboratory research in selected problems in geology. May be repeated. A total of 3 credit hours may be applied toward the degree.
- GEOL-G 415 Principles of Geomorphology (3 cr.) P: G205, and G222 or G306, G334. Spring. Natural processes that create landforms and land-scapes. Physics and chemistry of weathering and soil formation. Dynamics of mass wasting, streams, and glaciers. Includes field and laboratory investigations.
- GEOL-G 416 Economic Geology (3 cr.) P: G205 and G222; or consent of instructor. Origin, geologic occurrence, distribution, use, and conservation of important geologic natural resources: metallic minerals; industrial minerals and rocks; coal, petroleum, natural gas, and other energy resources.
- GEOL-G 418 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (3 cr.) P: G222 or equivalent. The petrogenesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Both lecture and laboratory portions of the course will stress the application of modern petrographic, mineralogic, geochemical, and phase equilibria techniques to the solution of relevant petrologic problems.
- GEOL-G 420 Regional Geology Field Trip (1-3 cr.) P: G205 or consent of instructor. Summer. Field trip to selected regions for study of mineralogic, lithologic, stratigraphic, structural, paleontologic, geomorphologic, or other geological relationships.
- GEOL-G 430 Principles of Hydrology (3 cr.) P: G205, G117 or G120, MATH 15400, CHEM C106, PHYS P201 or PHYS 15200 or PHYS 21800, and introductory biology. Fall. An introduction to the hydrologic cycle, reviewing processes such as precipitation, evaporation and transpiration, infiltration, runoff, streamflow and watersheds, and groundwater.
- GEOL-G 431 Wetland Ecosystems (3 cr.) P: G430 or G451. Fall. Wetland ecosystems will explore wetlands and their role in ecosystem function. Topics will encompass wetland definitions, geomorphic setting, functions and values, hydrology, vegetation and soils, wetland biogeochemistry, and wetland mitigation and the regulatory framework in which wetlands are treated. The course evaluates the status and trends of Indiana wetlands and types of wetlands common in Indiana.
- GEOL-G 436 Earth Observation from Space (3 cr.) P: GEOL G222, GEOG G336, and PHYS P202 or consent of instructor. This course is designed to introduce Earth observation with remote sensing. Basic knowledge and history of remote sensing are described. Elements of airborne and satellite remote sensing images necessary for basic data analysis and qualitative image interpretation are covered. Remaining lectures are dedicated to classical applications of airborne and satellite remote sensing in exploring natural world and physical Earth. The class explores in greater detail how space observation can be used to monitor and assess environmental change and to address society need. The class includes lab assignments on basic remote sensing and data interpretation.
- GEOL-G 447 Planetary Geology (3 cr.) P: G110 or equivalent course, or consent of instructor. Origin and evolution of planets. The roles of impacts and volcanism in surface dynamics, and the role of water in planetary climates.
- GEOL-G 451 Principles of Hydrogeology (3 cr.) P: G205 and G110 or G117, MATH 16600 or MATH 22200, CHEM C106 and PHYS 15200 or PHYS-P201 or PHYS 21800. Geologic and hydrologic factors controlling the occurrence and dynamics of groundwater. Emphasis on basic physical and chemical relationships between water and geologic material.
- GEOL-G 460 Internship in Geology (3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing, and consent of faculty mentor. Fall, Spring, Summer. Industrial or similar experiences in geologically oriented employment. Projects jointly arranged, coordinated, and evaluated by faculty and industrial/governmental supervisors.
- GEOL-G 486 Soil Biogeochemistry (3 cr.) P: G406, or consent of instructor. Biological and geochemical processes controlling the cycling of elements in soils and freshwater sediments with emphasis on cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous.
- GEOL-G 490 Seminar in Geology (1-3 cr.) P: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. Readings and discussion of selected topics. May be repeated, provided different topics are studied, for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- GEOL-G 495 Senior Thesis in Geology (1 - 3 cr.) P: Senior standing and consent of faculty mentor. Capstone experience involving a research project. Written report required.
- GEOL-G 482 Environmental Microbiology (3 cr.) P: BIOL-K101, BIOL-K103 or consent of instructor. Spring. This class will cover basic concepts in microbiology, such as the taxonomy and cell structure of Bacteria and Archaea, microbial growth and energetics, biochemical pathways essential for the metabolism of carbon and nutrients by heterotrophs and autotrophs, and how these pathways then control global biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and various metals in terrestrial and aqueous environments.
- GEOL-G 483 Isotope Geochemistry (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G406 or consent of instructor. Introduction to the theory and application of radiogenic and stable isotopes to a variety of subdisciplines in the earth sciences. Topics include geochronology, tracers, mass balance and mixing, hydrology and environmental applications, water-rock interaction, and biogeochemical cycles.
- GEOL-G 487 Remote Sensing of Global Change (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G222, GEOG-G336 and PHYS-P202. Spring. This course is designed to introduce the methods and strategies underlying the application of hyperspectral remote sensing in solving environmental problems in the context of global change. Basic physics for remote sensing is described. Terminologies for spectroscopic analysis and image interpretation of environment changes variables with visible and near-infrared wavelengths and thermal infrared data are introduced. Classical examples on applications of hyperspectral remote sensing in agricultural and forest ecology, hydrology and soil sciences, terrestrial and aquatic ecology, atmosphere and urban landscapes will be discussed.
- GEOL-G 488 Global Cycles (3 cr.) P: GEOL-G110, one semester of chemistry, one semester of biology. Spring. The global environment is dominated by interlinking cycles of earth materials, chemicals, and biological components. This course will explore the major elements of the geochemical cycles found in the atmosphere, land, lakes, river, biota, and oceans, as well as the human impacts on these cycles. This course will take a global approach to geochemistry and environmental problems and will introduce fundamental concepts of meteorology, surficial geology (weathering, erosion, and sedimentation), biogeochemistry, limnology, and oceanography.
- MATH 00100 Introduction to Algebra (4 cr.) Placement. Fall, spring, summer. Covers the material taught in the first year of high school algebra. Numbers and algebra, integers, rational numbers, equations, polynomials, graphs, systems of equations, inequalities, radicals. Credit does not apply toward any degree.
- MATH 11000 Fundamentals of Algebra (4 cr.) P: MATH 00100 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Intended primarily for liberal arts and business majors. Integers, rational and real numbers, exponents, decimals, polynomials, equations, word problems, factoring, roots and radicals, logarithms, quadratic equations, graphing, linear equations in more than one variable, and inequalities. This course satisfies the prerequisites needed for MATH M118, M119, 13000, 13600, and STAT 30100.
- MATH 11100 Algebra (4 cr.) P: MATH 00100 (with a minimum grade of C) or placement. Real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, polynomials, exponents, and logarithmic functions. Covers material in the second year of high school algebra. This course satisfies the prerequisites needed for MATH M118, M119, 13000, 13600, 15300, 15400, and STAT 30100.
- MATH 12300 Elementary Concepts of Mathematics (3 cr.) Mathematics for liberal arts students; experiments and activities that provide an introduction to inductive and deductive reasoning, number sequences, functions and curves, probability, statistics, topology, metric measurement, and computers.
- MATH 13000 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (3 cr.) P: 11100 or 11000 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Numeration systems, mathematical reasoning, integers, rationals, reals, properties of number systems, decimal and fractional notations, and problem solving.
- MATH 13100 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (3 cr.) P: 13000 (with a minimum grade of C) or equivalent.. Number systems: numbers of arithmetic, integers, rationals, reals, mathematical systems, decimal and fractional notations; probability, simple and compound events, algebra review.
- MATH 13200 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III (3 cr.) P: 13000 (with a minimum grade of C) or equivalent and one year of high school geometry. Rationals, reals, geometric relationships, properties of geometric figures, one-, two-, and three-dimensional measurement, and problem solving.
- MATH 13600 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (6 cr.) P: 11100 or 11000 (with a minimum grade of C) or placement, and one year of high school geometry. 13600 is a one-semester version of 13000 and 13200. Not open to students with credit in 13000 or 13200.
- MATH 15300 Algebra and Trigonometry I (3 cr.) P: 11100 (with a minimum grade of C) or placement. 15300-15400 is a two-semester version of 15900. Not open to students with credit in 15900. 15300 covers college-level algebra and, together with 15400, provides preparation for 16500, 22100, and 23100.
- MATH 15400 Algebra and Trigonometry II (3 cr.) P: 15300 (with a minimum grade of C). 15300-15400 is a two-semester version of 15900. Not open to students with credit in 15900. 15400 covers college-level trigonometry and, together with 15300, provides preparation for 16500, 22100, and 23100.
- MATH 15900 Precalculus (5 cr.)
P: 11100 (with a minimum grade of B) or placement. 15900 is a one-semester version of 15300-15400. Not open to students with credit in 15300 or 15400. 15900 covers college-level algebra and trigonometry and provides preparation for 16500, 22100, and 23100.
- MATH 16500 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 cr.) P: 15900 or 15400 (with a minimum grade of C) or placement, Introduction to differential and integral calculus of one variable, with applications.
- MATH 16600 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr.) P: 16500 (with a minimum grade of C). Continuation of MA 16500. Inverse functions, exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions. Techniques of integration, applications of integration, differential equations, and infinite series.
- MATH 17100 Multidimensional Mathematics (3 cr.) P: 15900 or 15400 (with a minimum grade of C) or placement. An introduction to mathematics in more than two dimensions. Graphing of curves, surfaces and functions in three dimensions. Two and three dimensional vector spaces with vector operations. Solving systems of linear equations using matrices. Basic matrix operations and determinants.
- MATH 19000 Topics in Applied Mathematics for Freshmen (3 cr.) Treats applied topics in mathematics at the freshman level. Prerequisites and course material vary with the applications.
- MATH 22100 Calculus for Technology I (3 cr.) P: 15400 or 15900 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Analytic geometry, the derivative and applications, and the integral and applications.
- MATH 22200 Calculus for Technology II (3 cr.) P: 22100 (with a minimum grade of C-). Differentiation of transcendental functions, methods of integration, power series, Fourier series, and differential equations.
- MATH 23100 Calculus for Life Sciences I (3 cr.) P: 15400 or 15900 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Limits, derivatives and applications. Exponential and logarithmic functions. Integrals, antiderivatives, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Examples and applications are drawn from the life sciences.
- MATH 23200 Calculus for Life Sciences II (3 cr.) P: 23100 (with a minimum grade of C-). Matrices, functions of several variables, differential equations and solutions with applications. Examples and applications are drawn from the life sciences.
- MATH 26100 Multivariate Calculus (4 cr.) P: 16600 and 17100 (with a minimum grade of C in each). Spatial analytic geometry, vectors, space curves, partial differentiation, applications, multiple integration, vector fields, line integrals, Green's theorem, Stoke's theorem, and the Divergence Theorem. An honors option may be available in this course.
- MATH 26600 Ordinary Differential Equations (3 cr.) P: 16600 and 17100 (with a minimum grade of C in each). C: 26100. First order equations, second and n'th order linear equations, series solutions, solution by Laplace transform, systems of linear equations.
- MATH 27600 Discrete Math (3 cr.) P or C: 16500. Logic, sets, functions, integer algorithms, applications of number theory, mathematical induction, recurrence relations, permutations, combinations, finite probability, relations and partial ordering, and graph algorithms.
- MATH 29000 Topics in Applied Mathematics for Sophomores (3 cr.) Applied topics in mathematics at the sophomore level. Prerequisites and course material vary with the applications.
- MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) P: 11100 or 11000 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Set theory, logic, permutations, combinations, simple probability, conditional probability, Markov chains.
- MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I (3 cr.) P: 11100 or 11000 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Sets, limits, derivatives, integrals, and applications.
- MATH-S 118 Honors Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) P: Mastery of two years of high school algebra and consent of instructor. Designed for students of outstanding ability in mathematics. Covers all material of M118 and additional topics from statistics and game theory. Computers may be used in this course, but no previous experience is assumed.
- MATH-S 119 Honors Brief Survey of Calculus I (3 cr.) P: Mastery of two years of high school algebra and consent of instructor. Designed for students of outstanding ability in mathematics. Covers all material of M119 and additional topics. Computers may be used in this course, but no previous experience is assumed.
- MATH-S 165 Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 cr.) P: Precalculus or trigonometry and consent of instructor. This course covers the same topics as MATH 16500. However, it is intended for students having a strong interest in mathematics who wish to study the concepts of calculus in more depth and who are seeking mathematical challenge.
- MATH-S 166 Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr.) P: S165 (with a minimum grade of B-) or 16500 (with a minimum grade of A-), and consent of instructor. This course covers the same topics as MATH 16600. However, it is intended for students having a strong interest in mathematics who wish to study the concepts of calculus in more depth and who are seeking mathematical challenge.
- MATH-S 261 Honors Multivariate Calculus (4 cr.) P: MATH 16600 or MATH-S166 with a minimum grade of B and MATH 17100 and permission of the instructor. This is an honors level version of third semester calculus (MATH 26100). It is intended for students who have strong motivation and a desire for additional challenge. The theory of multivariate calculus is developed as rigorously as possible and studied in greater depth than in MATH 26100.
- MATH 30000 Logic and the Foundations of Algebra (3 cr.) P or C: 16600 and 17100. MATH 27600 is recommended. Logic and the rules of reasoning, theorem proving. Applications to the study of the integers; rational, real, and complex numbers; and polynomials. Bridges the gap between elementary and advanced courses. Recommended for prospective high school teachers.
- MATH 33300 Chaotic Dynamical Systems (3 cr.) P: 16600 or 22200 or 23200. The goal of the course is to introduce some of the spectacular new discoveries that have been made in the past twenty years in the field of mathematics known as dynamical systems. It is intended for undergraduate students in mathematics, science, or engineering. It will include a variety of computer experiments using software that is posted on the Web.
- MATH 35100 Elementary Linear Algebra (3 cr.) P: 26100. Not open to students with credit in MATH 51100. Systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, inner product spaces, eigenvalues, and applications.
- MATH 37300 Financial Mathematics (3 cr.) P: 26100. Fundamental concepts of financial mathematics and economics, and their application to business situations and risk management. Valuing investments, capital budgeting, valuing contingent cash flows, modified duration, convexity, immunization, financial derivatives. Provides preparation for the SOA/CAS Exam FM/2.
- MATH 39000 Topics in Applied Mathematics for Juniors (3 cr.) Applied topics in mathematics at the junior level. Prerequisites and course material vary with the applications.
- MATH 39800 Internship in Professional Practice (0-3 cr.) P: Approval of Department of Mathematical Sciences. Professional work experience involving significant use of mathematics or statistics. Evaluation of performance by employer and Department of Mathematical Sciences. May count toward major requirements with approval of the Department of Mathematical Sciences for a total of 6 credits.
- MATH 41400 Numerical Methods (3 cr.) P: 26600 and a course in a high-level programming language. Not open to students with credit in CSCI 51200. Error analysis, solution of nonlinear equations, direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems, approximation of functions, numerical differentiation and integration, and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.
- MATH 42100 Linear Programming and Optimization Techniques (3 cr.)
P: MATH 26100 and 35100. This course covers a variety of topics in operations research, including solution of linear programming problems by the simplex method, duality theory, transportation problems, assignment problems, network analysis, dynamic programming.
- MATH 42300 Discrete Modeling (3 cr.)
P: MATH 26600 and MATH 35100 or MATH 51100 or consent of instructor. Linear programming, mathematical modeling of problems in economics, management, urban administration, and the behavioral sciences.
- MATH 42500 Elements of Complex Analysis (3 cr.) P: 26100 Complex numbers and complex-valued functions; differentiation of complex functions; power series, uniform convergence; integration, contour integrals; elementary conformal mapping.
- MATH 42600 Introduction to Applied Mathematics and Modeling (3 cr.) P: 26600 and PHYS 15200. Introduction to problems and methods in applied mathematics and modeling. Formulation of models for phenomena in science and engineering, their solutions, and physical interpretation of results. Examples chosen from solid and fluid mechanics, mechanical systems, diffusion phenomena, traffic flow, and biological processes.
- MATH 44400 Foundations of Analysis (3 cr.) P: 26100. Set theory, mathematical induction, real numbers, completeness axiom, open and closed sets in Rm, sequences, limits, continuity and uniform continuity, inverse functions, differentiation of functions of one and several variables.
- MATH 44500 Foundations of Analysis II (3 cr.) P: 44400. Continuation of differentiation, the mean value theorem and applications, the inverse and implicit function theorems, the Riemann integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, point-wise and uniform convergence, convergence of infinite series, and series of functions.
- MATH 45300 Beginning Abstract Algebra (3 cr.) P: 35100. Basic properties of groups, rings,and fields, with special emphasis on polynomial rings.
- MATH 45600 Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (3 cr.) P: 26100. Divisibility, congruences, quadratic residues, Diophantine equations, and the sequence of primes.
- MATH 46200 Elementary Differential Geometry (3 cr.) P: 35100. Calculus and linear algebra applied to the study of curves and surfaces. Curvature and torsion, Frenet-Serret apparatus and theorem, and fundamental theorem of curves. Transformation of R2, first and second fundamental forms of surfaces, geodesics, parallel translation, isometries, and fundamental theorem of surfaces.
- MATH 46300 Intermediate Euclidean Geometry for Secondary Teachers (3 cr.) P: 30000. History of geometry. Ruler and compass constructions, and a critique of Euclid. The axiomatic method, models, and incidence geometry. Presentation, discussion and comparison of Hilbert's, Birkhoff's, and SMSG's axiomatic developments. Discussion of the teaching of Euclidean geometry.
- MATH 49000 Topics in Mathematics for Undergraduates (1-5 cr.) By arrangement. Open to students only with the consent of the department. Supervised reading and reports in various fields.
- MATH 49100 Seminar in Competitive Math Problem-Solving (1-3 cr.) Approval of the director of undergraduate programs is required. This seminar is designed to prepare students for various national and regional mathematics contests and examinations such as the Putnam Mathematical Competition, the Indiana College Mathematical Competition and the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), among others. May be repeated twice for credit.
- MATH 49500 TA Instruction (0 cr.) For teaching assistants. Intended to help prepare TAs to teach by giving them the opportunity to present elementary topics in a classroom setting under the supervision of an experienced teacher who critiques the presentations.
- EDUC-M 457 Methods of Teaching Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Mathematics (2-4 cr.) P: 30 credit hours of mathematics. Study of methodology, heuristics of problem solving, curriculum design, instructional computing, professional affilia-tions, and teaching of daily lessons in the domain of secondary and/or junior high/ middle school mathematics.
- MATH 32101 Elementary Topology (3 cr.) P: 26100. Introduction to topology, including metric spaces, abstract topological spaces, continuous functions, connectedness, compactness, curves, Cantor sets, coninua, and the Baire Category Theorem. Also, an introduction to surfaces, including spheres, tori, the Mobius band, the Klein bottle and a description of their classification.
- MATH 45400 Galois Theory (3 cr.) P: MATH 45300. An introduction to Galois Theory, covering both its origins in the theory of roots of polynomial equation and its modern formulation in terms of abstract algebra. Topics include field extensions and their symmetries, ruler and compass constructions, solvable groups, and the solvability of polynomial equations by radical operation.
- MATH 35300 Linear Algebra II with Applications (3 cr.) P: MATH 35100 or 51100. This course involves the development of mathematics with theorems and their proofs. This course also includes several important applications, which will be used to create a mathematical model, prove theorems that lead to the solution of problems in the model, and interpret the results in terms of the original problem.
- PHYS 55000 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (3 cr.) P: 34200 and at least one other junior-level course in each of mathematics and physics or equivalent. Brief historical survey; waves in classical physics; wavepackets; uncertainty principle; operators and wave functions; Schrodinger equation and application to one-dimensional problems; the hydrogen atom; electron spin; multielectron atoms; periodic table; molecules; periodic potentials; and Bloch wave functions.
- AST-A 100 The Solar System (3 cr.) Fall. Survey of the solar system, including the Earth, sun, moon, eclipses, planets and their satellites, comets, laws of planetary motion, etc. Discussion of the origin of the solar system, life on earth, and the possibilities of extraterrestrial life. Also astronomical instruments and celestial coordinates.
- AST-A 105 Stars and Galaxies (3 cr.) Spring. Survey of the universe beyond the solar system, including stars, pulsars, black holes, principles of spectroscopy and the H-R diagram, nebulae, the Milky Way, other galaxies, quasars, expanding universe, cosmology, and extraterrestrial life.
- AST-A 130 Short Courses in Astronomy (1 cr.) Five-week short courses on a variety of topics in astronomy. Examples of topics include: the Big Bang, Black Holes, Astronomy from your Backyard, How to See Stars, and The Birth and Death of Our Sun.
- AST-A 205 Quasars, Pulsars, Black Holes (3 cr.) P: Introductory High School mathematics. Fall, day. For both science and non-science majors interested in astronomy. Surveys stars of all types and their life cycles. Includes the H-R diagram, star clusters, and exploration of our own sun. Discussion of relativistic effects on certain astronomical objects and on human space exploration.
- AST-A 103 Search for Life in the Universe (3 cr.) Spring. Explores the origin, nature, and history of life on Earth, prospects for life in our own and other planetary systems, extra solar planet detection, and the possibility of other technological civilizations.
- PHYS 10000 Physics in the Modern World (5 cr.) P: Introductory high school mathematics. Spring, day. Ideas, language, methods, and impact of physics today.
- PHYS 14000 Short Courses in Physics (1 cr.) Five-week courses on a variety of topics related to the physical world. Examples of topics include: Waves and Particles Are the Same Thing, Relativity, Quarks and Other Inhabitants of the Zoo, Why Things Work and Why They Don't, Lasers and Holography, and Physics of Star Trek.
- PHYS 15200 Mechanics (4 cr.) P or C: MATH 16600. Equiv. IU PHYS P221. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer, day. Statics, uniform and accelerated motion; Newton's laws; circular motion; energy, momentum, and conservation principles; dynamics of rotation; gravitation and planetary motion; properties of matter; and simple harmonic and wave motion.
- PHYS 20000 Our Physical Environment (3 cr.) Fall, night; Spring, night. A nonmathematical introduction to physical concepts and methods by means of examples from daily life and current technological applications.
- PHYS 21800 General Physics (4 cr.) P: MATH 15900 or equivalent. Fall, night; Spring, night; Summer, day. Mechanics, conservation laws, gravitation; simple harmonic motion and waves; kinetic theory, heat, and thermodynamics for students in technology fields.
- PHYS 21900 General Physics (4 cr.) P: 21800. Fall, night; Spring, night; Summer, day. Electricity, light, and modern physics.
- PHYS 25100 Heat, Electricity, and Optics (5 cr.) P: either PHYS-P201 or PHYS 15200 and MATH 16500, MATH 16600 and MATH 17100. P or C: MATH 26100 or MATH 26600. Equiv. IU PHYS-P222. Fall, day, night; spring, day; summer, day. Heat, kinetic theory, elementary thermodynamics, and heat transfer. Electrostatics, electrical currents and devices. Magnetism, electromagnetic radiation, optics.
- PHYS 29900 Introduction to Computational Physics (2 cr.) P: 15200. Fall. Application of computational techniques to physical concepts. Topics include mechanics, oscillations, chaos, random processes, etc.
- PHYS 30000 Introduction to Elementary Mathematical Physics (3 cr.) P: P202 or 25100, and MATH 26100. Spring. Brief but practical introduction to various mathematical methods used in intermediate-level physics courses. Vector analysis, orthogonal coordinate systems, matrices, Fourier methods, complex numbers, special functions, and computational methods. Emphasis will be on examples and the application of these methods to physics problems.
- PHYS 31000 Intermediate Mechanics (4 cr.) P: P202 or 25100 and 30000 or MATH 26600. Fall. For students familiar with calculus. Elements of vector algebra; statics of particles and rigid bodies; theory of couples; principle of virtual work; kinematics; dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; work, power, and energy; and elements of hydromechanics and elasticity.
- PHYS 33000 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism (3 cr.) P: P202 or 25100 and 30000 or MATH 26600. Spring. Electrostatics; electric currents; magnetostatics; electromagnetic induction; Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic waves.
- PHYS 34200 Modern Physics (3 cr.) P: P202 or 25100 and MATH 26100. Equiv. IU PHYS P301. Spring. A survey of basic concepts and phenomena in atomic, nuclear, and solid state physics.
- PHYS 35300 Advanced Physics Laboratory I: Modern Physics and Electronics (2 cr.) P: 25100. Spring. Experiments associated with advances in the early part of the 20th century to accompany PHYS 34200 and an introduction to electronic circuits and test equipment for scientists.
- PHYS 40000 Physical Optics (3 cr.) P: 33000. Fall. Electromagnetic waves; wave theory of reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference. Spatial and temporal coherence. Fourier optics, coherent imaging, and holography. Polarization phenomena; Jones vectors and matrices.
- PHYS 40100 Physical Optics Laboratory (2 cr.) P: 33000. C: 40000 (majors). Experiments to accompany PHYS 40000 in reflection, refraction, and interference using lasers. Interferometry. Diffraction patterns with emphasis on Fourier analysis and Fourier transformations. Polarization, Brewster's angle. Coherence length of lasers.
- PHYS 44200 Quantum Mechanics (3 cr.) P: 34200, and 31000 or 33000 Fall. Inadequacies of classical physics; wave packets and Schrodinger equation, one-dimensional problems; operator formulation of quantum mechanics; linear harmonic oscillator; angular momentum; hydrogen atom; and Pauli principle and application to helium atom.
- PHYS 48000 Solar Energy Usage (3 cr.) P: MATH 16600 or equivalent, and two courses in general physics. Theoretical and practical aspects, including collector design, modeling of solar systems, economic evaluation of solar alternatives, and photovoltaics.
- PHYS-P 201 General Physics I (5 cr.) P: MATH 15900 or equivalent. Fall, day; Spring, night; Summer, day. Newtonian mechanics, wave motion, heat, and thermodynamics. Application of physical principles to related scientific disciplines, especially life sciences. Intended for students preparing for careers in the life sciences and the health professions. Three lectures, one discussion section, and one two-hour laboratory period each week.
- PHYS-P 202 General Physics II (5 cr.) P: P201. Fall, night; Spring, day; Summer, day. Electricity and magnetism; geometrical and physical optics; introduction to concepts of relativity, quantum theory, and atomic and nuclear physics. Three lectures, one discussion section, and one two-hour laboratory period each week.
- PHYS 41800 Thermal and Statistical Physics (3 cr.) P: 34200, and 31000 or 33000. Replaces PHYS 41600 Spring. Temperature, equations of state, first and second laws of thermodynamics, entropy and applications, kinetic theory, transport processes, statistical mechanics.
- PHYS 15250 Honors Mechanics Seminar (1 cr.) C: Department Consent and concurrent enrollment in PHYS 15200 The primary goal of the course is to enrich the student's experience in PHYS 15200 by presenting a topic not traditionally covered in first-year physics, such as special relativity, quantum mechanics, or particle physics. The course will meet weekly for 50 minutes, during which time there will be a lecture and/or a class discussion. The course will carry honor's credit.
- PHYS 29000 Special Assignments (0 - 3 cr.) P: Permission of instructor required. Readings, discussions, written reports, or laboratory work selected for enrichment in special areas of physics.
- PHYS 12100 How to Solve a Problem without Solving the problem (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Fall. This course teaches students how to formulate a research question and start doing research with their current knowledge. Enrollment with permission of the instructor.
- PHYS 12200 How To Know When You Are Right (2 cr.) P: PHYS 12100 or consent of instructor. Spring. This course continues developing students' capabilities to perform research. Prerequisite PHYS 12100. Enrollment with the permission of the instructor.
- PHYS 28500 Introduction to Biophysics (3 cr.)
P: MATH 16600 or MATH 22200 or MATH 23200 This course is an introduction to biophysics. The goal is to present important biological phenomena from a physics perspective. Briefly, we will begin with a review of biology from single molecules to cells with an emphasis on time scales and length scales. We will subsequently explore both static and dynamical phenomena in biology.
- PSY-B 103 Orientation to a Major in Psychology (1 cr.) This course will help students establish goals for their academic experience in three areas: career, relationships, and personal life. They will be introduced to psychological resources on campus, the faculty, and student organizations. They also will make a curriculum plan to meet their learning objectives. Course will no longer be taught after Summer 2012.
- PSY-B 104 Psychology as a Social Science (3 cr.) Equiv. to IU PSY P102 and PU PSY 12000. Introduction to scientific method, individual differences, personality, developmental, abnormal, social, and industrial psychology. Course will no longer be taught after Summer 2012.
- PSY-B 105 Psychology as a Biological Science (3 cr.) Equiv. to IU PSY P101 and PU PSY 12000. Research methods and content areas of learning, sensation-perception, psychophysiology, motivation, emotions, and statistics. Course will no longer be taught after Summer 2012.
- PSY-B 110 Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.) Equiv. to IU PSY P155 and PU PSY 12000. This foundational course introduces students to psychology as a systematic and scientific way to think about the biological and social aspects of behavior and mental processes. Topics include Research Methods, Behavioral Neuroscience, Sensation/Perception, Learning, Memory, Cognition and Language, Motivation/Emotion, Personality, Social, Stress and Health, Psychological Disorders and Treatment, and Life-span Development.
- PSY-B 201 Foundations of Neuroscience (3 cr.)
P: PSY-B110 or BIOL-K101. An introduction to neuroscience that explores how our brains develop, how they work, and how they are changed by life experiences. Topics include neural communication, localization of brain function, neural systems, and control of behavior.
- PSY-B 203 Ethics and Diversity in Psychology (3 cr.)
P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. This course introduces students to values and professional issues in psychology, with an emphasis on ethics and diversity. Students will learn to recognize the importance of ethical behavior in all aspects of science and practice of psychology and that sociocultural factors and personal biases may shape research and practice.
- PSY-B 252 Topics in Psychology (1-3 cr.) Topics in psychology and interdisciplinary applications. May be repeated, provided different topics are studied, for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
- PSY-B 292 Readings and Research in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Independent readings and research on psychology problems. For freshmen and sophomores only.
- PSY-B 303 Career Planning for Psychology Majors (1 cr.)
P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 199. Students will explore careers, practice job search skills, and learn about graduate and professional school application processes. Students will utilize resources across campus and in psychology, map an academic and co-curriculuar plan, and develop an understanding of how knowledge gained from the discipline of psychology can be integrated into their career.
- PSY-B 305 Statistics (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credits of introductory psychology, and 3 credits of mathematics that carry School of Science credit. Equiv. to IU PSY K300, PSY K310, and PU PSY 20100. Introduction to basic statistical concepts; descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Introduction to data analytic software.
- PSY-B 307 Tests and Measurement (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology and B305. Equiv. to IU PSY P336 and PU PSY 20200. Overview of statistical foundations of psychological measurement (e.g., test development, norms, reliability, validity). Survey of commonly used assessment instruments (e.g., intelligence/aptitude, personality, academic achievement tests) and applications of psychological testing in different settings (e.g., clinical, industrial/ organizational, school, forensic/legal settings). Recommended for students considering graduate training in clinical, industrial/organizational, school, or related areas of psychology.
- PSY-B 310 Life Span Development (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Equiv. to PU PSY 23000. Emphasizes the life span perspective of physical and motor, intellectual and cognitive, language, social and personality, and sexual development. Commonalities across the life span, as well as differences among the various segments of the life span, are examined. Theory, research, and practical applications are stressed equally.
- PSY-B 311 Research Methods in Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology and PSY-B305. Equiv. to IU PSY P211, and PU PSY 20300. Introduction to the science of psychology and to the basic research methods that psychologists use to study thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Topics include measurement, research design (descriptive, correlational, experimental), scientific writing, and ethical issues. By the end of the course, you should be ready to design and analyze your own research.
- PSY-B 320 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU PSY-P326 and PU PSY 22000. This course focuses on how behavior emerges from the organ that produces it, the brain. Topics include evolution and anatomy of the brain, neurophysiology, how brain networks function, and what happens to behavior when the brain has problems. A better understanding of structure-function relationships within the central and peripheral nervous system will be achieved through examples from human neuropsychology and animal behavior. Credit given for only one of PSY-B301 or PSY-B320.
- PSY-B 322 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. A survey of various aspects of the practice of clinical psychology from a scientist-practioner perspective. Aspects of the historical framework of clinical psychology will be discussed. In addition, various aspects of the present state of clinical psychology will be covered in addition to directions for the future.
- PSY-B 334 Perception (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology.. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 329 and PU PSY 31000. Consideration of the concepts and research in perception. Relation of sense organ systems to human behavior. Some attention to social and cultural factors.
- PSY-B 340 Cognition (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 335 and PU PSY 20000. A survey of information processing theories from historical antecedents through current theories. Research methodology and theory will be emphasized throughout the discussion of issues such as perception, attention, memory, reasoning, and problem solving.
- PSY-B 344 Learning (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology.. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 325 and PU PSY 31400. History, theory, and research involving human and animal learning and cognitive processes.
- PSY-B 346 Theories of Personality (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 319 and PU PSY 42000. Methods and results of the scientific study of personality, including the development, structure, and functioning of the normal personality.
- PSY-B 356 Motivation (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 327 and PU PSY 33300. Study of motivational processes in human and animal behavior, how needs and incentives influence behavior, and how motives change and develop.
- PSY-B 358 Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 323 and PU PSY 37200. This course surveys various aspects of behavior in work situations using the scientist-practitioner perspective. Traditional areas covered from personnel psychology include selection, training, and performance appraisal; areas surveyed from organizational psychology include leadership, motivation, and job satisfaction.
- PSY-B 360 Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 316 and PU PSY 23500. Development of behavior in infancy, childhood, and adolescence, including sensory and motor development and processes such as learning, motivation, and socialization.
- PSY-B 365 Health Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. This course will familiarize students with the study of physical health within the field of psychology. Topics include the relationship between stress and health, health promotion, health behaviors, chronic illness, and the patient-physician relationship. Research methods in health psychology as well as major theories underlying the field will be examined and evaluated. Psychological variables related to physical health will be examined within the framework of these theories. Practical application of constructs will be emphasized through activities and writing assignments.
- PSY-B 366 Concepts and Applications in Organizational Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-B358 or consent of instructor. Some organizational psychology topics introduced in the I/O psychology survey course are covered in more depth. Advanced information is presented for each topic, and students have the opportunity for several different hands-on applications, including case projects and computer exercises. Example topics are organizational culture, employee attitudes, motivation, and leadership.
- PSY-B 368 Concepts and Applications in Personnel Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-B358 or consent of instructor. Some personnel psychology topics introduced in the I/O psychology survey course are covered in more depth. Advanced information is presented for each topic, and students have the opportunity for several different hands-on applications, including case projects and computer exercises. Example topics are job analysis, selection, performance appraisal, and training.
- PSY-B 370 Social Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 320 and PU PSY 24000. Study of the individual in social situations including socialization, social perception, social motivation, attitudes, social roles, and small group behavior.
- PSY-B 375 Psychology and Law (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. This course provides an overview of the U.S. legal system from a behavioral science perspective. Topics include: careers in psychology and law; theories of crime; police investigations and interrogations; eyewitness accuracy; jury decision-making; sentencing; assessing legal competence; insanity and dangerousness; and the psychology of victims.
- PSY-B 376 The Psychology of Women (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 460 and PU PSY 23900. A survey of topics in psychology as related to the biological, social, and psychological development of women in modern society.
- PSY-B 380 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 324 and PU PSY 35000. Various forms of mental disorders with emphasis on cause, development, treatment, prevention, and interpretation.
- PSY-B 386 Introduction to Counseling (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology, PSY-B310, and PSY-B380. This course will help students acquire a repertoire of basic counseling interview skills and strategies and expose students to specific helping techniques. This will be an activity-based course and students will enhance the general-education goals of listening and problem solving.
- PSY-B 394 Drugs and Behavior (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Equiv. to PU PSY 42800. An introduction to psychopharmacology, the study of drugs that affect behavior, cognitive functioning, and emotions, with an emphasis on drugs of abuse. The course will explore how drugs alter brain function and the consequent effects, as well as the long-term consequences of drug exposure.
- PSY-B 396 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Introduction to the use and abuse of alcohol and other psychoactive drugs. Topics include theories of alcohol and other drug use, neurobiology, and the factors that influence use, abuse, and addiction. Addiction assessment, recovery, treatment, relapse, and prevention are also covered.
- PSY-B 398 Brain Mechanisms of Behavior (3 cr.) P: PSY-B301 or PSY-B320. An advanced topical survey of the neurobiological basis of behavior, focusing on the neural substrates and the cellular and neurochemical processes underlying emotions, motivation and goal-directed behavior, hedonic experience, learning, and cognitive function. Integrates experimental research across different levels of analysis (genetic, molecular, cellular, neural systems).
- PSY-B 421 Internship in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor, B103, B104, B305 and three additional credit hours of psychology. A professional internship that allows students to apply psychological knowledge and skills to a specific work setting, develop work related skills, explore career options and gain experience in a field of interest.
- PSY-B 422 Professional Practice (1 - 3 cr.) For students who have applied for and are approved to be a Peer Advisor in the Psychology Advising Office or have been approved to be a Teaching Assistant for a psychology course. Faculty or staff must approve and oversee activity. Registration is by permission only.
- PSY-B 433 Capstone Laboratory in Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-B305, PSY-B311, and at least two 300-level PSY foundation courses. This advanced research course builds on the skills and knowledge students have acquired during their undergraduate education that will enable them to conduct a team research project in a specialized area of psychology in order to further develop and consolidate their understanding of psychology as a science.
- PSY-B 452 Seminar in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology or consent of instructor. Topics in psychology and interdisciplinary applications. May be repeated, provided different topics are studied, for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- PSY-B 454 Capstone Seminar in Psychology (3 cr.) P: PSY-B305, PSY-B311, and at least two 300-level PSY foundation courses. Topics in psychology and interdisciplinary applications, which have been approved to fulfill the capstone course requirement.
- PSY-B 482 Capstone Practicum in Clinical Psychology (3 cr.) P: B305, B311, B386, at least two 300-level PSY foundation courses and consent of instructor. Application is required. Students are placed in a clinical/community setting and gain applied practicum experience working with individuals who have psychological, medical, and/or physical health problems. Relevant multicultural issues will be addressed.
- PSY-B 492 Readings and Research in Psychology (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor
Equiv. to IU PSY-P495 and PU PSY 39000 and PSY 39100. Gain hands-on research experience in a research lab or with an independent research project mentored by an instructor in the psychology department. For highly motivated students who are planning to attend graduate school or work in a field that requires a solid foundation in research. Projects need to be pre-arranged with faculty and registration is by permission only.
- PSY-B 499 Capstone Honors Research (ARR. cr.) P: PSY-B305, PSY-B311, at least two 300-level PSY foundation courses, and consent of instructor. Application is required. Equiv. to IU PSY-P 499. Independent readings and research resulting in a research paper.
- PSY-B 301 Systems Neuroscience (3 cr.)
P: PSY-B201. This course will focus on how our brains allow us to sense, move, feel, and think, with an emphasis on modern concepts and methods in integrative neuroscience. Topics include sensory and motor systems, motivation and emotion, brain rhythms, language, brain development, and learning and memory. This course is intended for students earning a major or minor in neuroscience. Psychology majors should take PSY-B320. Credit given for only one of PSY-B301 or PSY-B320.
- PSY-B 385 Positive Psychology (3 cr.) P: Three (3) credit hours of introductory psychology. Equiv. to IU EDUC-G 355. This course is an introduction to Positive Psychology. The two main goals are for students to (1) learn about the content and science that informs Positive Psychology, and (2) apply in their own lives empirically-validated strategies that help people develop a happier and more meaningful life. This course will include a positive view of human functioning and a review of research and practices in Positive Psychology. Emphasis will be placed on science and its applications with regard to topics such as human strengths and values, neuroscience as it relates to happiness/mindfulness, gratitude, cultural (eastern/western) aspects of happiness/values, process vs. outcome, optimism, the new field of self-compassion, positive affect, coping, friendship and love, spirituality, and resilience.
- SCI-I 120 Windows on Science (1 cr.) Fall, spring. Designed for new and prospective science majors, the course covers an integrative overview of science, examining science and society, the scientific method and community of scientists, undergraduate research, professional ethics, an exploration of science-based careers, and strategies for success as a science major.
- SCI-I 200 Tutorial in Interdisciplinary Studies (1 cr.) Fall, Spring. Tutorial under the supervision of a faculty mentor to develop a proposal to pursue a plan of study focused on a science-based, interdisciplinary area. The proposal is to be submitted to the review committee for approval. Each student will maintain a journal on the progress on the plan of study.
- SCI-I 220 Introduction to Research Methods (1 cr.) This course is an introduction to research. Topics include learning the language of scholarly research; research ethics; laboratory safety; and research approval processes. Students will learn how to design, write, and present research for a variety of audiences and disciplines.
- SCI-I 225 Mentor-Based Research Experience (0-3 cr.) This course is designed to introduce a student to fundamental research. It will link to a program through which the student is participating, e.g. Diversity Research Scholars Program (DSRP) or Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Institute (MURI). May be eligible for other programs.
- SCI-I 294 Beginning Science-Based Internship (0-3 cr.) P: sophomore or junior standing and program advisor approval. Fall, spring. A semester of full- or part-time beginning internship experience in an industrial, government, or business setting matching the student's academic and career objectives. A comprehensive written report on the experience is required.
- SCI-I 494 Internship in Science-Based Fields (0-6 cr.) P: junior or senior standing and program advisor approval. Fall, spring. A semester of full-time or part-time internship experience in an industrial, government, or business setting matching the student's academic or career objective. A comprehensive written report on the experience is required.
- SCI-I 495 Readings and Research in Science (1-3 cr.) P: junior or senior standing, consent of instructor(s), and approval of review committee. Every semester, time arranged. Independent, interdisciplinary study and research in science and science-related fields. A major paper must be submitted. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- SCI-I 190 Topics in Science (1-3 cr.) P: Prerequisites and course material vary with the topic. Fall, Spring, Summer. Topics in science and interdisciplinary fields.
- SCI-I 290 Intermediate Topics in Science (1-3 cr.) P: Prerequisites and course material vary with the topic. Fall, Spring, Summer. Intermediate topics in science and interdisciplinary fields.
- SCI-I 390 Advanced Topics in Science (0-3 cr.) P: Prerequisites and course material vary with the topic. Fall, Spring, Summer. Advanced topics in science and interdisciplinary fields. Topics vary and include some RISE eligible topics, such as physician shadowing externship or Timmy Glopbal Health Dominican Republic study abroad.
- SCI-I 296 Career Planning & Success Strategies (1 cr.) This course is designed to provide tools for the student who is interested in seeking an internship or career employment after college graduation. This course will explore personal values and strategies for finding the ideal career paths based on abilities, skills, and interests. Students will explore the value of internships, and tactics for identifying and securing internship opportunities. Practical strategies for approaching the art of networking and its impact on the success of career planning and securing opportunities will be examined.
- STAT 11300 Statistics and Society (3 cr.) Intended to familiarize the student with basic statistical concepts and some of their applications in public and health policies, as well as in social and behavioral sciences. No mathematics beyond simple algebra is needed, but quantitative skills are strengthened by constant use. Involves much reading, writing, and critical thinking through discussions on such topics as data ethics, public opinion polls and the political process, the question of causation the role of government statistics, and dealing with chance in everyday life. Applications include public opinion polls, medical experiments, smoking and health, the consumer price index, state lotteries, and the like. STAT 11300 can be used for general education or as preparation for later methodology courses.
- STAT 19000 Topics in Statistics for Undergraduates (1-5 cr.) Supervised reading course or special topics course at the freshman level. Prerequisites and course material vary with the topic.
- STAT 29000 Topics in Statistics for Undergraduates (1-5 cr.) Supervised reading course or special topics course at the sophomore level. Prerequisites and course material vary with the topic.
- STAT 30100 Elementary Statistical Methods I (3 cr.) P: MATH 11000 or 11100 (with a minimum grade of C-) or placement. Not open to students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Introduction to statistical methods with applications to diverse fields. Emphasis on understanding and interpreting standard techniques. Data analysis for one and several variables, design of samples and experiments, basic probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and significance tests for means and proportions, and correlation and regression. Software is used throughout.
- STAT 35000 Introduction to Statistics (3 cr.) P: MATH 16600. A data-oriented introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods of applied statistics. The course is intended primarily for majors in the mathematical sciences (mathematics, actuarial sciences, mathematics education). The objective is to acquaint the students with the essential ideas and methods of statistical analysis for data in simple settings. It covers material similar to that of 51100 but with emphasis on more data-analytic material. Includes a weekly computing laboratory using Minitab.
- STAT 37100 Prep for Actuarial Exam I (2 cr.) This course is intended to help actuarial students prepare for the SOA/CAS Exam P/1.
- STAT 39000 Topics in Statistics for Undergraduates (1-5 cr.) Supervised reading course or special topics course at the junior level. Prerequisites and course material vary with the topic.
- STAT 41600 Probability (3 cr.) P: MATH 26100. An introduction to mathematical probability suitable as preparation for actuarial science, statistical theory, and mathematical modeling. General probability rules, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, discrete and continuous random variables, moments and moment generating functions, continuous distributions and their properties, law of large numbers, and central limit theorem.
- STAT 41700 Statistical Theory (3 cr.) P: 41600. C: 35000. An introduction to the mathematical theory of statistical inference, emphasizing inference for standard parametric families of distributions. Properties of estimators. Bayes and maximum likelihood estimation. Sufficient statistics. Properties of test of hypotheses. Most powerful and likelihood-ratio tests. Distribution theory for common statistics based on normal distributions.
- STAT 47200 Actuarial Models I (3 cr.) P: 41700 or equivalent. Mathematical foundations of actuarial science emphasizing probability models for life contingencies as the basis for analyzing life insurance and life annuities and determining premiums. This course, together with its sequel, STAT 47300, provides most of the background for Exams MLC and MFE of the Society of Actuaries.
- STAT 47300 Actuarial Models II (3 cr.) P: 47200. Continuation of 47200. Together, these courses cover contingent payment models, survival models, frequency and severity models, compound distribution models, simulation models, stochastic process models, and ruin models.
- STAT 49000 Topics in Statistics for Undergraduates (1-5 cr.) Supervised reading and reports in various fields.
- STAT 47900 Loss Models (3 cr.) P: STAT 41700 and STAT 47200 and STAT 47300. Fall. This material provides an introduction to modeling and covers important actuarial methods that are useful in modeling. Students will be introduced to survival, severity, frequency and aggregate models, and use statistical methods to estimate parameters of such models given sample data. The student will further learn to identify steps in the modeling process, understand the underlying assumptions implicit in each family of models, recognize which assumptions are applicable in a given business application, and appropriately adjust the models for impact of insurance coverage modifications. The student will be introduced to a variety of tools for the calibration and evaluation of the models. Permission of instructor required.