Academic Policies & Procedures

Program Planning & Counseling Guidelines

The Student's Responsibility

Students are responsible for planning their programs and meeting all graduation requirements. Students should be thoroughly familiar with all sections in this bulletin regarding admission, degree requirements, major requirements, course requirements, academic regulations, and academic standing. Students are also responsible for policy information and meeting all deadlines as published in the Schedule of Classes and for keeping their local and permanent addresses up to date with the Office of the Registrar. Faculty advisors, academic counselors, and the recorder can assist students in planning their programs and explain requirements and policies. Students also have access to the computerized degree-audit system in the advising section of OneStart.

Deborah Perkins, Director Student Services, IT 569

(317) 278-5328, e-mail: dperkins [at] iupui [dot] edu

Journalism majors are required to meet with their advisor prior to each registration. For this purpose, the school administers an advising process each semester.

Advising for registration in fall courses usually occurs in March and for registration in spring courses in October. In these advising conferences students should, as a minimum objective, make certain that they understand the requirements for successful completion of the area requirements and that they have made an appropriate plan for the coming semester.

Access to Journalism Courses at Indianapolis

All journalism courses are open to nonmajors. Nonmajors should have completed appropriate prerequisites for advanced courses or have obtained permission from the instructor.