
Engineering and Technology

Electrical Engineering
  • ECE 20400 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits (4 cr.) P: Physics 25100. Class 3. Lab 1. Students will learn basics of electrical and electronic circuits including introduction to analog and digital electronic circuits. Measurement of electrical signals using meters, probes, and oscilloscopes are covered in the laboratory component of the course. Circuits are designed for minimum hardware with emphasis on understanding analog and digital electronics with practical use of digital and analog microchips. Non-ECE majors who complete this course can continue the digital course sequence offered by the ECE department including microprocessor systems and interfacing, and digital signal processing. No credit will be given for ECE majors.
Mechanical Engineering
  • ENGR 19500 FIRST-YEAR ENGINEERNG PROJECTS (3 cr.) Selected topics in general or interdisciplinary engineering.
  • ENGR 19600 Introduction to Engineering (3 cr.) Class 2, Lab 2. C: MATH 15400 or 15900 or equivalent. An overview of the engineering profession and methodologies of engineering design. Students develop skills using computer-aided design and simulation software for engineering systems. Projects and homework are implemented and tested in a laboratory environment. The course also introduces the students to standard computer application software and university network and software resources.
  • ENGR 19700 Introduction to Programming Concepts (3 cr.) C: MATH 16500. Class1, Lab 2. Basic concepts and applications of software programming for solving engineering problems. Topics include techniques for developing structured algorithms, data input and output, conditional statements, loops, recursion, functions, arrays, and elementary concepts in mathematical programming. Examples, homework, and applications of programming concepts make extensive use of the C programming language.
  • ENGR 29700 COMPUTER TOOLS FOR ENGINEERING (- cr.) C: MATH 16500. Class 1. Introduction to the use of Matlab for solving engineering problems. Topics include computational methods, data input and output, plotting and curvefittting, functions, conditional statements, loops, and introduction to Matlab toolboxes.
  • ME 20000 Thermodynamics I (3 cr.) Class 3. P: PHYS 15200. P or C: MATH 26100. First and second laws, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, properties of pure substances. Application to engineering problems.
  • ME 26200 MECHANICAL DESIGN I (3 cr.) The basic concepts of mechanical design are introduced with emphasis on use of computer-aided design techniques. Applications are chosen from the area of linkage and mechanism design. Lab involves implementation of computer techniques in solving mechanical design problems.
  • ME 27000 BASIC MECHANICS 1 (3 cr.) Fundamental concepts of mechanics, force systems and couples, free body diagrams, and equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Distributed forces; centroids and centers of gravity of lines, areas, and volumes. Second moment of area, volumes, and masses. Principal axes and principal moments of inertia. Friction and the laws of dry friction. Application to structures and machine elements, such as bars, beams, trusses, and friction devices.
  • ME 27200 Mechanics of Materials (4 cr.) Class 3, Lab 2. P: ME 27000. Analysis of stress and strain; equations of equilibrium and compatibility; stress/strain laws; extension, torsion, and bending of bars; membrane theory of pressure vessels; elastic stability; selected topics. Experiments include testing of mechanical properties and failure analysis.
  • ME 27400 BASIC MECHANICS 2 (3 cr.) Kinematics of particles in rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Kinetics of particles, Newton's second law, energy, and momentum methods. Systems of particles, kinematics and plane motion of rigid bodies, forces and accelerations, energy and momentum methods. Kinetics, equations of motions, energy and momentum methods for rigid bodies in three-dimensional motion. Application to projectiles, gyroscopes, machine elements, and other engineering systems.
  • ME 31000 Fluid Mechanics (4 cr.) Class 3, Lab 2. P: ME 20000 and MATH 26600. P or C: ME 27400. Continua, velocity fields, fluid statics, basic conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis. Euler and Bernoulli equations, viscous flows, boundary layers, flows in channels and around submerged bodies, and one-dimensional gas dynamics.
  • ME 31400 Heat and Mass Transfer (4 cr.) Class 3, Lab 2. P: ME 31000. Fundamental principles of heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation; mass transfer by diffusion and convection. Application to engineering situations.
  • ME 33000 Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems (3 cr.) Class 3. P: ECE 20400 and MATH 26200 P or C:34000.Introduction to dynamic engineering systems; electrical, mechanical, fluid, and thermal components; linear system response; Fourier series and Laplace transform.
  • ME 34000 Dynamic Systems and Measurements (3 cr.) Class 2, Lab 2. P or C: ME 33000 and STAT Elective. Modeling and formulation of differential equations for dynamic systems, including mechanical vibratory systems, thermal systems, fluid systems, electrical systems, and instrumentation systems. Analysis of dynamic systems and measuring devices including transient response and frequency response techniques, mechanical systems, transducers, and operational amplifiers. Consideration of readout devices and their responses to constant, transient, and steady-state sinusoidal phenomena. Calibration and data analysis techniques are introduced. Both analog and digital computation are included.
  • ME 34400 Introduction to Engineering Materials (3 cr.) Class 3. P: Junior standing in engineering. Introduction to the structure and properties of engineering materials, including metals, alloys, ceramics, plastics, and composites. Characteristics and processing affecting behavior of materials in service.
  • ME 37200 Mechanical Design II (4 cr.) Class 3, Lab 2. P: ME 26200, 27200, and 27400. Type and dimensional synthesis of mechanisms. Vector loop approach. Numerical methods and graphical techniques. Computer-aided design techniques. Cams and gears. Static and dynamic balancing. Strength design for mechanisms and robotics. Reliability principles.
  • ME 40100 Engineering Ethics and Professionalism (1 cr.) Class 1. P: Senior standing. Some ethical, social, political, legal, and ecological issues that a practicing engineer may encounter. Students may not receive credit for both ECE 40100 and ME 40100.
  • ME 40500 Seminar &Fundamentals of Engineering Review (1 cr.) Class 1. P: ME 34400, 37200, and Senior Standing. P or C: ME 48200. A seminar series on mechanical engineering career options and guidance, professional development and licensing, and preparation for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination.
  • ME 41400 Thermal-Fluid Systems Design (3 cr.) Class 3. P: ME 26200 and STAT Elective. P or C: ME 31400. Application of basic heat transfer and fluid flow concepts to design of the thermal-fluid systems. Emphasis on design theory and methodology. Design experience in thermal-fluid areas such as piping systems, heat exchangers, HVAC, and energy systems. Design projects are selected from industrial applications and conducted by teams.
  • ME 46200 Capstone Design (4 cr.) Class 3. P: ME 34400 and 37200. P or C: ME 40500, 41400 and 48200. Concurrent engineering design concept is introduced. Application of the design is emphasized. Design problems from all areas of mechanical engineering are considered.
  • ME 48200 Control System Analysis and Design (3 cr.) Class 3. P: ME 34000 or equivalent. Classical feedback concepts, root locus, Bode and Nyquist techniques, state-space formulation, stability, design applications. Students may not receive credit for both 48200 and ECE 38200.
  • TECH 19900 SPECIAL TOPICS IN TECHNOLOGY (1-3 cr.) C: MATH 16500. Special topics in Technology; subject matter to be arranged.