Graduate Programs

Degree Programs

Master of Social Work

Students are admitted on the assumption that they have the potential academic ability and personal suitability for completing the professional program in which they are enrolled. All students in the M.S.W. Program are expected to maintain the standards established by the School of Social Work and those held by the social work profession.  In order to detect possible problems, the School of Social Work reviews students’ performance periodically.

The Master of Social Work degree is recommended by the school and conferred by the university.  Students must successfully complete 60 credit hours of required and elective courses carrying graduate credit.  Each student is expected to follow the university and school schedules and dates for completion of requirements, including completion of all work within five calendar years from the time of first enrollment.

Liability Insurance Students are required to carry professional liability insurance.  Under the school’s blanket policy, the cost of insurance is included in the student’s practicum course fee.
Credit for Life Experience Academic credit for life experience and previous work experience is not given in whole or in part toward the social work degree.

For more information about the Master of Social Work review the following: