Health Sciences
- SHRS-W 510 Trends and Issues in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) A seminar course to review pertinent literature and other sources of information as a basis for discussing trends and issues affecting the therapeutic professions and the health care delivery system.
- SHRS-W 520 Evidence-Based Critical Inquiry in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) Fundamentals of research methodology, design, techniques, and procedures applicable to research problems in the allied health disciplines. Introduction to computer data analysis.
- SHRS-W 540 Patient-Reported Outcomes and Economic Evaluation (3 cr.) Explorations of selected patient-centered outcomes assessment methodology and its use in economic evaluation.
- SHRS-W 550 Health and Rehabilitation Systems Across the World (3 cr.) This course presents issues in global health and rehabilitation delivery systems form the viewpoint of many different disciplines with an emphasis on economically less developed countries.
- SHRS-W 570 Research Communication in the Health Sciences (3 cr.) Focuses on the conceptualization and writing of the thesis or practicum proposal.
- SHRS-W 594 Administration of Health Sciences Education (3 cr.) Principles of effective organization, supervision and administration of educational programs in the health sciences.
- SHRS-W 599 Thesis in Health Sciences (3 cr.) Thesis in Health Sciences. Can be repeated. Focuses on the data collection, analysis and writing of the thesis.
- SHRS-W 600 Project in Health Sciences (3 cr.) Individual investigation in the form of an organized scientific contribution or a comprehensive analysis in a specified area related to the health sciences.
- SHRS-W 625 Diversity Issues in Health and Rehabilitation Services (3 cr.) This course is designed to prepare students to formulate strategies to address the interrelationship of race, gender, culture, and ethnicity and how they affect access and use of health and rehabilitation services.
- SHRS-W 640 Medical Aspects of Disability (3 cr.) The primary emphasis of this survey course is on medically determined aspects of disabling impairments and disabilities. Students will learn the functional limitations associated with major disabling conditions particularly as they relate to the delivery of rehabilitation services.
- SHRS-W 660 Rehabilitation Theories and Applications (3 cr.) This course explores the theories common to all rehabilitation therapies and forms a foundation for rehabilitation sciences. Included are theories specific to rehabilitation and adaptation to disease, disability and injury; attachment, adaptation and resiliency; cognition; motor learning; empowerment; loss and grief; psych-immunology; and the societal response to stigmatized groups. These theories are applied to rehabilitation practice and research design across the life span to include habilitation to congenital disorders.
- SHRS-W 661 Theories of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (3 cr.) This course focuses on the role of health behaviors such as eating nutritious foods, exercising, and avoiding unhealthy habits (i.e.: smoking) in health promotion and disease prevention. A principle concentration will be on health promotion within disabling conditions.
- SHRS-W 662 Health and Rehabilitation Systems Delivery (3 cr.) This course analyses emerging trends in health care systems and delivery associated with rehabilitation. Areas to be covered include organizational infrastructures, finance, public policy, and implications for disparate patient populations.
- SHRS-W 667 Ethical Issues in Health and Rehabilitation Services (3 cr.) This course is designed to explore contemporary ethical issues and concerns related to the delivery, organization, and management of rehabilitation services. It is structured to present theories of ethical practice related to rehabilitation care delivery and to address the practical applications of ethical principles to the delivery of rehabilitation services and client-provider relationships. It will be provided in a distance format.
- SHRS-W 670 Research Practicum in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3-6 cr.) Instructional orientation to research arranged by student and approved by student's Advisory or Research Committee. This course may be repeated twice, total of 12 hours.
- SHRS-W 672 Teaching Practicum in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) Instruction in teaching theories and methodologies to include teaching a unit of instruction in the student's concentration area. This course may be taken more than once. NOTE: Any student who has a major interest in teaching is advised to incorporate other instructional teaching methodology courses into his/her plan of study
- SHRS-W 680 Independent Study in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (1-4 cr.) A course for students interested in specific interdisciplinary topics in health and rehabilitation sciences. This course may be repeated twice, total of 12 hours.
- SHRS-W 690 Dissertation Proposal in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) The student will submit a written proposal for original scholarly work that makes a significant contribution to research in the field of health and rehabilitation sciences. The proposal will include a comprehensive introduction to the topic, relevant literature review and an indication of the methodology to be used for the student's dissertation. The proposal must be formally presented and approved by the student's Research Committee before the student can enroll in SHRS W692. This course can be taken more than once.
- SHRS-W 692 Dissertation in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (3 cr.) An original scholarly manuscript that makes a significant contribution to research in the field of health and rehabilitation sciences. Topic will be selected by the student and his/her Research Committee. The student must present the dissertation at a formal meeting with his Advisory Committee.
- SHRS-W 799 Master’s Thesis Continuation (1 cr.) Used as continuation credits for completing the master's thesis in a format acceptable to the student's advisory committee, leading to successful defense of the final product. May be repeated for credit.