IUPUI 2014-2016 » Schools » IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI » Student Organizations & Services

Student Organizations & Services

Philanthropy Ambassadors Club (PAC)

Undergraduate students who major or minor in Philanthropic Studies or who have an interest in philanthropy may join the Philanthropy Ambassadors Club(PAC). PAC is officially recognized by the university as a student organization. Members of PAC perform community service projects and discuss important topics related to philanthropy and working in the nonprofit sector. There are opportunities to hold officer positions to develop leadership skills and work collaboratively with other student organizations to make a difference on campus and in the local community. For information about PAC, please contact the Office of Student Services at 317-278-8951.

Philanthropic Studies Sociesty (PSS)

The mission of PSS is to contribute to the development of leaders who are interested in a critical and balanced understanding of the role and significance of philanthropy in American life. PSS is a broad-based organization for persons dedicated to serving others, either as a career, a volunteer activity, or some combination of the two. PSS facilitates discussion and action on current issues and concerns through a variety of programs, including community service, advocacy, and professional development. PSS also maintains relationships with the Indiana University Lilly Family School ofPhilanthropy staff, alumni and faculty to identify and develop opportunities for student growth and advancement.