IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI » Undergraduate Programs » Student Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Arts in Philanthropic Studies (B.A.)
  1. Students completing the Philanthropic Studies B.A. program will achieve the following:
    • Understand philanthropic traditions in societies, including: Summarizing basic terms (e.g., advocacy, charity, civil society, fund development, nonprofit organization, public policy) in philanthropy.
    • Connecting key historical events, people, trends, social movements and explaining their influence on philanthropy today.
    • Interpreting contemporary events, people, trends, and social movements and placing them in the broader context of philanthropy.
    • Examining philanthropic traditions by using a multi-disciplinary perspective (e.g. economics, history, philosophy, psychology, political science, religion, sociology).
    • Comparing and contrasting the nature of civil society and philanthropy across traditions, cultures and contexts.
  2. Understand ethics, values, norms and motivations in philanthropy, including:
    • Defining the meanings of philanthropy.
    • Explaining key concepts (e.g., common good, donor intent, moral imagination, reciprocity, stewardship, tolerance, trustee, voluntary action) in philanthropy.
    • Explaining the critiques of philanthropy (e.g., philanthropy as social control, tainted money, fundraising fraud and abuses, philanthropy as cultural imperialism).
    • Interpreting ethical schools of thought to understand philanthropic activity.
    • Clarifying ethical principles in decision making.
    • Comparing and contrasting diverse perspectives, motivations, and goals in philanthropy
  3. Understand the role of nonprofit organizations in society, including:
    • Identifying the size, scope, types, roles, and limitations of nonprofit organizations.
    • Explaining the roles and relationships between sectors in society (e.g., government, nonprofit, for profit, household) in securing resources to address social issues.
    • Gathering and analyzing data related to philanthropy (e.g., civil society, community need, giving trends, nonprofit organizations, public policy, social issues, voluntary action).
    • Examining theories that explain why nonprofit organizations exist in civil society.
    • Explaining the role of social relationships and social movements in philanthropy.
    • Evaluating differences in approaches used by nonprofit organizations on the local, national, and global level.
  4. Use communication skills effectively for varied audiences, including:
    • Explaining the role of communication in philanthropy.
    • Using principles of good writing, including accurate citation of sources.
    • Demonstrating ability to articulate ideas and produce evidence through writing, visual presentations, speech, and technology.
    • Questioning ideas and approaches through discussions, interviews, and research.
    • Understanding communication and leadership strategies that are effective for diverse audiences.
  5. Use interpersonal skills to address issues, including:
    • Describing one’s own position on issues.
    • Examining diverse approaches to solving problems.
    • Understanding the role of collaboration and teamwork in addressing issues.
    • Examining strategies of leadership, teambuilding and consensus-building for addressing issues.
  6. Articulate philanthropic values, civic identity, and strategies for increasing capacity to take action:
    • Recognizing philanthropic values and civic identity in society.
    • Describing one’s own philanthropic autobiography.
    • Identifying career options that align with one’s philanthropic values and civic identity.
    • Examining personal and professional experiences related to philanthropy through coursework, reflection, and feedback from others.
    • Generating and describing ideas and strategies for addressing philanthropic issues.

Last Updated: February, 2014.