
Health and Physical Education

  • HPER-C 366 Community Health (3 cr.) Introduction to community health within the public health context. Students will develop an understanding of historical and theoretical foundations of community health and major societal health concerns, explore community health models and programs used to address these concerns, and examine racial/ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic and related determinants of community health.
  • TCEM-FN 30300 Essentials of Nutrition (3 cr.) Basic nutrition and it's application in meeting nutritional needs of all ages. Consideration is given to food selection, legislation, and community nutrition education programs.
  • TCEM-FN 31300 PRIN OF HLTHY MENU PLG & FD PR (- cr.) Basic nutrition as applied to food intake patterns and modifications/preparation of recipes to provide a more healthful diet.
  • TCEM-FN  315 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3 cr.) P: CHEM C101 or BIOL N217 or consent of instructor.t of instructor Basic principles of nutrition and their application in meeting nutritional needs during the life cycle.
  • HPER-H 160 First Aid and Emergency Care (3 cr.) Lecture and demonstration of first-aid measures for wounds, hemorrhage, burns, exposure, sprains, dislocations, fractures, unconscious conditions, suffocation, drowning, and poisons, with skill training in all procedures.
  • HPER-H 263 Personal Health (3 cr.) This survey course provides a theoretical and practical treatment of the concepts of disease prevention and health promotion. Covers such topics as emotional health; aging and death; alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse; physical fitness; nutrition and dieting; consumer health; chronic and communicable diseases; safety; and environmental health.
Military Science
  • MIL-G 102 Foundations in Leadership (1 cr.)

    G102 Foundations in Leadership (1 cr.) This course provides an overview of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills. Cadets explore dimenstions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are optional, but available to those looking for more out of their college experience.

  • MIL-G 201 Innovative Tactical Leadership (2 cr.) G201 Innovative Tactical Leadership (2 cr.) This course explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by studying historical case studies and engaging in interactive student exercise. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing and assessing team exercises. Leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a week-end field training exercise are optional, but available to those looking for more out of their college experience.
  • MIL-G 202 Leadership in Changing Environments (2 cr.) G202 Leadership in Changing Environments  (2 cr.) This course examines the challenges of leading in complex contemporary operational environments. Dimensions of the cross-cultural challenges of leadership in a constantly changing world are highlighted and applied to practical Army leadership tasks and situations. Leadership labs, physical training sessions, and a weekend field training exercise are optional, but available to those looking for more out of their college experience.
Physical Education
  • HPER-E 135 Golf (1 cr.) Beginning instruction in techniques for putting, chipping, pitching, iron swing, and wood stroke. Course includes rules and etiquette of golf. Students play on par-3 courses. Fee charged.
  • HPER-E 190 Yoga (1 cr.) Introduction to the basic principles and techniques of yoga.
  • HPER-H 160 First Aid and Emergency Care (3 cr.) Lecture and demonstration of first-aid measures for wounds, hemorrhage, burns, exposure, sprains, dislocations, fractures, unconscious conditions, suffocation, drowning, and poisons, with skill training in all procedures.
  • HPER-P 290 Movement Experiences for Preschool and Elementary School Children (2 cr.) Covers potential outcomes of preschool and elementary school motor development programs, how to implement such programs, and appropriate movement experiences for young children.
  • HPER-R 324 Recreational Sports Programming (3 cr.) Lecture and demonstration of first-aid measures for wounds, hemorrhage, burns, exposure, sprains, dislocations, fractures, unconscious conditions, suffocation, drowning, and poisons, with skill training in all procedures.