IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » Herron School of Art and Design » Courses » Ceramics


  • HER-C 204 Beginning Ceramics, Hand Building (3 cr.) P: Foundation Program. Beginning studio introduction to handbuilding, glazing, and firing of clay as an expressive studio medium applicable to contemporary and sculptural concepts.
  • HER-C 206 Beginning Ceramics, Wheel Throwing (3 cr.) P: Foundation Program. Focus on wheel throwing as an expressive tool within an overall ceramic experience. Clay vessels will be utilized to develop an understanding of glazing and firing techniques. Traditional forms will be used to expand sensitivity to material, history, and wheel throwing techniques.
  • HER-C 208 Intermediate Wheel Throwing (3 cr.) P: C206. Designed for ceramics or non-art majors who wish to further pursue wheel throwing. Emphasis is on developing skill through an exploration of more complex forms and investigative advanced embellishment and firing techniques.
  • HER-C 304 Ceramics III (3 cr.) P: C204-C206 Advanced workshop. Focus on students’ conceptual development and self-motivated projects. Heavy concentration on material testing and exploration of firing techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the merging of technique and concept to ready students for entry into a career as a ceramic artist or educator.
  • HER-C 305 Ceramics IV (3 cr.) P: C204-C206 Advanced workshop. Focus on students’ conceptual development and self-motivated projects. Heavy concentration on material testing and exploration of firing techniques. Emphasis will be placed on the merging of technique and concept to ready students for entry into a career as a ceramic artist or educator.
  • HER-C 307 Clay and Glaze Materials (3 cr.) P: C204, C206, and C304. This course is an investigation into the chemistry that makes up clays and glazes. Students develop an understanding of these materials and their interactions by systematically testing a variety of glazes and clay bodies that are used by contemporary ceramic studio artists. Topics include low and high fire glazes, clay bodies, specialty glazes, and clays.
  • HER-C 308 Intermediate Wheel Throwing (3 cr.) P: C206

    Designed for ceramics majors to further develop wheel throwing skills. Assignments will focus on investigation of contemporary methods that utilize the wheel as a tool for functional as well as sculptural objects. Emphasis is on developing skill through an exploration of more complex forms and investigative surface finishes and firing techniques.

  • HER-C 350 Ceramic Workshop (3 cr.) P: C204, C206

    This course is designed to offer specific focused topics of surface design and alternative firing techniques in the ceramic arts. All methods of forming ceramic objects to be explored in an intensive 3 week workshop environment.

  • HER-C 400 Ceramics V (3-6 cr cr.) P: C305 This course is designed to investigate specific advanced ceramic techniques as used by contemporary artists. Areas of study will be offered on an alternate basis. Subject matter to be covered will include kiln construction and glaze calculations.
  • HER-C 405 Ceramics VI (3-6 cr.) P: C400

    Final semester study devoted to the student’s independent research in ceramics. Emphasis placed on advanced techniques and the development of concepts and philosophies pertinent to the student’s direction culminating in a thesis body of work.

  • HER-C 306 Indpt Research in Ceramics (3 cr.) P: HER-C 204, HER-C 206, and HER-C 304 This class is designed for students who have completed C204, C206, and C304 and wish to pursue specific independent research projects. Students will work closely with the instructor to accomplish their specific goals. Students must present the independent project to the instructor and receive permission from the instructor prior to signing up for the class.
  • HER-C 511 Independent Study (3 cr.) This class is designed for graduate students who have little or no previous experience with the use of ceramics as an art material. The class will cover specific subjects covering the foundations of ceramic materials and processes.
  • HER-C 510 Studio Emphasis: Materials and Methods in Ceramics (6 cr.) P: MFA student or consent of instructor. Introductory graduate course in the materials, methodologies, and general concepts used in ceramics and related objects.
  • HER-C 520 Study of the integration of studio practices in ceramics within the context of professional engagement (6 cr.) P: C510

    MFA student or consent of instructor. Graduate course in the materials,methodologies, and general concepts used in ceramics and related objects.

  • HER-C 560 Study of advanced concepts and practices in designing and making contemporary ceramic sculpture (6-9 cr.) P: C520

    MFA student or consent of instructor. Graduate course in the materials,methodologies, and general concepts used in ceramics and related objects.

  • HER-C 205 Intermediate Hand Building (3 cr.) P: C204

    Designed for non-ceramics or non-art majors who wish to further pursue hand building. Emphasis is on developing skill through exploration of more forming and firing techniques and conceptual development.