Chemistry and Chemical Biology
- CHEM 53300 Introductory Biochemistry (3 cr.) P: C342 or equivalent. A rigorous one-semester introduction to biochemistry.
- CHEM 54200 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C362 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Atomic structure; periodic trends and properties of the elements. Introduction to symmetry and group theory. Valence bond, molecular orbital, and ligand field theories of bonding and their application to structure and properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Spectroscopic properties and acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and coordination reactions of inorganic compounds. Advanced topics in main group or transition element chemistry.
- CHEM 57500 Intermediate Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C362 or equivalent. Quantum theory of atoms and molecules, theories of chemical bonding, molecular spectroscopy, methods for determining molecular structure, and electrical and magnetic properties.
- CHEM 59900 Special Assignments (1-4 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Every semester including summer I and II, time arranged. Directed reading or special work not included in other courses.
- CHEM 62100 Advanced Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C310 and C410. A critical survey of recent developments in chemical and instrumental methods of analysis.
- CHEM 62900 Chromatographic Methods of Analysis (3 cr.) P: C410 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Principles and practice of modern gas and liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis are developed from an integrated point of view. Emphasis is placed both on theory and on features useful for practical analytical separations.
- CHEM 63400 Biochemistry: Structural Aspects (3 cr.) P: C310, C342, C361, and C362 or equivalent. Chemistry of materials of biochemical interest: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, porphyrins, biochemistry of blood.
- CHEM 63600 Biochemical Mechanisms (3 cr.) P: one year of physical chemistry and CHEM 65100. The chemical basis of enzymatic catalysis with particular emphasis on catalytic interactions important in aqueous media.
- CHEM 64100 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C430 or 54200 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Applications of symmetry and group theory to structure, bonding and spectral properties of inorganic compounds. Advanced topics in main group and transition element chemistry including determination of structure from physical and spectroscopic properties, bonding in coordination, and organometallic compounds and inorganic reaction mechanisms.
- CHEM 65100 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C342 or equivalent. Modern structural organic chemistry. Introduction to bonding theory, stereochemistry, and computational chemistry.
- CHEM 65200 Synthetic Organic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: 65100 or 65700. An advanced treatment of methods for preparing major types of organic functionalities and bonds, stressing stereo chemical and radiochemical control, and employing mechanistic organic chemistry for understanding choice of reagents and reactions conditions
- CHEM 65700 Reaction Mechanisms (3 cr.) P: C342 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Modern structural organic chemistry, introduction to physical organic chemistry, mechanisms of representative reactions, and methods used for understanding reactivity in organic transformations.
- CHEM 67200 Quantum Chemistry (3 cr.) P: one year of physical chemistry. Basic principles of classical and quantum mechanics, approximation methods, atomic structure, spectroscopy, application of group theory, and theory of molecular bonding.
- CHEM 67500 Chemical Kinetics (2-3 cr.) P: one year of physical chemistry. Experimental and theoretical considerations of chemical reaction rates and mechanisms.
- CHEM 68200 Statistical Thermodynamics (3 cr.) P: C362 or equivalent. Application of statistical mechanics to the description of imperfect gases, liquids, and solutions, to order-disorder phenomena in solids and surfaces; Monte Carlo techniques and molecular dynamics.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Analytical Spectroscopy (1-3 cr.) P: Bachelor of Science in chemistry from an accredited institution or consent of instructor. Survey of modern techniques, applications of spectroscopy, and imaging in analytical chemistry.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Applied Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling (1-3 cr.) Applied computational techniques that are widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, including computational chemistry, molecular modeling, and computer-aided synthesis.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Electroanalytical Chemistry (3 cr.) Principles of modern methods of electroanalytical chemistry and quantitative applications to electrode reaction mechanisms and analytical determinations.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics In Chemistry: Bioanalytical Chemistry (3 cr.) Modern techniques for the study of biological macromolecules, such as protein and peptides, carbohydrates, DNA, RNA, and lipids, including (1) spectroscopy (UV-Vis, Raman, NMR, mass spectrometry, and light scattering); (2) bioseparations (chromatography, electrophoresis, and microdialysis); (3) electrochemistry (sensors, electron transfer, and LCEC); and (4) miscellaneous topics (amino acid analysis, sequencing, microcalorimetry, and immunochemistry).
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Biochemistry-Dynamic Aspects (1-3 cr.) Mechanisms of biological catalysis, metabolism, biosynthesis, regulation of genetic information, and molecular biology.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Bioelectrochemistry (1-3 cr.) Principles of electrochemical measurements including potentiometry, amperometry, and linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry and application to the study and utilization of biological molecules. Topics covered include redox transformations in biological systems, electron transfer between electrodes and biological molecules, and electrochemical sensors for detection and quantitation of biological analytes.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Bioinorganic Chemistry (1-3 cr.) A study of the occurrence, properties, and mechanistic roles of transition and main group elements in biological processes including photosynthesis, oxygen evolution, respiration, nitrogen fixation, metabolic detoxification, and electron transfer.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Bioorganic Chemistry (1-3 cr.) Structure and reactivity of biological macromolecules, such as proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids, and their relevance to bioorganic chemistry. Current experimental studies of enzymes, nucleic acids, and model systems.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Biomaterials (1-3 cr.) Introduction to the field of biomaterials science including chemistry, physics, and engineering of biomaterials; biological and biochemical aspects of biomaterials; and biomaterials in medicine.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Biophysical Chemistry (1-3 cr.) The study of structure and properties of biologically important macromolecules in solution using physical techniques, with special emphasis on optical, fluorescence, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy to describe protein conformation, denaturation, catalytic center structure, thermodynamics of ligand binding, time dependent processes, and membrane properties.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Chemical Information Technology (1-3 cr.) Overview of chemical informatics techniques, including chemical information and data systems, chemical structure and data representation and search systems, and bioinformatics techniques.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Medicinal Chemistry (1-3 cr.) The application of basic concepts of organic chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology to the design of organic medicinal agents as well as recent advances in synthesis and evaluation of pharmaceuticals.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Organometallics in Organic Synthesis (1-3 cr.) Recent developments in the use of transition metals in synthetic organic methodology. Emphasis is placed on applications of methods in the synthesis of complex organic molecules.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Protein Structure and Function (1-3 cr.) Physical forces stabilizing protein structure; protein folding. Essential features of macromolecular interactions. Introduction to enzyme kinetics and chemical mechanism in enzyme reactions.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Group Theory in Chemistry (1-3 cr.) This course is on molecular symmetry and how we obtain information about the quantum states of molecules through application of group theoretical techniques related to the symmetries of molecules.
- CHEM 69600 Special Topics in Chemistry: Solid-Phase Synthesis and Combinatorial Chemistry: Theory and Practice (1-3 cr.) This course will explore how the tools of solid-phase synthesis and combinatorial chemistry are being used to solve a wide variety of problems requiring chemical solutions. Examples range from medicinal chemistry and drug discovery to new catalyst creation, from new "chiral selectors" to new biochemical probes. The course will focus on the rationale for employing a combinatorial approach in chemical discovery. It will teach the basics of solid-phase organic chemistry, and the methodology, equipment, and analytical technology employed to use it as a tool to rapidly and effectively carry out a combinatorial approach to problem solving.
- CHEM 59000 Special Topics in Chemistry (3 cr.) Fall, Spring. Lecture courses offered on topic areas that are not part of the regular graduate curriculum. Repeatable up to 2 times.
- CHEM-C 100 The World of Chemistry (3 cr.) A topically oriented, nonmathematical introduction to the nature of matter. Topics covered include fossil fuel and nuclear sources of power; environmental issues involving chemistry such as recycling, acid rain, air and water pollution, global warming, ozone depletion; genetic modification of foods, DNA profiling, use of food additives and herbal supplements; and other public policy issues involving science.
- CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: at least one semester of high school algebra. Usually taken concurrently with C121. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Essential principles of chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, stoichiometry, solutions, and acids and bases. For students who are not planning careers in the sciences and for those with no previous course work in chemistry. Note: most degree programs that include C101 require the concurrent laboratory, C121.
- CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.)
P: two years of high school algebra and one year of high school chemistry. Fall, day, night; Spring, day; Summer I, day. Usually taken concurrently with C125. A placement examination may be required for admission to this course. See "Chemistry Placement Examination" above. Principles of inorganic and physical chemistry emphasizing physical and chemical properties, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, and states of matter.
- CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: C105 or equivalent. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Continuation of C105. Usually taken concurrently with C126. Topics include condensed phases, solution chemistry, thermodynamics, equilibrium, and kinetics.
- CHEM-C 110 The Chemistry of Life (3 cr.) High school chemistry recommended. Optional laboratory: C115. A nonmathematical introduction to organic molecules and their transformation to useful materials such as drugs and polymers. An emphasis is placed on the chemical features of biomolecules including hormones and neurotransmitters, proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates (sugars), and nucleic acids (DNA/RNA). The chemistry of enzymes, carcinogens, vitamins, antihistamines, anesthetics, genetic engineering, mental health, and other health-related topics.
- CHEM-C 115 Laboratory for C110 The Chemistry of Life (2 cr.) P or C: C110. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in C110.
- CHEM-C 121 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P or C: C101 (3 cr.) Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Introduction to the techniques and reasoning of experimental chemistry. Emphasis is given to study of physical and chemical properties of inorganic compounds.
- CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.) P or C: C105 or equivalent. Fall, day, night; Spring, day; Summer I, day. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in C105.
- CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.) P: C105 and C125; P or C: C106 or equivalent. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Continuation of C125. Laboratory work illustrating topics covered in C105 and C106.
- CHEM-C 209 Special Problems (1-2 cr.) P: two semesters of college chemistry and consent of instructor. Every semester, time arranged. Individually supervised special problems of chemical interest, e.g., environmental problems, development of experiments, development of audiovisual materials, etc. May be repeated for credit, but maximum of 2 credit hours may be applied toward a chemistry degree.
- CHEM-C 301 Chemistry Seminar I (1 cr.) P or C: C409 and consent of instructor. Fall, day. Topics in various areas of chemistry. Students are required to attend departmental seminars and prepare and present at least one seminar on their research. C301 and C302 may be elected three semesters for credit.
- CHEM-C 302 Chemistry Seminar II (1 cr.) P or C: C409 and consent of instructor. Spring, day. Content same as C301.
- CHEM-C 309 Cooperative Education in Chemistry (1 cr.) P: general and organic chemistry and consent of departmental chairperson. Every semester, time arranged. Industrial or similar experiences in chemically oriented employment. Grade is determined on basis of employment visitations, a written student report, and a supervisor evaluation report. May be repeated for a maximum of 5 credit hours, of which 3 may be used to satisfy an advanced chemistry elective.
- CHEM-C 310 Analytical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C106 and C126. Fall, Spring, Summer, day. Fundamental analytical processes including solution equilibria, theory and applications of electrochemistry and spectrophotometry, and chemical methods of separation.
- CHEM-C 311 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: C310. Fall, Spring, Summer, day. Laboratory instruction in the fundamental analytical techniques discussed in C310.
- CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.) P: C106. Fall, day, night; Spring, day; Summer I, day. Comprehensive study of organic compounds. Valence bond theory, stereochemistry, and physical properties of organic compounds are discussed in detail. Introduction to reaction mechanisms and to spectroscopic identification. Synthesis and reactions of selected compounds are also discussed.
- CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: C341. Fall, day; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Continuation of C341. The chemistry of aromatic compounds and other major functional groups are discussed in detail. Multistep synthetic procedures and reaction mechanisms are emphasized. Introduction to biological chemistry.
- CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.) P: C126; P or C: C341. Fall, day, night; Spring, day, night; Summer I, day. Fundamental laboratory techniques of organic chemistry, introduction to spectroscopic methods of compound identification, and general synthetic methods.
- CHEM-C 344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.) P or C: C342; P: C343. Fall, night; Spring, day, night; Summer II, day. Preparation, isolation, and identification of organic compounds, spectroscopic methods of compound identification, qualitative organic analysis, multistep synthesis.
- CHEM-C 360 Elementary Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C106, MATH 22200, PHYS P202. Spring, day. Properties of gases and liquids, intermolecular forces, diffusion, chemical thermodynamics, ligand binding, kinetics, and introduction to quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. Includes topics in biophysical chemistry. For students who desire a survey course in physical chemistry.
- CHEM-C 361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter (3 cr.) P: C106, MATH 16600, and PHYS P202 or PHYS 25100 and C: MATH 26100. Spring, day. Kinetic-molecular theory, gases, liquids, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, solutions, transport properties, and phase and chemical equilibria.
- CHEM-C 362 Physical Chemistry of Molecules (4 cr.) P: C106, MATH 16600, and PHYS P202 or PHYS 25100 and C: MATH 26100. Fall, day. Quantum chemistry, symmetry, atomic and molecular structure and spectra, solids, chemical kinetics, photochemistry, and introduction to statistical thermodynamics.
- CHEM-C 363 Experimental Physical Chemistry (2 cr.) P: C361 and C362 or P: C362 and C: C361. Spring. Experimental work to illustrate principles of physical chemistry and to introduce research techniques.
- CHEM-C 371 Chemical Informatics I (1 cr.) P: C106, Fall. Basic concepts of information representation, storage, and retrieval as they pertain to chemistry. Structures, nomenclature, molecular formulas, coding techniques for visualization of chemical structures and properties.
- CHEM-C 372 Chemical Informatics II: Molecular Modeling (2 cr.) P: C341. Introduction to computer representation of molecular structure and simulation of chemical reactions; visualizing fundamental chemical concepts, such as reaction paths of standard organic reactions, molecular orbital diagrams, vibrations and conformational changes; quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR), pharmacophore docking to biomolecules, and related methods for drug design.
- CHEM-C 409 Chemical Research (1-3 cr.) P: junior or senior standing and consent of instructor. Every semester, time arranged. Chemical or literature research with a report. Can be elected only after consultation with research advisor and approval of program. May be taken for a total of 10 credit hours, which count toward graduation. A minimum of three (3) credit hours may be used to satisfy the advanced chemical elective in the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree program.
- CHEM-C 410 Principles of Chemical Instrumentation (3 cr.) P: C310 and C361. P or C: C362. Fall. Modern methods of instrumental analysis, including spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemistry.
- CHEM-C 411 Principles of Chemical Instrumentation Laboratory (2 cr.) P: C311. P or C: C410. Fall. Laboratory instruction in the instrumental analysis techniques discussed in C410.
- CHEM-C 430 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) P: C362. Spring. Atomic structure; periodic trends and properties of the elements. Introduction to symmetry and group theory. Valence bond, molecular orbital and ligand field theories of bonding and their application to structure and properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Spectroscopic properties and acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and coordination reactions of inorganic compounds.
- CHEM-C 435 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (1 cr.) P or C: C430. Spring. Synthesis, characterization, and study of chemical and physical properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds.
- CHEM-C 471 Chemical Information Sources (1 cr.) P: C341. Fall. Techniques for the storage and retrieval in both printed and computer-readable formats; sources of chemical information, including Chemical Abstracts; development of search strategies; and online searching of chemical databases.
- CHEM-C 472 Computer Sources for Chemical Information (1 cr.) P: C471. Spring. Techniques for the utilization of the major computer-based information tools found in academic and industrial environments.
- CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism (3 cr.) P: C342. Spring. The chemical and biophysical properties of biologically important molecules and systems. Special emphasis on the relationship between structure and function in proteins, nucleic acids, and biomembranes, as well as bioenergetics, kinetics, allosteric interactions, and enzyme catalysis.
- CHEM-C 485 Biosynthesis and Physiology (3 cr.) P: C484. Fall. Mechanisms of biological catalysis, metabolism, biosynthesis.
- CHEM-C 486 Biological Chemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P: C484 or equivalent. P or C: C485. Fall. An introduction to the important laboratory techniques currently employed by practicing biological chemists, including biomolecule isolation, purification, enzyme kinetics, and biomolecule characterization by electrophoresis, centrifugation, and spectroscopic methods.
- CHEM-C 495 Capstone in Chemistry (1 cr.) P: senior standing, B.A. or B.S. program. Fall, day; Spring, day. Independent study, under the supervision of a chemistry faculty member or appropriate academic advisor can be earned by completion of: (a) a chemical research project; (b) a library research project in an area of current scientific investigation; (c) a research investigation in industry; or (d) a service activity in university, government, public schools, or other science-related groups or organizations. Students will report the results of their activities in both a formal written report and oral presentation, prepare portfolios of undergraduate work in chemistry, discuss recent scientific literature, and explore chemistry in society. Enrollment in the Capstone in Chemistry requires joint approval of the capstone instructor and the independent project advisor.
- CHEM-C 488 Introduction to Medicinal and Agricultural Chemistry (3 cr.)
P: C484 or equivalent. Fall. Medicinal chemistry plays an integral role in drug discovery, providing the link between target identification and the development of a therapeutic agent. This course examines the role of chemistry in the discovery of bioactive molecules, highlighting the similarities and differences in the search for novel medicinal and agricultural chemicals.
- CHEM-C 496 Methods in Teaching Chemistry (1 cr.)
P: C105. Fall; Spring. Designed for workshop leaders, this course offers continued support and training in-group dynamics and learning theory. The larger goals for this course are to continue the development of leadership skills, foster ongoing communication among workshop leaders, and provide an environment for reviewing content knowledge.
- CHEM-C 325 Introductory Instrumental Analysis (5 cr.) P: C310, C311. Spring. Instrumental methods of chemical analysis and separation for the chemical technician or preprofessional chemistry major.
- CHEM-C 489 The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry (3 cr.)
P: C488 or consent of instructor. This course provides an introduction to many parameters involved in the drug discovery process, including how fundamental physico-chemical properties of molecules may be used to predict biological activity. Methods contributing to the drug discovery process will be discussed, including genomics, molecular biology, high-throughput screening, X-ray crystallography, and various computational approaches.
- CHEM-C 294 Cornerstone in Chemistry (1 cr.) P: CHEM-C106. Fall, Spring. To engage sophomore chemistry majors in important educational and professional topics such as departmental research opportunities, career planning, library research skills, scientific communication, scientific ethics and science in society issues.
- CHEM-C 384 Biochemistry (3 cr.) P or C:CHEM-C342 or equivalent; BIOL-K101 or equivalent recommended. Fall, Spring, Summer. Biochemistry covering the fundamentals of the chemistry of life including biomolecule structure and function, the dependence of biological processes on chemical and physical principles, and pathways of carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. Recommended for pre-professional students. Prerequisite for advanced level courses in the Departments of Biology and Chemistry and Chemical Biology.