IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » univ-college » Resources » Mathematics Assistance Center


Mathematics Assistance Center

The Mathematics Assistance Center (MAC) is a peer-to-peer learning center funded through the partnership of the Department of Mathematical Sciences and University College. The MAC is located in the lower level of Taylor Hall (UC B001) and offers mathematical tutoring and mentoring services starting at the developmental course level and extending through multivariate calculus and ordinary differential equations. The MAC is designed to be an open access (no reservations required) peer-to-peer learning center located in the heart of campus. The MAC floor space is apportioned so that each course serviced has its own location on the MAC floor. Each course location is occupied by mentors and tutors who have been specially trained for expertise in that course. The MAC’s online presence is rich in resources that will help to support challenged students and engage advanced students. For more information, please call (317) 274-7898 or e-mail mathmac@iupui.edu.