Graduate Programs

Degree Programs

Ph.D. in Social Work
Pre-Doc Exploratory Option

The Pre-Doc Exploratory Option allows prospective doctoral students who are not yet able to, or not yet certain that they want to, apply to the Ph.D. Program, to test their interest and commitment to doctoral education.  Providing students with the time to gain the information and experience needed to make an informed decision about the program.  This option permits qualified students to enroll in up to three of the school’s regular Ph.D. foundation courses and to complete up to 9 credit hours of doctoral course work before deciding to apply formally to the program.  If a student later applies and is accepted to the regular Ph.D. Program, credits earned during the pre-doc phase will automatically apply toward the Ph.D. degree.

Participation in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option does not guarantee acceptance into the Ph.D. Program.  It does, however, provide a unique opportunity for students to explore that possibility.

The selection of candidates for enrollment in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option is based on the following criteria:

  1. An earned master’s degree in social work or a related field.
  2. A graduate grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale (preferred).
  3. Official copies of all baccalaureate- and master’s-level transcripts.
  4. A 500-word written statement that outlines the applicant’s reasons for seeking enrollment in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option.
  5. One letter of reference.
  6. A professional resume.
  7. A sample of scholarly writing.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by April 1 for fall admission and by October 1 for spring admission.

Students enrolled in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option are encouraged to complete the S721 Preparing to Publish: Seminar in Advanced Scholarship Skills (3 credit hours) as part of their program of studies.

The following is a list of other S700-level courses:

  • S710 Social Work Theories of Human and Social Behavior (3 cr.)
  • S720 Philosophy of Science and Social Work
  • S724 Theory, Practice, and Assessment of Social Work Teaching (3 cr.)
  • S726 Advanced Social Work Research: Qualitative Methods (3 cr.)
  • S727 Advanced Social Work Research: Quantitative Methods (3 cr.)
  • S728 Advanced Statistics for Social Work (3 cr.)
  • S730 Pro-seminar on Social Work Policy Analysis        (3 cr.)
  • S740 Social Work Practice: Theory and Research        (3 cr.)

For additional information, contact:
Margaret Adamek, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Program Director
Indiana University
School of Social Work
902 W. New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5154
Phone: (317) 274-6730
Web site:
E-mail: madamek [at] iupui [dot] edu