BS in Health Sciences
- SHRS-W 100 Learning Community Seminar (2 cr.) In this course, as a new student to the IUPUI Campus, you will have the opportunity to discuss and explore a number of resources available to you on the IUPUI Campus. Special emphasis will be placed on use of the library and library resources. The course will incorporate the first three components of the Personal Development Plan (PDP). You will also have the responsibility to research a particular health care profession of your choosing (from a list provided), write a paper about that profession, and orally present with a student partner your researched information to your fellow students.
- SHRS-W 210 Introduction to Rehabilitation (3 cr.) Understanding the historical, philosophical, and organizational context of the rehabilitation profession within the context of the health care delivery system. Based on the premise that understanding of and respect for health professionals is critical for effective functioning as a member of a health care team. Emphasizes expectations of students as beginning health professionals.
- SHRS-W 211 Orientation to Health and Rehabilitation Professions (2 cr.) The major purpose of this course is to provide students with information to assist them in becoming acquainted with selected undergraduate and graduate health and rehabilitation science disciplines. Students will obtain information to develop realistic educational and career goals. NOT OPEN TO STUDENTS WHO ENROLLED IN A HEALTH CAREERS LEARNING SEMINAR.
- SHRS-W 361 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3 cr.) Understanding the personal, cultural, and environmental factors affecting participation in health promotion and disease prevention activities; examining the application and relevance of the concepts of health, wellness, health promotion, and health education and a wide range of content specific topics in health promotion and disease prevention.
- SHRS-W 362 Legal and Regulatory Aspects in Rehabilitation (3 cr.) Assisting students in the understanding of legal and regulatory challenges faced by rehabilitation professionals, covering legal issues in counseling and case management, and significant rehabilitation-related legislation in the United States from 1917 to the present.
- SHRS-W 363 Ethical Issues in Rehabilitation Services (3 cr.) Examining contemporary ethical/moral considerations in the organization and management of rehabilitation agencies and the delivery of rehabilitation services. Practical applications of ethical principles to the delivery of rehabilitation service and client-provider relationships will be covered. The course will be a combination of lectures, case studies, debates, and guest speakers.
- SHRS-W 364 Disability and Society (3 cr.) Focusing on the psychological, social, political, and economic circumstances of individuals with disabilities in American society and to broaden students' perspectives on disability issues through exposure to the personal accounts and writing of persons with disabilities, examination of professional practices, discussion of public policies, and completion of class projects.
- SHRS-W 365 Diversity Issues in Health and Rehabilitation Services (3 cr.) Designed to prepare students to appreciate diversity and understand the interrelationship of race, gender, culture, and ethnicity and how they affect access and use of health and rehabilitation services.
- SHRS-W 441 Administration and Supervision of Rehabilitation Organizations (3 cr.) Designed to provide an overview of rehabilitation organizations and teach students the foundations of administration, supervision, and coordination of rehabilitation agencies. Discussions will cover the major theories of leadership, management, and organizational communication.
- SHRS-W 442 Research in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) An introduction to the application of research methods in health and rehabilitation sciences, providing students with an overview of research methods used to collect, analyze, and interpret data, emphasizing the understanding of the application of statistical and research techniques to address problems related to rehabilitation services research.
- SHRS-W 445 Program Evaluation Methods in Rehabilitation (3 cr.) This course will provide a broad overview of the application program evaluation methods in rehabilitation and the strategies used in program evaluation, focusing on scientific principles that may be instrumental in informing policies and programs aimed at improving the health on individuals and communities.
- SHRS-W 480 Independent Study in Health and Rehabilitation (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to do independent study and research in their area of interest. No formal lecture. Permission of Department Chair and instructor supervising the work will be required.
Gerontology Certificate
- SHRS-N 265 Nutrition and Exercise (3 cr.) This course will allow the student to apply the principles of physiology, chemistry, and biology to describe the role of nutrition and exercise in the human body and to explore the interrelated and protective role of nutrition and exercise in wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention.
- SHRS-W 310 Aging and the Older Person (3 cr.) An introduction to the interdisciplinary study of gerontology as a social, behavioral, and biological science. Other issues to be covered will include participation of older persons in therapeutic recreation and leisure activities and current health issues and patterns of health in the aging process.
- SHRS-W 350 Survey of Programs for Older Adults (3 cr.) An overview of the long-term care industry and the continuum of care, examining various long term care service providers such as nursing facilities, assisted living/retirement centers, adult foster care, and adult day care; critical issues and current trends related to long-term care, quality of life, and life satisfaction in adulthood.
- SHRS-W 370 Psychosocial Aspects of Aging (3 cr.) Provides a broad overview of adult development and aging with an emphasis on the changes that occur across physical, cognitive, emotional, perceptual, and social domains of functioning. Analysis of the effects of and theoretical approaches of these changes on the occupational, social, and personality adjustment of the aging adult.
- SHRS-W 410 Service-Learning in Geriatrics (3 cr.) Designed to give the student direct work experience in various aging agencies and long-term care institutions. This experiential component allows the student an opportunity to apply his/her newly acquired normative and cognitive skills and knowledge in an actual work setting.
- SHRS-W 450 Seminar in Gerontology (3 cr.) This course provides an interdisciplinary investigation of selected facets of gerontology drawn from biological, behavioral, and social science. Topics covered will include mental health, housing, economics, transportation, preventive health and rehabilitation programs, long-term care insurance, retirement, work/leisure activities, and adult women and health.
Global Health and Rehabilitation Studies Certificate
- SHRS-N 265 Nutrition and Exercise (3 cr.) This course will allow the student to apply the principles of physiology, chemistry, and biology to describe the role of nutrition and exercise in the human body and to explore the interrelated and protective role of nutrition and exercise in wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention.
- SHRS-W 250 Health and Rehabilitation Systems Across the World (3 cr.) This course presents issues in global health and rehabilitation delivery systems from the viewpoint of many different disciplines with an emphasis on economically less developed countries.
- SHRS-W 270 Seminar in Global Rehabilitation and Health (3 cr.) This course is designed to cover current topics in international management and organization of health and rehabilitation services, governance, ethics, impact of donor organizations, and emerging global primary and public health care issues.
- SHRS-W 380 Health and Rehabilitation Professionals in Developing Countries (3 cr.) The primary purpose of this course is to help students understand the roles and expectations and the scope of training and educational preparation of health and rehabilitation professionals across the world with emphasis on economically less developed countries.
- SHRS-W 460 Global Perspectives in Nutrition, Health, Disease, and Disability (3 cr.) Major emphasis on global perspectives with specific focus on economically less developed countries, examining existing and emerging issues in international nutrition that influence the health, well-being, and disability and the efficacy and effectiveness of nutritional interventions in the prevention of disease and disability among people living in developing countries.
- SHRS-W 470 International Service-Learning in Rehabilitation (3 cr.) Designed to give students direct experience in the organization and financing of rehabilitation services in other parts of the world, this experiential component allows students to apply their newly acquired normative and cognitive skills and knowledge in an international rehabilitation institution. Students will travel abroad under the supervision of faculty.
Health Sciences
- SHRS-W 510 Trends and Issues in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) A seminar course to review pertinent literature and other sources of information as a basis for discussing trends and issues affecting the therapeutic professions and the health care delivery system.
- SHRS-W 520 Evidence-Based Critical Inquiry in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) Fundamentals of research methodology, design, techniques, and procedures applicable to research problems in the allied health disciplines. Introduction to computer data analysis.
- SHRS-W 540 Patient-Reported Outcomes and Economic Evaluation (3 cr.) Explorations of selected patient-centered outcomes assessment methodology and its use in economic evaluation.
- SHRS-W 550 Health and Rehabilitation Systems Across the World (3 cr.) This course presents issues in global health and rehabilitation delivery systems form the viewpoint of many different disciplines with an emphasis on economically less developed countries.
- SHRS-W 570 Research Communication in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) Focuses on the conceptualization and writing of the thesis or practicum proposal.
- SHRS-W 594 Administration of Health Sciences Education (3 cr.) Principles of effective organization, supervision and administration of educational programs in the health sciences.
- SHRS-W 599 Thesis in Health Sciences (3 cr.) Thesis in Health Sciences. Can be repeated. Focuses on the data collection, analysis and writing of the thesis.
- SHRS-W 600 Project in Health Sciences (3 cr.) Individual investigation in the form of an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis in a specified area related to the health sciences.
- SHRS-W 625 Diversity Issues in Health and Rehabilitation Services (3 cr.) This course is designed to prepare students to formulate strategies to address the interrelationship of race, gender, culture, and ethnicity and how they affect access and use of health and rehabilitation services.
- SHRS-W 640 Medical Aspects of Disability (3 cr.) The primary emphasis of this survey course is on medically determined aspects of disabling impairments and disabilities. Students will learn the functional limitations associated with major disabling conditions particularly as they relate to the delivery of rehabilitation services.
- SHRS-W 660 Rehabilitation Theories and Applications (3 cr.) This course explores the theories common to all rehabilitation therapies and forms a foundation for rehabilitation sciences. Included are theories specific to rehabilitation and adaptation to disease, disability and injury; attachment, adaptation and resiliency; cognition; motor learning; empowerment; loss and grief; psych-immunology; and the societal response to stigmatized groups. These theories are applied to rehabilitation practice and research design across the life span to include habilitation to congenital disorders.
- SHRS-W 661 Theories of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3 cr.) This course focuses on the role of health behaviors such as eating nutritious foods, exercising, and avoiding unhealthy habits (i.e.: smoking) in health promotion and disease prevention. A principle concentration will be on health promotion within disabling conditions.
- SHRS-W 662 Health and Rehabilitation Systems Delivery (3 cr.) This course analyses emerging trends in health care systems and delivery associated with rehabilitation. Areas to be covered include organizational infrastructures, finance, public policy, and implications for disparate patient populations.
- SHRS-W 667 Ethical Issues in Health and Rehabilitation Services (3 cr.) This course is designed to explore contemporary ethical issues and concerns related to the delivery, organization, and management of rehabilitation services. It is structured to present theories of ethical practice related to rehabilitation care delivery and to address the practical applications of ethical principles to the delivery of rehabilitation services and client-provider relationships. It will be provided in a distance format.
- SHRS-W 670 Research Practicum in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3-6 cr.) Instructional orientation to research arranged by student and approved by student's Advisory or Research Committee. This course may be repeated twice, total of 12 hours.
- SHRS-W 672 Teaching Practicum in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) Instruction in teaching theories and methodologies to include teaching a unit of instruction in the student's concentration area. This course may be taken more than once. NOTE: Any student who has a major interest in teaching is advised to incorporate other instructional teaching methodology courses into his/her plan of study
- SHRS-W 680 Independent Study in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (1-4 cr.) A course for students interested in specific interdisciplinary topics in health and rehabilitation sciences. This course may be repeated twice, total of 12 hours.
- SHRS-W 690 Dissertation Proposal in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) The student will submit a written proposal for original scholarly work that makes a significant contribution to research in the field of health and rehabilitation sciences. The proposal will include a comprehensive introduction to the topic, relevant literature review and an indication of the methodology to be used for the student's dissertation. The proposal must be formally presented and approved by the student's Research Committee before the student can enroll in SHRS W692. This course can be taken more than once.
- SHRS-W 692 Dissertation in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) An original scholarly manuscript that makes a significant contribution to research in the field of health and rehabilitation sciences. Topic will be selected by the student and his/her Research Committee. The student must present the dissertation at a formal meeting with his Advisory Committee.
- SHRS-W 799 Master’s Thesis Continuation (1 cr.) Used as continuation credits for completing the master's thesis in a format acceptable to the student's advisory committee, leading to successful defense of the final product. May be repeated for credit.
Nutrition and Dietetics
- SHRS-N 265 Nutrition and Exercise (3 cr.) This course will allow the student to apply the principles of physiology, chemistry, and biology to describe the role of nutrition and exercise in the human body and to explore the interrelated and protective role of nutrition and exercise in wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention.
- SHRS-N 420 Human Nutrition Through the Lifespan (3 cr.) The study of nutritional needs during different stages of the human life cycle from pregnancy and lactation through infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood to later maturity, including an introduction to cultural food patterns, principles of nutrition assessment and agencies offering nutrition services.
- SHRS-N 500 Nutrition I (3 cr.) P: Graduate standing, undergraduate course in biological sciences or consent of instructor. This course applies the principles of physiology, chemistry, and biology to describe the role of nutrition and exercise in wellness, health promotion and disease prevention. This class is taught online.
- SHRS-N 544 Medical Nutrition Therapy (3 cr.) P: dietetic internship. Study of physiological and biochemical alterations that occur during disease states and their effect on nutritional requirements and methods of providing nutrients.
- SHRS-N 546 Medical Lectures (arr. cr.) Lectures by professional staff and invited guests in the health care field.
- SHRS-N 550 Human Nutritional Pathophysiology I (3 cr.) P: B500, F503 or BIOL 557, or consent of instructor. An integrated study of the biochemical and physiological aspects of human macronutrient metabolism, with special reference to fundamental nutrition issues including determination of nutrient quality, nutrient interrelationships, and energy balance in the normal human adult and in common clinical problems.
- SHRS-N 552 Human Nutritional Pathophysiology II (3 cr.) P: N550 or consent of instructor. A continuation of N550. An integrated study of the biochemical and physiological aspects of human fluid and micronutrient metabolism with special reference to nutritional pathophysiology involving fluid and micronutrient metabolism.
- SHRS-N 560 Review of Nutrition Standards (3 cr.) Review of various nutrition standards, including those of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the World Health Organization. Course includes a review of all cited literature for one of the nutrients listed in the Recommended Dietary Allowances.
- SHRS-N 563 Research Methods in Nutrition and Dietetics (3 cr.) P: dietetic internship. Study of research methodology utilized in dietetics. Course includes critique of literature and preparation of research proposal.
- SHRS-N 567 Management Issues in Dietetics (1 cr.) P: dietetic internship. Advanced study in institutional and hospital dietetic management, including personnel, financial, operational, and regulatory issues.
- SHRS-N 570 Pediatric Nutrition I (3 cr.) P: B500, BIOL 557, undergraduate metabolic nutrition course, or consent of instructor. An application of principles of physiology, biochemistry, and nutrition to the specialized nutrient needs and nutritional care of healthy infants, children, and adolescents and those with the most common pediatric conditions, illnesses, or disorders of broad nutritional significance.
- SHRS-N 572 Advanced Pediatric Nutrition (3 cr.) P: N550, N570, or consent of instructor. An application of principles of physiology, biochemistry, and nutrition to the specialized nutrient needs and nutritional care of infants, both preterm and term, and patients with complex pediatric conditions/illnesses that have a significant nutritional component.
- SHRS-N 574 Nutrition Management of High Risk Neonates and Infants (3 cr.) P: N550, N572, or consent of instructor. An application of physiology, biochemistry, and nutrition to the specialized nutrient needs and nutritional care of neonates, both preterm and term, who require intensive care. Discussions will include nutrition management issues related to the infant during hospitalization, at discharge and in the home environment.
- SHRS-N 576 Leadership Development in Pediatric Nutrition (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. This course is an entry-level leadership development series of experiential learning activities, including a leadership development project for post-graduate health care professionals and fellows.
- SHRS-N 590 Dietetic Internship (4-10 cr.) P: dietetic internship. Supervised clinical experience in clinical and community nutrition and food service systems management. Course meets the requirements of the American Dietetic Association for the postbaccalaureate experience needed for dietetic registration. Previous admission into dietetic internship required. May be taken for a maximum of 22 credit hours. Not applicable to a graduate degree program.
- SHRS-N 591 Seminar in Nutrition and Dietetics (1 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Exploration of various topics and issues in nutrition. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.
- SHRS-N 593 Topics in Nutrition (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Exploration of a selected topic in nutrition at an advanced level. May be repeated once for credit if topics differ.
- SHRS-N 595 Readings in Nutrition (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Individualized readings on topics not covered in regular course offerings.
- SHRS-N 596 Clinical Dietetics (arr. cr.) Clinical study in specialized areas of dietetics. May be taken more than once with the consent of the department for a maximum of 15 credit hours.
- SHRS-N 598 Research in Dietetics (arr. cr.) Original research as approved by the department.
Occupational Therapy
- SHRS-T 525 Reflective Seminar I (1 cr.) Course will facilitate the synthesis of research, reflect the curriculum themes and outcomes, and support the plan of scholarly contribution.
- SHRS-T 542 Occupations of Infants and Children (5 cr.) Course will focus on the development, support, and disruption of performance in areas of occupation of infants and children utilizing the occupational therapy process to evaluate and intervene. Laboratory and fieldwork components will emphasize individual engagement in occupations within various social and cultural contexts.
- SHRS-T 552 Occupations of Adolescents and Young Adults (5 cr.) Course will focus on the development, wellness, and disruption of performance in areas of occupation of adolescents and young adults utilizing the occupational therapy process to evaluate and intervene. Laboratory and fieldwork components will emphasize individual engagement in occupations within various social and cultural contexts.
- SHRS-T 553 Topics in Occupational Therapy (1-5 cr.)
- SHRS-T 557 Group Process in Occupational Therapy (2 cr.) Principles and concepts of group process related to occupational therapy practice.
- SHRS-T 558 Occupational Therapy Management in Today’s Health and Community Systems (3 cr.) A study of the occupational therapist’s role in the management of service delivery in both health and community systems. Managed care, managerial functions, professionalism, ethics, and various laws are emphasized.
- SHRS-T 560 Introduction to Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (3 cr.) Examination of the use of occupation as a therapeutic tool through the study of occupation, occupational science, activity analysis, and therapeutic use of self.
- SHRS-T 561 Theoretical Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3 cr.) Conceptualization and synthesis of existing models, frames of reference, paradigms, and theories of occupational therapy for practice.
- SHRS-T 567 Research and Occupational Therapy (3 cr.) Course is designed to prepare the student to participate in research, emphasizing the use of technology.
- SHRS-T 568 Evidence-Based Research in Occupational Therapy (3 cr.) Prepares the student to evaluate occupational therapy practice and assure that it is increasingly evidence-based by examining the design and implementation of beginning-level research studies, developing the basic skills necessary for the publication and presentation of research projects, and developing a basic understanding of the process of securing grants.
- SHRS-T 571 Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapist (3 cr.) Course introduces the occupational therapy graduate student to the principles of human movement including biomechanical analysis, joint structure and function, muscle physiology, and musculoskeletal function for occupational performance.
- SHRS-T 572 Pathophysiology: Impact of Conditions on Occupations (3 cr.) Identification and study of major medical and psychiatric conditions including clinical description, etiology and pathology, medical/surgical treatment, rehabilitation, and prognosis. Treatment team approach and legal issues will be presented. Labs will emphasize occupational impact of medical/psychiatric conditions.
- SHRS-T 575 Applied Neuroscience for the Occupational Therapist (4 cr.) Course will build upon the student’s understanding of anatomy. Using the resources of the course, students will master the vocabulary, comprehend foundational concepts, and apply this information through case studies.
- SHRS-T 580 Graduate Electives (3 cr.) One graduate elective is required. OT students who choose to do a thesis are not required to take an elective. Students will be encouraged to take an elective that complements their area of interest. During the second semester of their second year, an additional elective could be taken, after planning with their faculty advisor.
- SHRS-T 625 Reflective Seminar II (1 cr.) Course will facilitate the synthesis of research, reflect the curriculum themes and outcomes, and continue to support the plan of scholarly contribution.
- SHRS-T 643 Occupations of Adults and Older Adults (5 cr.) Course will focus on the disruption of performance in areas of occupation of adults and older adults utilizing the occupational therapy process to evaluate and intervene. Laboratory and fieldwork components will emphasize individual engagement in occupations within various social and cultural contexts.
- SHRS-T 655 Technologies in Occupational Therapy (3 cr.) This lecture and laboratory course introduces the concepts of positioning, environmental adaptations, orthotics, prosthetics, computer uses and technologies, assistive devices, and adaptive equipment. Low technology will be the focus; some expansion to high technology will also be discussed.
- SHRS-T 657 Psychosocial Dimensions of Therapeutic Relationships and Occupations (2 cr.) Understanding and application of therapeutic use of selfin establishing and maintaining client therapist in using a helping model and therapeutic dialogue.
- SHRS-T 658 Professional Trends and Issues in Occupational Therapy (2 cr.) P: W510. Course involves student research, discussion and demon-stration of knowledge, emphasizing reimbursement, system delivery, service models, clinical education, credentialing, and other current issues in OT. Several class topics will be students’ choice.
- SHRS-T 662 Occupations of Adults and Older Adults (5 cr.) This course will focus on the disruption of performance in areas of occupation of adults and older adults utilizing the occupational therapy process to evaluate and intervene. Laboratory and fieldwork components will emphasize individual engagement in occupations within various social and cultural contexts.
- SHRS-T 667 Nonthesis OT Project (3 cr.) Course prepares the student to design and implement a beginning research study.
- SHRS-T 668 Nonthesis OT Project Completion (2 cr.) Course is designed to allow the student to complete the research study project.
- SHRS-T 695 Fieldwork Level II-A: Infants & Children (5 cr.) P: successful completion of Semesters I and II professional courses. An eight-week fieldwork experience in an infant and child area of practice with pediatric occupational therapy services.
- SHRS-T 696 Fieldwork Level II-B: Adolescents & Young Adults (5 cr.) P: successful completion of Semesters I and II professional courses. An eight-week fieldwork experience in an adolescent and young adult area of practice with occupational therapy services.
- SHRS-T 697 Fieldwork Level II-C: Adults & Older Adults (5 cr.) P: successful completion of Semesters I, II, III, and IV professional courses. An eight-week fieldwork experience in an adult and older adult area of practice with occupational therapy services.
- SHRS-T 698 Fieldwork Level II-D: Specialty (optional) (3-5 cr.) P: successful completion of T695, T696, and T697. Four- to eight-week optional experience providing OT students an opportunity to select a specialized practice area.
- SHRS-T 701 OT Thesis (6 cr.) Proposal development leading to thesis as directed by the chair of the thesis committee.
- SHRS-T 702 OT Thesis Completion (2 cr.) Research leading to thesis as directed by the chair of the thesis committee.
Physical Therapy
- SHRS-P 510 Integrated Clinical Education I (1 cr.) The initial part-time weekly clinical laboratory experience which provides student exposure to clinical physical therapy practice in various patient care settings.
- SHRS-P 511 Framework for Clinical Decision Making and Professionalism (2 cr.) An overview of the profession of physical therapy and the professional education process. Includes the role of physical therapy in contemporary health care delivery, the disablement model, and an introduction to the APTA Guide to Practice as components of the clinical reasoning process.
- SHRS-P 513 Functional Anatomy and Clinical Biomechanics (4 cr.) Integration of foundational knowledge of gross anatomy with structure and function of the neuromusculoskeletal system and human motion. Includes the study of the concepts of biomechanics, and joint structure and function as they apply to physical therapy interventions.
- SHRS-P 514 Evidence-Based Critical Inquiry I (2 cr.) Introduction to clinical research methodology and critical interpretation of the professional literature.
- SHRS-P 515 Physical Therapy Examination & Interventions I (6 cr.) First of two courses covering examination, evaluation, and intervention aspects of physical therapy practice. Emphasis is on history taking, systems review, functional examination and intervention, and documentation.
- SHRS-P 520 Clinical Integration II (1 cr.) The second part-time weekly clinical laboratory experience which provides student exposure to clinical physical therapy practice in various patient care settings.
- SHRS-P 524 Cardiopulmonary Practice Patterns (3 cr.) Provides the essential knowledge base for development of exercise prescriptions for well populations and for physical therapy interventions for patients with cardiopulmonary pathologies or dysfunctions.
- SHRS-P 526 Physical Therapy Examination & Interventions II (5 cr.) The second of two courses covering examination, evaluation, and interventional aspects of physical therapy practice. Regional application is emphasized along with corresponding documentation.
- SHRS-P 531 Clinical Pathophysiology I (4 cr.) This two part course is designed to provide students with knowledge in normal and abnormal physiology, including an understanding of how cells, tissue, organs and organ systems work together. The first semester includes modules on how cell physiology, metabolism, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, and endocrine systems.
- SHRS-P 532 Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy (2 cr.) Includes essential information related to ethical, legal, and professional practice regulations and standards of care. Interpersonal communication skills for the healthcare environment are also presented.
- SHRS-P 533 Lifespan Motor Control and Motor Development (2 cr.) Overview of human neuromusculoskeletal development across the lifespan.
- SHRS-P 534 Introduction to Motor Sciences (2 cr.) Principles and concepts of motor learning and motor control for the development of physical therapy interventions.
- SHRS-P 535 Clinical Pathophysiology II (4 cr.) This course is a continuation of Clinical Pathophysiology I. Course content will focus on normal and abnormal physiology pertaining to information on the following modules: renal, gastrophysiology, oncology, hematology, endocrine and metabolic bone diseases.
- SHRS-P 541 Musculoskeletal Practice Patterns I (4 cr.) Physical therapy management of patients with impaired posture, joint mobility, motor function, and muscle performance. Integrates previous course work involving evaluation and interventions.
- SHRS-P 570 Pharmacology for Physical Therapists (3 cr.) Survey of contemporary pharmacology including pharmacokinetic principles with special emphasis on the relation of drug therapy to therapeutic interventions provided by physical therapists.
- SHRS-P 599 Clinical Education I (3 cr.) Initial full-time clinical experience lasting six weeks. This course will serve as the introduction to clinical integration of physical therapy knowledge and skills. Students will be assigned to specific sites.
- SHRS-P 622 Musculoskeletal Practice Patterns II (4 cr.) Physical therapy management of patients with impaired joint mobility, motor function, and muscle performance associated with spinal dysfunction, connective tissue disorders, trauma, and surgical procedures.
- SHRS-P 641 Neurorehabilitation I (4 cr.) Physical therapy management of stroke, spinal cord, and brain injury.
- SHRS-P 642 Neurorehabilitation II (4 cr.) Physical therapy management of individuals with movement disorders, balance/vestibular problems, cerebral palsy, and genetic disorders.
- SHRS-P 643 Psychosocial Dimensions of Physical Therapy Practice (2 cr.) Social, psychological, and behavioral components of patient-therapist interactions are illustrated, including grief, loss, motivation, social support, and cultural influences among diverse patient populations.
- SHRS-P 645 Evidence-Based Critical Inquiry II (2 cr.) Development, approval, and generation of the proposal for the review of the literature related to a specific topic in patient outcomes assessment or other approved area.
- SHRS-P 646 Introduction into Therapeutic Interventions (4 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the theory and application of therapeutic interventions utilized in physical therapist practice. Interventions include: (1) therapeutic exercise testing and prescritption; (2) thermal, acoustic, mechanical, and electrotherapeutic physical agents; and (3) basic concepts of soft tissue massage.
- SHRS-P 650 Integumentary Practice Patterns (2 cr.) The physical therapy management of the integumentary system with special emphasis on physical therapy interventions for burns and various types of wounds.
- SHRS-P 660 Selected Topics in Physical Therapy Practice (3 cr.) Introduction to emerging physical therapy practice patterns in such areas as women’s health, occupational health, chronic metabolic and immunologic diseases, and cognitive and emotional disorders.
- SHRS-P 661 Prosthetic and Orthotic Interventions (2 cr.) Includes both theory and application of orthotic and prosthetic devices and equipment utilized in physical therapy interventions.
- SHRS-P 664 Administration and Management of Physical Therapy Services (3 cr.) The administration and management of physical therapy services in the context of multiple types of healthcare systems.
- SHRS-P 675 Capstone Seminar (1 cr.) Capstone seminar experience integrating classroom and clinical learning. Presentations mentored by clinical and academic faculty will be required.
- SHRS-P 680 Health Promotion and Community Outreach (2 cr.) Essential concepts related to the roles of physical therapists in prevention and in the promotion of health, wellness, and fitness. Course includes application of concepts through service component in selected community agencies.
- SHRS-P 685 Independent Study (1-3 cr.) This course offers students an opportunity to learn from faculty activities by participating in research or teaching labs in an area of interest. The educational objectives and assignments are customized by faculty according to the intent of the learning activity.
- SHRS-P 689 Clincal Elective (1-3 cr.) Clinical education experience in a student-requested content area which provides students the opportunity to apply theory and skills in physical therapy examination and intervention with patients in a specialized physical therapy clinical practice area.
- SHRS-P 695 Clinical Education II (3 cr.) Full-time clinical experience of 6 weeks duration, which provides students the opportunity to apply theory and skills in physical therapy interventions with specific patient populations.
- SHRS-P 696 Clinical Education III (5 cr.) Full-time clinical experience of 12 weeks duration, which provides students the opportunity to apply theory and skills in physical therapy interventions with specific patient populations.
- SHRS-P 697 Clinical Education IV (4 cr.) Full-time clinical experience of 6 weeks duration, which provides students the opportunity to apply theory and skills in physical therapy interventions with specific patient populations.
Rehabilitation and Disabilities Studies Certificate
- HIA-M 330 Medical Terminology (or equivalent) (2 cr.) Understanding and use of the language of medicine including build, analyze, define, pronounce, and spell diagnostic terms that relate to the structure of the body systems. [vocabulary standards]
- SHRS-W 320 Survey of Adaptive Rehabilitation Technology (3 cr.) Assisting students in the knowledge/awareness of available high-tech/low-tech equipment, or product systems that are used in rehabilitation settings to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the application of clinically-based strategies for determining an individual's need for and acceptance of adaptive technology to improve functional outcomes.
- SHRS-W 330 Approaches to Rehabilitation Case Management (3 cr.) Exploring the historical perspective, technological and humanitarian advances, and major issues in the rehabilitation administrative environment; discussing and analyzing the legislative mandates relative to their effects on shaping the administrative environment in rehabilitation; acquiring knowledge of the process and significance of administrative competency in delivering services to rehabilitation consumers.
- SHRS-W 340 Psychological Aspects of Disability (3 cr.) P: Medical Terminology Course or equivalent. Students will review medical terminology and gain an understanding of major disabling conditions, the psychological and vocational aspect of adjustment to disability and chronic long term illness, and examine psychological and social theories related to disability and chronic illness and Code of Ethics.
- SHRS-W 420 Proposal Writing for Community-Based Rehabilitation Programs (3 cr.) An interactive educational opportunity to develop skills related to fund development in a community rehabilitation setting, providing an overview of the grant development process. Students will research local and national funding sources and learn about traditional and non-traditional sources to develop and maintain community-based rehabilitation programs. Includes guest speakers.
- SHRS-W 430 Practicum in Rehabilitation and Disability (3 cr.) Designed to give students direct work experience in various private and public sector rehabilitation agencies, this experiential component allows the student an opportunity to apply his/her newly acquired normative and cognitive skills and knowledge in an actual work setting.
- SHRS-W 440 Medical Aspects of Disabilities (3 cr.) The primary emphasis of this survey course is on medically determined aspects of disabling impairments and disabilities. Students will learn the functional limitations associated with major disabling conditions particularly as they relate to the delivery of rehabilitation services. Current trends and methodologies involved in rehabilitation processes will be covered.