- HER-P 201 Painting I (3 cr.) P: Foundation Program. Investigation of fundamental issues of painting, primarily through still lifes. Emphasis on composition, content, and the development of a working knowledge of painting processes.
- HER-P 202 Painting II (3 cr.) P: Foundation Program. Continued investigation of techniques and processes of painting through still-lifes, the figure and landscape. Emphasis on form, and composition, and content, and an exploration of nonrepresentational modes of painting.
- HER-P 209 Alternative Painting Methods (1-3 cr.) Introduction of materials, techniques and use of nonstandard painting media and methods. Course will focus on one or more specified materials or approaches. Students will research philosophy and history and explore methods to integrate the process into contemporary practices. Demonstrations, lectures, and critiques support studio assignments and instruction.
- HER-P 210 Portrait Painting (3 cr.) Includes the study of features and basic construction of the head. Exploration of various media. Emphasis on rendering flesh tones, form, and colors with respect to the model.
- HER-P 220 Watercolor Painting (3 cr.) Investigation of watercolor processes and techniques. Emphasis on individual creative objectives. Very intense study that will require exploration of watercolor to its fullest potential.
- HER-P 222 Advanced Watercolor Painting (3 cr.) P: P220 This is a continuation of P220 watercolor. Students will work independently and be responsible for further investigation of concepts and ideas.
- HER-P 301 Painting III (3 cr.) P: D201-D202, P201-P202. Exploration of traditional and contemporary concepts in painting with emphasis on relationships between form and content.
- HER-P 302 Painting IV (3 cr.) P: D201-D202, P201-P202. Exploration of traditional and contemporary concepts in painting with emphasis on relationships between form and content.
- HER-P 303 Concepts in Figuration I (3 cr.)
Explores figurative painting as well as other subjects and approaches in both traditional and conceptual approaches. Emphasis on techniques, composition, drawing, color, and concept.
- HER-P 304 Concepts in Figuration II (3 cr.) Explores figurative painting as well as other subjects and approaches in both traditional and conceptual approaches. Emphasis on techniques, composition, drawing, color, and concept.
- HER-P 401 Painting V (3 or 6 cr.) P: P301-P302. Emphasis on personal solutions to form and content in painting. Classroom format features scheduled criticisms and seminars. Special counseling in areas of graduate study, fellowships, assistantships, grants, exhibitions, and professional potential following graduation.
- HER-P 402 Painting VI (3 or 6 cr.) P: P301-P302. Emphasis on personal solutions to form and content in painting. Classroom format features scheduled criticisms and seminars. Students mount a thesis exhibition of their artwork in the last month of the course. Special counseling in areas of graduate study, fellowships, assistantships, grants, exhibitions, and professional potential following graduation.
- HER-P 403 Individual Research in Painting I (3 cr.) Offered in conjunction with P401-P402 only. Research devoted to the student’s own projects in painting.
- HER-P 404 Individual Research in Painting II (3 cr.) Offered in conjunction with P401-P402 only. Research devoted to the student’s own projects in painting.
- HER-P 405 Digital Processes for Fine Art I (3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing in a fine art major or HER A261. Concepts and skills common to several computer graphics software programs will be covered with an emphasis on the use of digital imagery to support the work of students who are doing more traditional studio disciplines. Photography
- HER-P 406 Digital Processes for Fine Art II (3 cr.) P: Junior or senior standing in a fine art major or HER A261. Concepts and skills common to several computer graphics software programs will be covered with an emphasis on the use of digital imagery to support the work of students who are doing more traditional studio disciplines.
- HER-P 205 Alternative Painting Methods (3 cr.) Includes the study of features and basic construction of the head. Exploration of various media. Emphasis on rendering flesh tones, form, and color, with respect to the model.
- HER-P 311 Individual Research in Painting (3 cr.) This course will allow Painting students to develop their conceptual, technical, historical, and critical knowledge around an individual set of problems established by the instructor and the student. This course of study will parallel the traditional goals established in the 16 week semester, but will allow the instructor the opportunity to work with a student in an individual specialized approach.
- HER-P 200 Painting (Rotating Topics) (3 cr.) This course will allow Painting students to develop their conceptual, technical, historical, and critical knowledge on a variety of rotating topics.
- HER-P 300 Painting (Rotating Topics) (3 cr.) This course will allow Painting students to develop their conceptual, technical, historical, and critical knowledge on a variety of rotating topics.
- HER-P 400 Painting (Rotating Topics) (3 cr.) This course will allow Painting students to develop their conceptual, technical, historical, and critical knowledge on a variety of rotating topics.
- HER-P 510 Studio Emphasis I: Painting and Drawing (6 cr.) P: MFA student or consent of instructor. Introductory graduate course in the materials, methodologies, and general concepts used in painting, drawing and related objects.
- HER-P 501 Painting (3 cr.) Visual research on a highly individual level with personal criticism by the instructor.
- HER-P 502 Painting (3 cr.) Visual research on a highly individual level with personal criticism by the instructor.
- HER-P 520 Studio Emphasis II: Theory into Practice in Painting and Drawing (6 cr.) P: MFA student or consent of instructor. This graduate studio course continues the development of the students research and studio practice initiated in Studio I. Students may also engage in class/group collaborative projects, such as site-specific works and collaborations with local community partners and other institutions. Students will be expected to continue experimentation and exploration of idea and form as they intensify their studio practice. The students? point of view in relation to other contemporary artists will be further refined, as well as the students? ability to realize their ideas and inspiration into creative works of art. While the focus in this course will be on the students? research, they will also be encouraged to seek gallery exhibitions and collaborative projects.
- HER-P 560 Studio Emphasis III: Advanced Practices in Painting and Drawing (6 cr.) P: MFA student or consent of instructor. This course is designed to build on the knowledge and experience of the previous two semesters. In this course, students should demonstrate a well-developed understanding of the objectives and direction they will pursue for their thesis exhibition. Students should have developed an original, independent and intensive studio practice. Their work should show a fluent control of technical and formal issues relevant to their approach. A high level of research and experimentation will continue in consultation with their instructors and peers. The students? primary focus is now directed toward building a cohesive, personal and professional body of work.